Hi ladies! Thought I'd go to bed early last night, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but then I woke up at 3:45 and couldn't get back to sleep. -_- Sooo here I am with a lil extra time to pop out of lurkdom. I'm so behind so sorry in advance because I'm sure I'll miss stuff.
AH it's so exciting to be on baby watch for two of you!

Unexpected, hope she doesn't keep you waiting too long now.
Your appointment is today? Hope it goes well...if there's time, let us know if they decide to induce. But I hope they don't deem it necessary since it's not what you want.
I can't remember if I mentioned this before, I probably did, so sorry if I'm repeating myself. But I had a sweep at my 39 week appt with DD1...but my OB didn't tell me she was doing it.
It was pretty painful, but I thought she was just checking my cervix (all this stuff was painful for me because I had the vulvar pain problem then...I've had other cervix checks since that were easy peasy by comparison). But yeah I was like crawling up the exam table but trying not to be a pansy about it because I'm like how am I even going to attempt a natural childbirth if I can't handle having my cervix checked???
It was when I saw her in the birthing suite the next morning when she told me what she'd done.
I was halfway irritated that she didn't tell me, but also glad, because I definitely would have started overthinking everything. But I might have also put the last few things in my hospital bag just in case...and gone to bed at a reasonable time, had I known.
But yeah, until I was in labor, I never had an inkling that labor might be around the corner. My doula even asked me the night before if I felt like I was in labor. I was just standing in my driveway and I probably gave her a weird look, lol. I was like...uhh...noooo??? I'm just standing here talking to you how could I be in labor haha. I never felt different at all until I was having serious contractions. Then yep, that was different.
Mariahs Mom, did you ever dream you'd get to be 38 weeks pregnant??? That's so great. Sorry you bled a lot, were they concerned about that? Hope to see exciting news from you soon, too.
Hope everyone else is doing great!
AFM, just been SUPER busy with work (it was so slow for a while, and now suddenly EVERYONE wants an eye exam...space yourselves out a little, people
) And then been doing a lot of work on the house. Plus DD started preschool, extra church activities, lots going on. But family stuff is all great, pregnancy going smoothly. Lots to be thankful for.
AH it's so exciting to be on baby watch for two of you!

Unexpected, hope she doesn't keep you waiting too long now.

I can't remember if I mentioned this before, I probably did, so sorry if I'm repeating myself. But I had a sweep at my 39 week appt with DD1...but my OB didn't tell me she was doing it.

But yeah, until I was in labor, I never had an inkling that labor might be around the corner. My doula even asked me the night before if I felt like I was in labor. I was just standing in my driveway and I probably gave her a weird look, lol. I was like...uhh...noooo??? I'm just standing here talking to you how could I be in labor haha. I never felt different at all until I was having serious contractions. Then yep, that was different.

Mariahs Mom, did you ever dream you'd get to be 38 weeks pregnant??? That's so great. Sorry you bled a lot, were they concerned about that? Hope to see exciting news from you soon, too.

Hope everyone else is doing great!
AFM, just been SUPER busy with work (it was so slow for a while, and now suddenly EVERYONE wants an eye exam...space yourselves out a little, people