Moving on in the journey from ttc

Mariahs mum still here I see :) what you doing to keep busy ? I went 10 days over it was torture !
BB - sorry you're feeling rough. I felt awful like that around the same time. If I was on my feet for more than 10 minutes I would get terrible BH. But everything was fine. My blood pressure was always good and my iron levels were fine (I didn't get anemic until the very end of the pregnancy...after they test you for it). I am a little jealous of the girls who remain perky and active during pregnancy but some of us just get tired and worn out more easily and that's fine. It's hard to not feel guilty taking it easy but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I hope you're feeling better soon.

Mariahsmom - Wow, after all the worry about going early you're now over. I remember the feeling with my son. After nearly losing him several times he ended up going over 4 days. I was so shocked. I hope your DD doesn't keep you waiting too much longer.

afm - weight loss is HARD!! It's just over 3 months and I'm still in my maternity jeans. I've had to crack down on my calorie count and I'm trying to get used to eating less. I was such a little piggy during my pregnancy. I don't have huge goals. I will never be a hot bikini babe. I just want to get back to what I was before my previous two miscarriages. About 20 pounds to go...
Have you looked into Slimming World? It's brilliant and so easy to follow! I'll be going back on it after baby is born.

I'm actually feeling really rough at the moment. I am full of a cold and a cough!
Starry I'm with you on having to loose 20lb :( was thinking of joining weight watchers again
Right now I'm not following a particular program. I don't know why, but official diet plans make me feel a little resentful. I guess I don't like being told what I can and can't eat. :haha: I did lose over 60 pounds after DS was born so I'm pretty much doing what I did last time: watching my calories, trying to have one bread-free meal a day, making smarter choices, less processed foods, etc. I have a cookbook called 1500 Calories Per Day. It has some great low-calorie recipes in there. :thumbup:

I've done it before. It's just slow-going in the beginning. I find my body just wants to hang on to those pounds because it's afraid I might starve or something. My ancestors survived exile to Siberian work camps so I figure that's where I got the ability to hold on to my weight.
I guess we will all be on operation "lose baby weight" soon. I know I will be. I have 2 weddings in 2015; my best friends wedding and MINE :) ...So let's be each other's support system.

So ladies, just a quick update. Today I have not been feeling 100% AT ALL. Woke with a pounding headache. Then throughout the day I've been feeling nauseous and light cramping. Maybe this could be the start????? I thought it could've been that I was constipated but I did go to the bathroom so it can't be that....I don't want to get my hopes up but I hope this is something!!!!!!
Sounds very like something I'd be surprised if its not !!! Goodluck xxxxxx
Update- Nothing came of me feeling ill the other day BUT today I had my appt with the OB and I'm progressing...Two weeks ago I was 1-2cm dilated and now I'm 3-4cm dilated and 90% effaced. He also did a sweep. OMG IM SO EXCITED!!!! Now I'm having OB advised me if it worked then I should deliver within 24-48hrs. :) If I don't then I will schedule my induction for next week!!! I can not contain myself right now, I'm sooooooooo happy, excited and anxious lol
Oooh good luck. Sweep worked for me!

Sorry to be brief...I hate mobile.....
Mmmm haven't heard from Mariahs mum for a day now ??????? Eeeek maybe there is news ? Jessica how is your bundle of cuteness doing ?
She's doing ok, not getting much sleep breastfeeding on demand and today is my first day alone with both of them as dh has gone back to work after paternity leave. However she is a very good and calm baby and my sons been great about it all so far.

How are you?

Hoping for baby news soon mm! X
Oh hope the first day alone goes well :) I'm sure you have it all under control ;) once everyone's fed watered and happy that's all that matters :) the rest can wait !
Hey Girls, sorry I missed my daily update lol. But no news over here. I'm still pregnant. I got my first stretch make and I'm so sad about it :( I'm a little bummed out abt still being pregnant. I really thought she would come this weekend. I had the sweep Friday, DTD with DH & walked over 2miles and still no baby....I've been having some cramping since the sweep and I lost my full mucus plug last night. Idk I'm just over it ughhhhhhhh

Unexpected- I'm so happy to hear that your lil girl is doing well. You're so lucky that she is a calm baby. I hope I'm as lucky haha...I'm sure you'll do fine with the two of them by yourself but I definitely understand...
Oooh I got so excited when I saw you posted :) I can remember it well so wanting baby to be here :) you have gotten further than you ever imagined ! Just think your next pregnancy this LO will offer reassurance that they can go to full term and beyond !

Please still try and enjoy every second of this special time you have with just you and her . If your like me in a couple of weeks you will strangly miss it even though you have her in your arms ( maybe that's just me lol ) Just think the best is yet to come :) its such an exciting time :) absorb every second it won't be long now ? Are you keeping a journal ? If not maybe now is a good time . I'm keeping one for Sean's first year . I started it a week before he was due . I'm such a idiot I cry everytime I read it !!!!
She's doing ok, not getting much sleep breastfeeding on demand and today is my first day alone with both of them as dh has gone back to work after paternity leave. However she is a very good and calm baby and my sons been great about it all so far.

How are you?

Hoping for baby news soon mm! X

That's good that she's behaving for you. :thumbup:Glad breastfeeding is going okay.
Left- The logical and reasoning part of my brain agrees with you and knows that you are right BUUTTTTTT the pregnant part of my brain is OVER IT hahahaha lol :)

The journal idea is a good one. I keep telling myself I will start one but never get around to doing one ugh.

Plus I have so much anxiety these days. DH & I are at complete odds. I have an appt this week and if I'm still pregnant the my OB will schedule my induction for Monday. DH is upset because it doesn't work with his work schedule, so he would much rather it be this Friday. I don't want it to be this Friday because I want to give my body as much time as I can to deliver natural before I get induced. It got so bad that I said "My body, my decision". Now I feel like that I went to far. I want him to feel included but I had to be honest because that's not something I want. I really hope she comes this week or before Monday because I don't like the tension between DH & I. Ughhhh I'm not having a good day :(
Mariah its tough at the end and I think everyone gets on edge including the daddies ! I remember me and oh had a huge row about what route to take to the hospital !!
It will all be over soon and your little girl will be in your arms . You will forget everything else except how much you love her :)
Left you're so right...I just need to take it one moment at a time and relax. We really should be enjoying these moments. Sean & I had a long talk yesterday and resolved the issue.

UPDATE: So contractions woke me up out my sleep this morning. Not too painful but it definitely feels like menstrual cramps. I've been timing them and they're coming abt every 15-20mins. I'm starting to really get excited :) :) So I will keep you ladies updated!

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