Moving on in the journey from ttc

Hi ladies! Thought I'd go to bed early last night, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but then I woke up at 3:45 and couldn't get back to sleep. -_- Sooo here I am with a lil extra time to pop out of lurkdom. I'm so behind so sorry in advance because I'm sure I'll miss stuff.

AH it's so exciting to be on baby watch for two of you! :happydance::baby::happydance::baby:

Unexpected, hope she doesn't keep you waiting too long now. :) Your appointment is today? Hope it goes well...if there's time, let us know if they decide to induce. But I hope they don't deem it necessary since it's not what you want.

I can't remember if I mentioned this before, I probably did, so sorry if I'm repeating myself. But I had a sweep at my 39 week appt with DD1...but my OB didn't tell me she was doing it. :wacko: It was pretty painful, but I thought she was just checking my cervix (all this stuff was painful for me because I had the vulvar pain problem then...I've had other cervix checks since that were easy peasy by comparison). But yeah I was like crawling up the exam table but trying not to be a pansy about it because I'm like how am I even going to attempt a natural childbirth if I can't handle having my cervix checked??? :haha: It was when I saw her in the birthing suite the next morning when she told me what she'd done. :dohh: I was halfway irritated that she didn't tell me, but also glad, because I definitely would have started overthinking everything. But I might have also put the last few things in my hospital bag just in case...and gone to bed at a reasonable time, had I known.

But yeah, until I was in labor, I never had an inkling that labor might be around the corner. My doula even asked me the night before if I felt like I was in labor. I was just standing in my driveway and I probably gave her a weird look, lol. I was like...uhh...noooo??? I'm just standing here talking to you how could I be in labor haha. I never felt different at all until I was having serious contractions. Then yep, that was different. :haha:

Mariahs Mom, did you ever dream you'd get to be 38 weeks pregnant??? That's so great. Sorry you bled a lot, were they concerned about that? Hope to see exciting news from you soon, too. :D

Hope everyone else is doing great!

AFM, just been SUPER busy with work (it was so slow for a while, and now suddenly EVERYONE wants an eye yourselves out a little, people :haha:) And then been doing a lot of work on the house. Plus DD started preschool, extra church activities, lots going on. But family stuff is all great, pregnancy going smoothly. Lots to be thankful for.
Good to hear from everybody.

I wish I had stuff to add but feeling kind of wiped today. Not feeling well so of course I'm having panic attacks about it. The illness fear of the hour is impacted bowel. I've been afraid of that for weeks now. Last night I started to have a sore stomach even though I ate less calories than I normally do. I just felt really, really full. Was up all night thinking I was about to start heaving. I probably have a simple stomach bug but it's the feeling nauseaus and full after every gulp of water that has me scared. I was also having trouble urinating but now that I'm resting and drinking that problem has been fixed.

I'm also scared I'm pregnant. We found out after the fact that we had been using expired condoms around the time of my fertile window and now AF is no-show. I'm really, really hoping it's just my body being kooky as it usually is the first while after a pregnancy. Besides, I don't feel overwhelmingly pregnant and I normally feel overwhelmingly so when I get my bfps. If I only feel somewhat pregnant then I usually chalk it up to wonky hormones as I always get bfns those cycles.
How ladies so exciting on here :) can't wait for news from labour watch :) they will be here really soon ! Brunette 20 weeks yahoooo :) it went very quickly !!!

Starry sorry your not feeling too hot :( AFM im just waiting start temping tommrow again cd6 ............
Doesn't feel quick to me :lol: I have my 20 week scan tomorrow. Nervous wreck!

Starry sorry your feeling so rotten. Have you tested?

Eyemom what's vulva pain?
I'm not going to test for another week or so just in case it's my cycle being weird. We did use condoms after all, they were simply expired. DH looked up online and it said expired just means an increased risk of tearing but I don't know if all tears would necessarily be visible. But yeah, think I'm just panicking. I had a similar scare shortly after my DS' birth. I think it may just be a bug. I don't have heart burn and that was always my first major sign with all 5 of my pregnancies.

There is a tiny part of me that secretly hopes there is a surprise beanie but I think that part is the crazy part of me still stuck on that loop from TTC. The TTC mentality becomes a habit. The preventing mentality is so new to me.

I also got a prescription for anti-depressants today. Really hoping they help as the last two weeks have been kind of hellish. I know not to expect instant results though.

Left - good luck with this cycle. I hope it brings a little brother or sister for your LO!

Brunette - good luck with your scan. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way.
Starry delighted you decided to get medication . In 4-6 weeks you will feel like a new women :) this cycle seems to be dragging !!! I just want to get on with it !!!! I promised oh there won't be as much pressure as last time but its soooo hard to hold back .
So I'm to go in tommorow at 4pm for induction but they said it could be hours before I can see anyone to have my waters broken so It could be a matter of hours or days!!! Hoping they don't cancel as they said sometimes they do if it's really busy on the ward. Keep your fingers crossed for me I go in at 4pm and don't have to wait TOO long!!

I'm not TOO phased about being induced now because I'm already 3-4cm according to my appointment so having my waters broken doesn't see as daunting as pessaries/drips etc.

Wish me luck!!!

My mother in law is taking me so DH doesn't have to take time off work and then I will ring him once they say they are taking me to have my waters broken.

I haven't told anyone but you guys and my mum and DH's mum as I don't like the idea of everyone texting/waiting for news when it could take ages
Omg UNEXPECTED I'm so jealous of you right now lol...I have everything crossed that you won't have to wait long...not telling everyone just yet is a good idea. We're not telling any one until I start pushing...

I hope I go in labor soon haha :(
Ooooohhhhh how incredibly exciting !!! How will you sleep !! Don't think I slept a wink despite despreretly trying to the night before ! I hope your not left waiting too long but tis all part if the excitement :) GOOD LUCK xxxxxxxx

Mariah mum I'm sure you won't be too much longer xx
I'm so so excited !
Good Luck today. How exciting!!!

My 20 week scan was perfect :cloud9:

My day however was not! I threw up all day, couldn't keep a thing down, the Doctor dipped my urine and said my body was hungry. I'm feeling sick this morning but hoping I can get some food in today because otherwise I think it's going to be a hospital jobby! Tristan is poorly, has a throat infection and a temperature. My car park ticket fell off my door and I ended up with a penalty charge notice and Hubby was away overnight on a course. Thank goodness he is home tonight!
Brunette - Sorry you had a rubbish day but SO happy for you that all is ok with your little man.

Mariah's Mom - You might have her any minute now!! You still might have her before me if this induction takes forever. My labour was 38 hours last time. Arg! So nervous.

Left -I am SO excited but also scared incase they cancel or i end up being there for days. Also terrified to give birth lol. Good luck this cycle hun I hope you get your bfp xx

Starry - I remember worrying every month after I had my son. Although we knew we wanted another one we didn't want them to be VERY close together so I was terrified of getting pregnant. I hope the prescription helps and you start feeling a little better soon x

Eyemom - Yeah sweeps are not fun!! I didn't have any symptoms or signs of labour till I was in it. Went to sleep fine in the night and woke up losing tonnes of plug with regular contractions. So glad all is going well with your pregnancy.
Omg BB I'm so happy the appt went well and that beautiful baby of yours is growing well..I'm sorry that you and Tristan are not feeling well...I was still having morning sickness in my second trimester as well so I feel your pain...

Unexpected how are things going? I'm so excited for you. And I hope you're right abt my little girl coming as well. It would be too funny if our girls were born so close to each other...

Left I'm excited as well
I'm not even sure if it was morning sickness. I think it may have been a bug. My friend threw up all day too. I threw up yesterday morning but then managed to keep good down. I didn't eat much but hopefully ate enough for baby.

Unexpected I hope your in labour! :lol:
BB- Yea it sounds like maybe it's just a bug. Hopefully you feel better soon...

Unexpected- Any updates?? Hopefully she's here :)

AFM- Turns out that I've been having contractions all week. I was at my doctors appt and I described to her the feeling I was having and she confirmed that they are contractions. All today they have been frequent but with no pattern...Hopefully, this weekend will be my weekend to meet my little girl!
Oooh Mariah early labour !! How exciting !!! Hopefully by the end of the weekend she will be here :) ..
Unexpected has had a beautiful baby girl. I will let her update details but Mum and Baby are doing well :)
Thanks Brunette :) She's fast asleep after being up all night lol so I will take a chance to post here

I went in for my induction and was told it could be up to a 2 day wait on the ward as Labour Wards were so busy. They were people that had been there 2 days waiting already!

All they did was put me on a trace and noticed I was having regular contractions but wasn't feeling them but I thought nothing of it.

I couldn't sleep so I was reading and started having pains, by 2am they were coming every 4 minutes and veryyy painful. I told them I thought I was in labour and they laughed at me saying I couldn't be!! I said I wanted them to examine me so they did and I was 4cm and in active labour so they took me to the labour ward and it was time to go.

Now nothing against those who have natural births but I had an epidural with my son and loved it and so asked for one this time. I have severe anxiety from my first birth which was 38 hours and ended in forceps, horrible stitches etc etc.

I laboured for about 4 hours with just gas and air and wasn't progressing past 4cm even after they broke my waters and it was going just the same way as when I was having my son. Then I had the epidural and it must have helped me relax or something because in 2 hours I went to 8cm and in the next hour after that she was born very easily after 11 minutes of pushing. Literally I hardly had to push lol.

So she's here and we could NOT be happier. Trying breast feeding but finding it hard already but will speak to my midwife about it today.

Thank you for all your love support and advice over the last year or so. Means the world!
:happydance: So happy for you :)

If you need any help with breastfeeding please shout. The first week or 2 is awful, I'm not going to lie but it is brilliant after you get past that hard part. Is your milk in yet?
No no milk yet! I did give her a little bit of formula last night in a panic cos she was sucking away for feeds and stuff and nothing was coming out. I know it's a big no no but she's still wanting the boob and latching on so I don't think it's harmed anything.

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