Moving on in the journey from ttc

DH and I both feel like we're certain about being done but I keep saying things like "if we do have a third" and that always makes him nervous! LoL! But we had agreed to wait a year to make any permanent decisions. For him it is just a formality, but for me, I do want to seriously think it over. I used to always want 3 or even 4 kids so it's a big decision to stop at 2.
I always liked the idea of a big family but to be honest we don't have the space or the money it would mean
-Bigger house needed
-Bigger car needed

I'd struggle for childcare because at the moment my mum will watch the 2 of them for the three days I work...I couldn't afford childcare for 3 and I'd feel bad expecting her to have 3 young children

Also we aren't poor but we aren't well off either we are just comfortable enough. I've always said I'd rather give 2 as an amazing life as possible than struggle and scrimp and save with three

These are just my reasons it's taken a LOT of of the biggest reasons is being scared of another loss and I'm also rubbish at pregnancy I really suffer and i don't enjoy pregnancy for worrying so much lol

We won't make any permanent decisions for a while though as I'm only 24 and DH is 26 so theres a while to change our minds
Hey all, sorry for crossposting for those who are following more than one thread. To make a long story short, I got good news today!! I am not having a miscarriage after all. The doctor was wrong. I am so glad I waited and didn't take the advice of the doctor to end the pregnancy because there was a baby with a beating heart on the screen!!
Hey ladies,

Oh man I am dreading the no more newborn stuff too. We are going to use NFP for a year after this one is born, then NTNP after that.'s possible we'll have another. I've gotten pregnant easily before. BUT after experiencing secondary infertility, who knows. So I don't know if I should be grieving not having these experiences ever again or not. But there's a good chance I never will feel these kicks again or have another newborn of my own.

I posted on fb but I'm still just so happy MamaT <3
We are 99% sure we are done. This journey to baby number 2 has been so tough. I don't think either of us could go through it again. Plus in all honesty I think 2 is just right. Hubby already has 2 older children so we have 4 every time they come to stay.

Mama I said on FB but I'll say it again. So so so happy for you!!! How far along?
I'm like you Brunette. 99% sure but who knows for sure what the future holds.

SO Happy for you Mama :) best news ever xx
We are 99% sure we are done. This journey to baby number 2 has been so tough. I don't think either of us could go through it again. Plus in all honesty I think 2 is just right. Hubby already has 2 older children so we have 4 every time they come to stay.

Mama I said on FB but I'll say it again. So so so happy for you!!! How far along?

8 weeks or so
Hey all, sorry for crossposting for those who are following more than one thread. To make a long story short, I got good news today!! I am not having a miscarriage after all. The doctor was wrong. I am so glad I waited and didn't take the advice of the doctor to end the pregnancy because there was a baby with a beating heart on the screen!!

Sorry to jump in on your thread here girls but just spotted this great update!! Yay mamatex! So happy for you!! Come back to March mallows,we miiiiisssss yooooooo!! :hugs:
Hey ladies I know I've been M.I.A but so much has been going on. Sooooooooooo, here it goes lol.

My baby shower was last weekend and it was AMAZINGGGG!!!!! We had a big turn out; 80 ppl attended. The weather was perfect and truly one of the best days of my life...On the other hand I had to get rid of one my "best friends". She completely back stabbed me by lying abt her availability and persuading another friend (who came from out of town) to ditch me and hang out with her. UGH I'm so over it and I'm too old to deal with such trivial people.

In the midst of it all, DH went to the doctor because he's had this growth for the past 2mths. Turns out he may have cancer :( The completely caught me off guard. He's just taking it on day at a time until we find out either way. Also, his new job will only let him off for the day of the birth; nothing more nothing less. Plus, with his health issues idk if they will be accommodating of the time off he will need off.

On a lighter note, I had my 33wk checkup/ultrasound today and it was a wonderful appt. The doctor says the baby is measuring dead on and weighing 5 or 6lbs. We were also able to see her hair as well :). The only thing is that she is breech. That wouldn't worry me if I was having a normal pregnancy but since I'm high risk and could delivery any day, I'm hoping she turns soon. Especially because I thought I was in labor last night. I laid down for 2hrs and the cramps subsided. I guess we will see what will come of this.
Oh you've had a lot on your plate. On the plus side, that's fantastic that you had such a great shower and wow what a turn out! So sorry for the other things...hope and pray it all turns out okay. How long before you should know something about your dh?
Sorry about your friend. :( I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your DH.

So glad your baby shower and appointment went well. How exciting. Not long now!

AFM - I felt baby move around 14 weeks and nothing really since which I know is normal but I can't wait to feel it properly! We find out gender a week tomorrow :happydance:

It would have been my first due date today. Bittersweet. I'm sad for the babies I lost but so thankful for this precious baby that I am carrying now. Everything happens for a reason right?
Sorry about your friend. :( I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your DH.

So glad your baby shower and appointment went well. How exciting. Not long now!

AFM - I felt baby move around 14 weeks and nothing really since which I know is normal but I can't wait to feel it properly! We find out gender a week tomorrow :happydance:

It would have been my first due date today. Bittersweet. I'm sad for the babies I lost but so thankful for this precious baby that I am carrying now. Everything happens for a reason right?

I don't know if everything happens for a reason, but they happen. Feeling baby move is such a precious gift!!! And starts to feel weird. Haha. It's just amazing all the gymnastics they do in there!! I got such a kick out of seeing Sky on the ultrasound screen kicking away. They don't like those dopplers much it seems! Sky would always kick right at the doppler.
Hey ladies I know I've been M.I.A but so much has been going on. Sooooooooooo, here it goes lol.

My baby shower was last weekend and it was AMAZINGGGG!!!!! We had a big turn out; 80 ppl attended. The weather was perfect and truly one of the best days of my life...On the other hand I had to get rid of one my "best friends". She completely back stabbed me by lying abt her availability and persuading another friend (who came from out of town) to ditch me and hang out with her. UGH I'm so over it and I'm too old to deal with such trivial people.

In the midst of it all, DH went to the doctor because he's had this growth for the past 2mths. Turns out he may have cancer :( The completely caught me off guard. He's just taking it on day at a time until we find out either way. Also, his new job will only let him off for the day of the birth; nothing more nothing less. Plus, with his health issues idk if they will be accommodating of the time off he will need off.

On a lighter note, I had my 33wk checkup/ultrasound today and it was a wonderful appt. The doctor says the baby is measuring dead on and weighing 5 or 6lbs. We were also able to see her hair as well :). The only thing is that she is breech. That wouldn't worry me if I was having a normal pregnancy but since I'm high risk and could delivery any day, I'm hoping she turns soon. Especially because I thought I was in labor last night. I laid down for 2hrs and the cramps subsided. I guess we will see what will come of this.

I am happy to hear that things are going well with the pregnancy and that you had a good shower in SPITE of one person you can definitely live without. Major life events really do show us who our true friends are!! Good for you for wanting to cut this person out. Toxic people drain your energy and time!! As for your husband, I am sorry to hear he may not be well. Hoping and praying things work in your family's favor!!
Mariah boy your life has been busy . A bit of a shock for both you and hubby I'd say , hoping it turns out to be nothing too serious and if it is something more sinister that it can be treated easily x

That was some baby shower turn out !! Popular lady you are ;) your LO is a great size :) and growing every day

Mama tex what a roller coaster you have been on . Hopefully things settle down for you now x
Mariahsmom - thinking of, and praying, for you and your DH. Not good timing to get such scary news. I'm hoping it's nothing! So often these growths are benign and easily removed.

I hope your baby turns soon! But I did have false labour signs for weeks and weeks before DD came so try not to panic just yet. I know you're high risk so just pay attention. If things calm down by lying down then you can know it's just BH.

brunette - due dates are hard even with a rainbow on the way or in your arms. I hope you're doing OK. :hugs: On my sad days I have to remind myself that Hannah is the baby I've been given and I wouldn't have had her if I had the others. And now I couldn't picture having anyone but her in my life. :cloud9:

Mama - so pleased for you that the doctor was wrong! I hope your pregnancy continues to do well.

afm - Hannah has slept through the night the past three nights in a row. I'm really hoping this is new routine and not just a fluke. I need my beauty (and sanity) sleep!
Hi starry sounds like Hannah is doing great :) any recent photos for us ??? Bnb aunties ??

Mariah hope all is well with you xxxxx mama and brunette hope your both doing great ! Right off to make a bottle then bed for me :) xxx
Same to you, left! ;) How is Sean doing? He must be getting pretty big by now!

Hannah is in her 6 months' clothes now and she is barely 2 months' old! This is much sooner than I was expecting so I had stocked up on long-sleeved outfits for her and it's still quite hot out. Her 3 month shirts fit if they don't button up underneath but I love bodysuits so unfortunately most do. Need to find some shirts on the Clearance racks.
Hey ladies I know I've been M.I.A but so much has been going on. Sooooooooooo, here it goes lol.

My baby shower was last weekend and it was AMAZINGGGG!!!!! We had a big turn out; 80 ppl attended. The weather was perfect and truly one of the best days of my life...On the other hand I had to get rid of one my "best friends". She completely back stabbed me by lying abt her availability and persuading another friend (who came from out of town) to ditch me and hang out with her. UGH I'm so over it and I'm too old to deal with such trivial people.

In the midst of it all, DH went to the doctor because he's had this growth for the past 2mths. Turns out he may have cancer :( The completely caught me off guard. He's just taking it on day at a time until we find out either way. Also, his new job will only let him off for the day of the birth; nothing more nothing less. Plus, with his health issues idk if they will be accommodating of the time off he will need off.

On a lighter note, I had my 33wk checkup/ultrasound today and it was a wonderful appt. The doctor says the baby is measuring dead on and weighing 5 or 6lbs. We were also able to see her hair as well :). The only thing is that she is breech. That wouldn't worry me if I was having a normal pregnancy but since I'm high risk and could delivery any day, I'm hoping she turns soon. Especially because I thought I was in labor last night. I laid down for 2hrs and the cramps subsided. I guess we will see what will come of this.

Glad you had a lovely baby shower. I had mine Sunday and I only had about 14 people because it's my second but I got some lovely stuff. My best friend from school had sewn me a quilt it is beautiful! Sorry about your friend. One of mine cancelled last second and another just didn't show up! Some people aren't worth your time or energy.

Sorry to hear about DH. I have everything crossed the growth is benign and nothing serious comes from it and that sucks about his job. When I had my son my husband hadn't been at his company long enough to get paternity leave (Every man gets 2 weeks off after birth of his child in uk) but they were nice and let him use his holiday instead.

Hope baby turns for you! Mine was lying head down then sideways and now she's head down again. These babies like to stress us out!

Hope you are doing well and little lady stays in there for as long as possible!
How is everyone?

Brunette: Cannot believe you are 16 weeks and feeling movements and all sorts. It might not be for you but so far your pregnancy has flown by to me lol. I can't wait to know what your having!!

I never worked out a proper due date for my miscarriage but I knew roughly when it would have been and I had a few days of crying and sadness. Even though I was pregnant at the time it didn't replace the baby we lost. *hugs* It's hard.

How are you doing Mamatex?

Left, hope all is well x

Eyemom - Can't believe you are 25 weeks!! Bet your getting even more excited. Not that long to go!

Starry - Wow Hannah is growing quick! My son has always been tall for his age but quite skinny so he was always too long for smaller sizes but too skinny for bigger sizes. I struggle to find jeans that fit him round the waist but that are long enough! He's almost 3ft tall!

Hope you are all well

I'm 36 weeks today. Can't wait to hit 37 and know she could come any minute (wishful thinking as I was a week overdue!) but that she would most likely be fine.

Getting so excited to meet her

My baby shower was wonderful :)

I have an appointment Saturday fingers crossed for me my bump has grown and isn't measuring so behind any more.
Thank you :) I felt quite a few movements yesterday. Just hoping they keep getting stronger! I have my 16 week midwife appointment today. I'm glad because I feel like no-one has checked baby for ages!

Sounds like you had a nice baby shower. :) I can't believe your 36 weeks!!

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