Mariahs Mom - I measured behind 2 weeks for quite a while with my son and had a growth scan and they estimated him around 6.5 pounds at 38 weeks and 8.5/9 pounds full term. He was 7 pounds 11oz at 41 weeks so not particularly big or small really. They are keeping an eye on it and if it keeps falling behind I will be sent for a growth scan like last time. I might get sent for a scan anyway to check her position. I wouldn't mind seeing her again though lol.
My baby shower was meant to be Sunday 13th but there was an event in our town and the roads were closed so I rearranged it for the 27th. Wondered if it might be cutting it fine but as I went overdue last time I'm not too worried as I'll be 35+4.
Bet you can't wait for your baby shower. They are so lovely and it's nice to have everyone together.
They don't routinly test for Strep B here and I think that's insane! One of my close friends lost her baby at a day old due to undiagnosed Strep B. If she'd had the test and been on the antibiotics he would have been fine. Last time I asked for it and they gave me the test and I'll ask for it again and if they refuse I'll pay for it to be done privatley.
I have everything crossed she stays in there for you till 37 weeks.
Measuring a week ahead is a good thing means she's growing well in there
I've packed my bags as well

just incase!!