Moving on in the journey from ttc

Goes to show moms instinct is usually right!

For weeks now I've been saying my bump isn't growing much and it was measuring 2 weeks behind then 3 and it didn't grow from 35cm at my 28 or 29 week appointment and on the graph it had fallen off the chart a little.

So my midwife says 'No it's all fine, it's because babies head down' But baby has been head down for 3 weeks? Doesn't explain the sudden stop of growth or the fact I'm measuring 35 weeks at nearly 39.

Shes a right huffy lady with me and books me in for a scan to check fluid level and blood flow but says 'You won't be getting a growth scan, don't think think this an excuse to see your baby'

So today I go in to the PANDA unit at the hospital and they take one look at my notes and chart and say 'This isn't right you need a growth scan'

So I get a scan and she is just on the 10th centile and her measurements are a few weeks behind. There concern is she isn't growing any more but they have nothing to go off because this is the first scan i was referred for. They are annoyed I wasn't referred before.

So the midwife and consultant decide to give me a sweep (OUCH) which hasn't done anything yet and I've got to go back next Tuesday at 39+6 for another scan. If she hasn't grown much or nothings changed I'm getting induced because they said theres no point keeping her in there if she isn't growing properly.

So i'm glad I stood my ground and fought my corner because they are keeping a good eye on her.

I'm glad you stood your ground too. Your instincts were on point and now you ate receiving the proper treatment. I can only imagine how scary this is for you. On the other hand you may be meeting your little girl next Tuesday.

So what is a sweep?
A sweep is when they usually midwife insets her fingers into the cervix and removes / membrane at the neck of the womb . It can put you into labour . Mine did nothing !! I still went 10 days over !

Unexpected you were soo right to stand your ground !! You never know madam might just decided to come herself before next Tuesday !
I hope so!

Yeah that's a sweep! She said baby is still head down and firmly in pelvis and that I'm 1-2cm dilated so we shall see!

They said if all looks ok with growth etc or she is still growing they won't induce but if she hasn't grown much etc they will. They almost kept me in today for induction but decided to give me a sweep today and a sweep Saturday and then see what scan says.

I'm not overly worried. I think I just have smallish babies. Just glad they are keeping an eye on it. Otherwise I could have gone 2 weeks overdue and she could not be growing the whole time which would be bad.

Thanks ladies x
I would be putting in a complaint against that midwife. What an idiot!

Mariahs Mum I'm not happy that sickness is going as such, I worry sometimes that he's not ok. I'm still terrified of losing him. I've seen so much about 2nd Trimester losses recently that it's making me a nervous wreck!
I would be putting in a complaint against that midwife. What an idiot!

Mariahs Mum I'm not happy that sickness is going as such, I worry sometimes that he's not ok. I'm still terrified of losing him. I've seen so much about 2nd Trimester losses recently that it's making me a nervous wreck!

Aww I know exactly how you feel. I suffered a second trimester loss so I was scared my entire second trimester. Hell, I'm still scared lol but I think that's just my nerves and I'm just anxious to have her here. But just take it one day at a time. :hugs:
I'm hoping for an August baby!

How is everyone?

Happy 19 weeks Brunette!! Can't believe you are almost halfway!

I'm 39 weeks today and have had no contractions since my sweep but I lost a huge chunk (TMI!) of my mucus plug this morning and it's been coming out all day. Not holding out any hope but it's a positive sign.

I have another sweep Saturday so fingers crossed that will move things along even more!
Oooo that's a good sign! Could you :sex: at all? Get lots of walking done. I swear walking was what did it for me! I went into labour at 39 weeks and had him 2 days later.

Good Luck!

I know 19 weeks! Eeeeek. I'm not sure how I will make it through the next 21. I didn't feel him move from about midday yesterday until about 8am today. I was a snotty sobbing mess. I know it's early but he usually wiggles at night and then again in the morning. This pregnancy is terrifying! I am so scared to lose him. Luckily I got Tristan on the case, told him baby was being a monkey and making Mummy worried by not moving, he started blowing raspberries on my belly and putting his mouth to my belly and saying "hellooooooo" he then started kicking up a storm and hasn't stopped all day :cloud9:
Unexpected how exciting :) that's what happened me after sweep plug came away but sorry to say I still went over !!!

Brunette I'm glad your monkey moved :) its so hard not to worry xxxxxx
Mariah mum any movment ?????
AFM waiting for AF should arrive on Friday :) then aprox two weeks later its game on lol..
Unexpected that is so exciting. I went into labor 2 weeks after my mucus plug came out so hopefully things will move faster for you...

BB ugh I hate that feeling but I understand exactly what you mean. The good thing is, time keeps moving so even if we think things are moving slow, we are one step closer to D Day...That's so precious that Tristan was able to get his little brother to me. They are forming a bond already :)

Left I don't have any new activity :( On the plus side, I get my cerclage (stitch that is keeping my cervix shut) removed on Monday. That procedure is known to put woman in labor soon after. I'm hoping that happens to me lol...with my luck I will go right to 40 weeks or beyond lol
How is everyone? Unexpected, your appointment is tomorrow right? At this appointment, will they decide if they will induce you or not?

AFM~Nothing to report. Just waiting and anxious to meet this little girl...
Good Luck today Unexpected!

MariahsMum I hope she doesn't leave you waiting much longer :)

AFM - I think I have piles and conjunctivitis. I'm falling apart :rofl:
Today I've got the joys of another sweep eugh lol

Then Tuesday is my appointment where they will decide whether to induce based on the growth scan. If she seems to be growing ok I'd rather they leave her in tbh induction sounds painful!

Hope everyone is ok!!!

Won't be long Mariah's Mom :)
Unexpected I hope the appt hours well and they won't push for an the sweep painful our just uncomfortable???

BB I hope Brooklyn does not take FOREVER to come lol...I have a little anxiety because DH starts a new job Tuesday and because of that he will not be able to take any time of when Brooklyn is born. That makes me so sad because if I have her any day throughout the work week DH will return to work the next day :( ...I was hoping she came this weekend but I guess that's not in the cards...I'm just completely bummed out abt that...
Sweep hurt a lot not gonna lie. Had another one yesterday not even a twinge! Oh well she will come when she's ready.

Sorry to hear about your DH Hun it is tough I'm freaking out about only having dh home for two weeks. I'm crapping myself about being alone with a newborn and a toddler eeep
So ladies I had the cerclage (stitch on cervix) removed today...The procedure itself didn't last long and it wasn't as painful as I thought but I did bleed a lot....Now I'm having moderate cramping with a light burning sensation when I's officially a waiting game now and I'm so excited.

The doctor couldn't tell me if I dilated at all because I was bleeding more than expected. I am very curious though...
Glad the procedure went well. So excited for you I have a feeling she will be here very soon!

As for me I'm still here lol. Got my appointment tomorrow will update you all then. I've had no symptoms since Friday whatsoever!
Lol I hope you're right UNEXPECTED...although because of DHs job I hope she comes on a Friday afternoon lol.....

That really sucks how one day we feel like this could be it then the next t day NOTHING lol. So frustrating...I can't wait until we have our babies
Glad the procedure went well. Can't believe you'll both have your babies in your arms very soon :cloud9:
I'm so anxious to get her here safe. The fear of loss never goes away! I still don't believe I'll be lucky enough to get another take home baby.

20 weeks tommorow Brunette and I'm 40 weeks tommorow how strange lol. Can't believe you are almost halfway!!! And your 38 weeks tommorow Mariah's Mom! Can't belive we've all got this far!

Mariah's Mom...I can't wait till we have our little ladies :)

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