Moving on in the journey from ttc

I know the seasons are not matching Sean's growth either !! Sean still fits into 3-6 month clothes , he is 2 weeks off being 6 months . 6-9 way too big on him but gots lots of summer stuff for him which will be useless in the winter when eventually it will fit him and will be way to small for next year
Ooh unexpected almost full term :) my goodness I'm so excited for another labour watch ;)
This pregnancy has gone so fast compared to my first. Guess because I've been busy with work and having a toddler so time flys!

Now I'm so close to the finish line I feel SOOO impatient!

Left - It's so annoying, there was loads of stuff DS never wore but it all got passed on to friends so it was nice to see it get used eventually. It's strange that sizing then goes to like 2-3 and 3-4 years, there is so much variation in kids sizes!
Unexpected, you are right when you say there is so much variation in kids sizes. Sky fits into 6 to 9 month pants sometimes and other times she is good to go in 12 months. For shirts, she can wear stuff past 12 months. I guess it just depends on the fit and the designer. I just go with what works now. Lol.
Thanks for all the kind words girls. You guys are truly the best and I really appreciate the love. Things have calmed down for us, thank god. DH still doesn't know abt the results yet but he is in GREAT spirits. He is just enjoying life and focusing on the positive.

Brooklyn is a VERY active baby. She moves all day and recently started having hiccups lol. Poor baby :) I'm at the point in the pregnancy where I'm over it haha. My stomach feels so heavy and achy. These days I have no energy lol DH has to drag me out the house for date nights. I feel so bad because all I wanna do is be a couch potato lol. Sean (DH) made a good point; Brooklyn will be here soon so we need to take advantage of the free time.

BB- OMG the gender scan is here already? Your pregnancy is just flying by. I'm so excited for your. I still think you're having a girl lol but we'll see.

Unexpected- I'm so happy that your baby shower went well. That's cool that you had a baby shower for this baby as well. I want to do that for my next child, especially if I have a boy. Some ppl were telling me that ppl don't have two baby showers but I DONT CARE haha....Also, I hope you're still not measuring small.

Left- I would like to believe that I am very popular but DH has a HUGE family and a good amount of friends. So it was more so like a family get together.


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Love the pictures :) Sean is right, make the most of it because once baby arrives you'll rarely find time for date nights. :)

My pregnancy doesn't feel like it's flying! 2 more sleeps! :happydance:
Baby was doing some weird stuff last night, kept shoving itself forward so one side of my lower stomach would go rock hard. I remember Tristan doing that but not until much later on!
I'm excited to find out what your having Brunette :) I still think girl.

It's Augustt!!! I'm officially due this month! However I'm not holding out to much hope of actually giving birth this month as I was a week overdue with my son lol.

Mariahs Mom- Totally get the couch potato thing. On the one hand I've just been cleaning constantly and organising everything for her arrival, but thats only when I get bursts of energy. The rest of the time I just want to SLEEP.

I went to the midwives on Wednesday because I was having excruciating pain in my cervix and it turns out she is firmly engaged and head down and midwife thinks she is headbutting my cervix in what she called 'head fitting pains' I was worried but I feel a bit better now. Got another appointment next week to check the growth. It's still not brilliant growth but not enough for them to schedule a growth scan yet.

Your pictures are gorgeous! So glad you had a great day and I have everything crossed for your husbands results xx

I wasn't going to have another baby shower and we called it a 'baby sprinkle' I had less people and it was more of a get together than a big party or anything. All my friends and family really wanted me to have one so I did and it was wonderful.

I bet your so happy to still be pregnant!!! 34 weeks is fantastic!!

Brunette - These babies do weird things! I seriously can't stop peeing at the moment because she is headbutting me down there constantly lol
Unexpected - yeah, my kids take after their daddy by being long and skinny. I'm thankful as I'm short and, um, let's say "stocky" (ha ha) and that is not something you want to be--especially when you're a girl in high school. I know looks don't matter, bla, bla, but teens never get that memo and it's tough being rejected all the time. By the end of highschool when everyone is older and more mature I had a lot of friends but no dates.

I worry about my kids and how they'll fit in. At church, DS is friends with everybody and even the bigger kids love to play with him as he's so friendly and can take a hit and plays rough with them back. But when we're at play places where the kids are all strangers there is always one bully/mean kid (I strongly believe that even preschoolers can be bullies) and they ALWAYS single out my son and torment him the entire time. It's a different kid each time and they always, always sniff out my son within minutes. And DS is so used to everybody loving him that he doesn't know what to do about it. I don't what it is about my son that makes him a bully magnet. Maybe it's because he's obviously 'behind' where he should be for his age. :( My DH and I were picked on at school too so I worry a lot.
Oh Starry I worry about that kind of stuff NO END. I know how spiteful children can be. At the moment my son is so innocent and has never been 'hurt' and I dread him being in the 'real' world and having his feelings hurt or being picked on.

I was picked on a lot for being quite book wormish and you say any kids perceived as slightly different get picked on. (different as in quiet or shy or not into the typical 'kid' stuff) Especially kind and gentle children.

If it's any consolation theres always going to be that ONE dominant child and they will probably pick on most of the kids to assert their dominance.

My DH was never picked on or bullied because he was confident and didn't take any crap so I hope DS takes after him not me, I'm a people pleaser and quite quiet and want to avoid conflict lol.

I worry about my daughter being TOO tall! I'm 5ft8 and I hate being so tall. It's good that my son is slim and tall but as a girl being really tall can suck.

It's so strange that we all seem to have the same fears and worries
I'm excited to find out what your having Brunette :) I still think girl.

It's Augustt!!! I'm officially due this month! However I'm not holding out to much hope of actually giving birth this month as I was a week overdue with my son lol.

Mariahs Mom- Totally get the couch potato thing. On the one hand I've just been cleaning constantly and organising everything for her arrival, but thats only when I get bursts of energy. The rest of the time I just want to SLEEP.

I went to the midwives on Wednesday because I was having excruciating pain in my cervix and it turns out she is firmly engaged and head down and midwife thinks she is headbutting my cervix in what she called 'head fitting pains' I was worried but I feel a bit better now. Got another appointment next week to check the growth. It's still not brilliant growth but not enough for them to schedule a growth scan yet.

Your pictures are gorgeous! So glad you had a great day and I have everything crossed for your husbands results xx

I wasn't going to have another baby shower and we called it a 'baby sprinkle' I had less people and it was more of a get together than a big party or anything. All my friends and family really wanted me to have one so I did and it was wonderful.

I bet your so happy to still be pregnant!!! 34 weeks is fantastic!!

Brunette - These babies do weird things! I seriously can't stop peeing at the moment because she is headbutting me down there constantly lol

Thanks girl. Yes, I'm so excited to still be pregnant but DH is anxious for our little one to get her. He wants her to come now haha. He's crazy lol...

I will be just like you with having another baby shower. It's a good idea and a good time.

So, it seems like your little girl is ready lol. Well, you are 9 months now so I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing :shrug: Even though more time to prepare would be lovely lol. I currently have most of her things organized, but need more storage. Do you have your hospital bag packed? I need to repack mine.

It's good that you're not being rushed for another growth scan. Who knows, your little girl could be growing just on schedule.
Unexpected - yeah, my kids take after their daddy by being long and skinny. I'm thankful as I'm short and, um, let's say "stocky" (ha ha) and that is not something you want to be--especially when you're a girl in high school. I know looks don't matter, bla, bla, but teens never get that memo and it's tough being rejected all the time. By the end of highschool when everyone is older and more mature I had a lot of friends but no dates.

I worry about my kids and how they'll fit in. At church, DS is friends with everybody and even the bigger kids love to play with him as he's so friendly and can take a hit and plays rough with them back. But when we're at play places where the kids are all strangers there is always one bully/mean kid (I strongly believe that even preschoolers can be bullies) and they ALWAYS single out my son and torment him the entire time. It's a different kid each time and they always, always sniff out my son within minutes. And DS is so used to everybody loving him that he doesn't know what to do about it. I don't what it is about my son that makes him a bully magnet. Maybe it's because he's obviously 'behind' where he should be for his age. :( My DH and I were picked on at school too so I worry a lot.

Aww I'm sorry to hear that those mean/unruly kids target your DS. ITS NOT FAIR AT ALL. Kids are some cruel and unforgiving. I was just talking to DH abt this and it's definitely something to be nervous abt.
Love the pictures :) Sean is right, make the most of it because once baby arrives you'll rarely find time for date nights. :)

My pregnancy doesn't feel like it's flying! 2 more sleeps! :happydance:
Baby was doing some weird stuff last night, kept shoving itself forward so one side of my lower stomach would go rock hard. I remember Tristan doing that but not until much later on!

Yes yes, I will take your advice lol.

That's so special that you are feeling LO move and position itself.
Eyemom- How are you? How is the pregnancy going? Is your little girl really active?
Hi everyone :) wow its all go on here :) exciting times ahead :) from full term , to gender scans :) I'm so excited :) I live vicariously through you all at the moment ;) We are plodding along here , Sean is just as good as gold and getting bigger every day :)
I'm still waiting for my results so no ttc just yet for me . AF has just gone so now waiting to see when ov will be this month will be my 3rd cycle post partum so anything could happen lol ....
Unexpected - yeah, my kids take after their daddy by being long and skinny. I'm thankful as I'm short and, um, let's say "stocky" (ha ha) and that is not something you want to be--especially when you're a girl in high school. I know looks don't matter, bla, bla, but teens never get that memo and it's tough being rejected all the time. By the end of highschool when everyone is older and more mature I had a lot of friends but no dates.

I worry about my kids and how they'll fit in. At church, DS is friends with everybody and even the bigger kids love to play with him as he's so friendly and can take a hit and plays rough with them back. But when we're at play places where the kids are all strangers there is always one bully/mean kid (I strongly believe that even preschoolers can be bullies) and they ALWAYS single out my son and torment him the entire time. It's a different kid each time and they always, always sniff out my son within minutes. And DS is so used to everybody loving him that he doesn't know what to do about it. I don't what it is about my son that makes him a bully magnet. Maybe it's because he's obviously 'behind' where he should be for his age. :( My DH and I were picked on at school too so I worry a lot.

Thinking about kids being bullied really hurts my heart! I won't be that mom that gets into a fight with a kid and ends up on the news, but you bet I am going to go Mama Bear on whatever parent fails to reign in their child! Of course, if this takes place at school, I will go through the proper channels but whatever school my child ends up at will not want to see my face if there is a problem and it is not being addressed.
We are Team :blue: :happydance: Totally made up. He is perfect :cloud9:
Unexpected: Not too long now I see!! I don't miss the kicks and head bumps to my cervix. Sky knew just when to time them too. Holy OUCH!!

Left wondering: Yup, anything and everything can happen. Good to hear your child is growing and not shrinking. Don't want them having Alice in Wonderland moments. Hehe.

Mariah's Mom: It's so cute your husband is so excited!!
Tell him that he may want things to slow down once the baby comes so take the time he can to enjoy this time.

brunettebimbo: Congrats on the boy. So exciting. I think I am supposed to go in at 20 weeks for an ultrasound that should check on the baby and tell gender, but I might pay to get a private scan so I can find out early because I am so impatient.

AFM: I am doing okay. My due date has been changed from 3/3/2015 to 3/9/2015. I am seeing an MFM, a high risk doctor who is very nice. She let me know she was open to me having a VBAC and would give me a success rate percentage at the end. If I chose to do a C section, she said she does them usually around 38 weeks, which I am unsure about but we shall see how things develop over time.

I thought I was free from my old OB, who I couldn't' switch from fast enough. I left a review on ZocDoc, a website that allows you to rate appointments and doctors, and she sent me a message through the patient portal, telling all kinds of lies about what I said, what she offered to me, and what SHE did to try to rule out ectopic pregnancy. She didn't do a DAMN thing but stress me out. She told me there was "no point" in doing a confirmation ultrasound before taking meds or having a D&C, so yes, that means she suggested termination before being 100% certain there wasn't growth anywhere, whether that be in my uterus or elsewhere. She claimed that I refused an ultrasound after my HCG came back showing an increase, because I didn't want to pay, but that is not true. I didn't want to pay THEM for an ultrasound, but I relayed to the medical assistant I would shop around. I don't know how this translated into me not wanting the ultrasound. There would have been no need to pay if she had not already told the insurance company I was miscarrying, instead of waiting and seeing what the outcome would be from my blood draws at the very least. I was proactive, not her. I was worried about ectopic, not her. She wrote to me that she had sleepless nights and she was really worried about me. She didn't seem worried at my appointments. In fact, she was fairly certain I was miscarrying and didn't mention ectopic as a possibility. I was so mad yesterday reading her response to my review that I wrote an ESSAY back. I don't know if she will get to read it, but I am NOT going to change my review. She knows it makes her look bad and it SHOULD. If she was really concerned and wanted to be thorough, she would have taken the time to talk everything out with me and made it clear that she was on my side. If the issue with the confirmation wasn't enough, it took two calls to get her to change my blood pressure meds after I expressed concern about abnormally high blood pressure readings I kept getting. I let her know in an office appointment I felt switching to my medication at a higher dose, 3 times a day would be helpful in lowering my blood pressure, as this is what we had to do in my last pregnancy and I told her this seemed to help me quite a bit. She didn't take action when I sent a message through the patient portal, nor when I called about it after not getting a call back from my message sent through the portal. If this woman wants to lie to herself, fine. I just want her to not contact me again. EVER.

Anyway, my appointment at the MFM went well. Baby looks great and BP is high, but better than where it was. The baby was wriggling away on the ultrasound screen. The cuteness...I can't even :)

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