Moving on in the journey from ttc

I did it first night too. I was so exhausted. Your probably struggling because your milk isn't in. I found it REALLY painful until my milk came in!
Thanks Brunette :) She's fast asleep after being up all night lol so I will take a chance to post here

I went in for my induction and was told it could be up to a 2 day wait on the ward as Labour Wards were so busy. They were people that had been there 2 days waiting already!

All they did was put me on a trace and noticed I was having regular contractions but wasn't feeling them but I thought nothing of it.

I couldn't sleep so I was reading and started having pains, by 2am they were coming every 4 minutes and veryyy painful. I told them I thought I was in labour and they laughed at me saying I couldn't be!! I said I wanted them to examine me so they did and I was 4cm and in active labour so they took me to the labour ward and it was time to go.

Now nothing against those who have natural births but I had an epidural with my son and loved it and so asked for one this time. I have severe anxiety from my first birth which was 38 hours and ended in forceps, horrible stitches etc etc.

I laboured for about 4 hours with just gas and air and wasn't progressing past 4cm even after they broke my waters and it was going just the same way as when I was having my son. Then I had the epidural and it must have helped me relax or something because in 2 hours I went to 8cm and in the next hour after that she was born very easily after 11 minutes of pushing. Literally I hardly had to push lol.

So she's here and we could NOT be happier. Trying breast feeding but finding it hard already but will speak to my midwife about it today.

Thank you for all your love support and advice over the last year or so. Means the world!

Omg omg I'm sooooo happy for you. :hugs::happydance::cloud9:

How is she? And I have so much anxiety abt breast feeding...I will def be turning to you guys.

I'm so excited right now for you:hugs:
Hi ladies,

Oh Mariahs Mom that's exciting. I don't think I ever had "practice" contractions like that with DD. I'm sort of hoping for it this time. Seems like it'd help me get ready mentally if nothing else!

Unexpected, that is just the best birth story ever. I love it. Well done mama.

Regarding the breast feeding, it has been a while now since I've done it, but I did it for 2 years with DD, worked full time for most of that, and we overcame a lot of obstacles. So I won't claim to be an expert, especially since I'll probably have to relearn everything with this one, but it became really important to me, so I'd try to help anyone if I could, if it was something they wanted help with.

I think the biggest things that helped me succeed in the early days was:
- My OB had told me to expect it to be hard for the first month, and after that it gets better. That turned out to be absolutely true for me. It was hard for the first 4 weeks (though not as hard toward the end of those 4 weeks as it was at the beginning), and by 6 weeks I really enjoyed it.
- Know that a newborn's tummy is really, really small. I worried and my girl got some formula a couple of times in the early days, and that's fine. I don't see the sense in people shaming people over doing that. BUT there's a good chance she's getting enough especially if you let her suck anytime she's giving you cues. Here are a couple of pics to illustrate that. It might take some of the pressure off:

This one shows a teaching tool that was made to show just how small a newborn's stomach is. Those sample size formula things, for example, are massive compared to their tiny tummies. The bead here is the size of their stomach:

Another one I stumbled upon that I think is good:

The thing that helped me keep going was largely having a friend I could talk to about it, whether it was just venting about frustrations, sharing victories, or asking for help. Plus by then it was just important to me to continue doing it.

Oh and I don't think milk will really come in (mature milk not colostrum) for another couple of days. I had my DD on a Wednesday afternoon, went home Friday afternoon, and Friday night I remember being really frustrated b/c I felt like I still didn't have my milk. I don't remember if it was Saturday morning or Sunday morning, but I woke up feeling really FULL. Haha. If she's getting a chance to suck whenever she gives signs that she wants to nurse, it's extremely likely that whatever you have in your boobs is just the amount she needs. ;)

Sorry if that was more BFing ramblings than anyone wanted to hear!
Breastfeeding is such a rollercoster that no one really tells you about !! Its as much emotional as physical ! I ended up bf for 19 weeks , there were times I wanted to give up especially since expressing did not work for me ! I didn't get a letdown at all !!

Most importantly Jessica do what causes you the least stress, and what feels right to you . If you want to bf I hope it works for you . It does take practice and does not come naturally like on tv lol.... Getting the baby to latch properly is half the battle !! If you need anything or have any questions please don't hesitate to pm me or ask on here :) make sure you get one lanolin ointment it is amazing !!! Put it on your nipples after every feed Before the get sore ... It really helps !!!
Yeah lanolin is good stuff. Also letting some breast milk dry on your nipples can help too.
Thanks ladies :) she wants to be on the boob all the time lol, milk isnt in yet but shes weeing and pooing well so must be getting something she seems very content

I really appreciate all the advice it all felt a bit overwhelming so its so nice to hear from those who have done it
Thanks for your post eyemom it was really helpful to visualise her tummy size made me relax more x
Ugggghhhhh my body is playing tricks on me and it's not fair :( I was up ALLL NIGHT until abt 6am with bad cramping. The cramps felt the same as labor pains. Contractions were consistent and started to show a pattern. I got so excited. I didn't want to wake DH just yet because I wanted to be 100% sure. So I drink a Gatorade around 6am and within an hour, the contractions and cramps subsided...I am so annoyed and frustrated! I just want to meet my baby girl and be done with pregnancy lol...I know I'm complaining but c'mon Brooklyn, stop playing with mommy's emotions.
So it seems like I'm still having contractions and a dull cramping. Like my abdominal area is sore and achy...I hope this is the real deal
Mariah mum sounds very promising !!! If it is the start of something that kicks off during the night I wish you the best of luck and a peaceful , safe wonderful labour .

Jessica sounds like you have it all under control , once she is weeing and pooing all is well . And seriously during the first few weeks / months it feels like they are on the boob the WHOLE time !!! It gets even worse during growth spurts !!
Ugggghhhhh my body is playing tricks on me and it's not fair :( I was up ALLL NIGHT until abt 6am with bad cramping. The cramps felt the same as labor pains. Contractions were consistent and started to show a pattern. I got so excited. I didn't want to wake DH just yet because I wanted to be 100% sure. So I drink a Gatorade around 6am and within an hour, the contractions and cramps subsided...I am so annoyed and frustrated! I just want to meet my baby girl and be done with pregnancy lol...I know I'm complaining but c'mon Brooklyn, stop playing with mommy's emotions.

It sounds like things are close to being complete though!! Body is revving up! Once it starts, then it starts going by fast!! Good luck! :thumbup:

Unexpected: Glad to see you and baby are adjusting well.

AFM: I do pop in to try to catch up from time to time so sorry for just randomly showing up all the time now!! All day yesterday I spent the time at home with my husband for Labor day. We grilled some deer sausage and buffalo burgers with our friend. It was pretty nice. Haven't been doing anything too terribly exciting. I am 13 weeks and 1 day today. I had my NT scan last week. There is still more bloodwork to be done but my doctor says everything looked good according to the NT Scan. Other than that, trying to decide what if anything I will do for Halloween this year. I always say I will dress up and do something, but never do. Maybe now that Sky can participate a little more and enjoy the holiday, I will have more motivation to do something.
BB- Sadly no progress yet. For some reason I think it will be this week. I just have a gut feeling lol but who knows...

MamaTex- I hope you & Left are right and my body is getting ready for D Day lol. I'm over it haha...Omg you're 13weeks already? Time just flys by. I'm so happy for you. I know this pregnancy started off a little rough but how have things been?

Eyemom- it was good to hear from you!

Unexpected- How has the first week been as a whole?
I'm tellin ya mariah mum as much as your over it ENJOY it you will miss it !!!! I know when people said it to me I thought never ...... But I was wrong lol ....

Mama wow 13 weeks that so great and I'm delighted everything is just fine , not that I'm surprised after the start you had that LO of yours is a tough cookie ;)
Left- you're so right and you've been tellin me that for the past month or two. I'm hard headed though lol...

So I had my appt today and I'm 2cm dilated and he could feel Brooklyn's head :) I'm so excited and I'm hoping this means D day is around the corner!!! All I will be doing is taking walks and DTD'ing with DH. Lol
Oooh Mariah's Mom I'm so excited for you. Eeeee so close now. I know you're ready to be done, but really it's wonderful you've made it to 39 weeks.
[Eye is right :) its so super that you made it all the way :) Brooklyn will be here so soon , its just so exciting !!! How are you sleeping ? I didn't sleep a wink for the last few weeks !! Mixture of excitement and being very uncomfortable !

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