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enjoy your weekend emie and thanks for the encouragement :hug:
thanks berniep I hope I got the egg too hun
I hope you all have a good easter weekend :yipee::bunny:

Mammag any news...:hugs:oops your still asleep..

:rofl: bad me i broke down, POAS this morning. only 8 dpo though, so obviously negative. temps are still high. which i think may be a good sign? because my LP is usually only 9 days long, and temps usually drop today, but... my LP at the first cycle after my m/c was way longer, and this is the cycle after that, so i'm not sure what to expect.

have a good trip!! i hope i have wonderful news for you when you return!! I will stay away from the peesticks for at least three more days though. even though i do have one more FRER that i am going to have to lock in a safe to keep myself from trying in the morning.

hope you got the egg over40!!!!

everything looks good, but i am a little crampy today, and i am just feeling kind of like i'm out this month. which could be weird cuz i'm always convinced i'm pregnant every other month. :hissy: it is a sign, it isn't a sign. ahhhh oh well. gues we'll see!!!

hope everyone is feeling well.
Hi ladies, thank you to emie for inviting me. I have no idea what to say lol, not good with first introductions I am affraid! I have a largish family and have just started to ttc another beautiful little soul.
Hi ladies, thank you to emie for inviting me. I have no idea what to say lol, not good with first introductions I am affraid! I have a largish family and have just started to ttc another beautiful little soul.

:hi: and welcome ..we are a great bunch of gals here ....:hugs:l see your a early bird too..
Thanks emie, oh gosh I got alot to learn around here lol, what is a early bird hun? I joined here last year but have only really started to post, can you tell!
Welcome butterfly7.....:hugs:

Oh well girls I'm out this month - again......:cry:.:cry:
Shite I never thought getting pregnant would be this difficult....:hissy:
I know I've always had problems conceiving but that was because :witch: was irregular.........she's been regular now for years and I still can't manage it.....:dohh: I HATE MY BODY................................................

I knew I was out yesterday really cause my temp went down quite a bit and this morning it went down even further and on wiping this morning the spotting has started so fair play to the bitch at least she's here on time....:rofl: - got to laugh or I'll cry cause I just feel like giving up tbh....... next month will be cycle 15!!!!! We've had all the tests and they say everything is ok : so I say BOLLOCKS TO UNEXPLAINED INFERTILITY.....:hissy:

Sorry for the miserable post girls - I can't help it....:cry:

I'll be stepping back a bit from here too if u don't mind.....I say that now but u watch I'll be sneaking on when no one is looking......:rofl::rofl:

Good luck to u all and everyone have a nice easter break......:hugs:
Sorry to hear witch got you honetbuns i really feel for you at the moment i don't blame you for wanting a break from here i was tempted myself this cycle but i have to admit its too addictive, good luck i hope you get you bfp very soon i'm sending lots of babydust your way x

Welcome butterfly and good luck with your ttc mission, we are all lovely on here so you'll get on with us great x

Hows everyone else today? we are going to make rice crispy buns with little chicks and mini eggs on top to take to grandma's when we go for tea tommorrow if i ever get of the laptop lol x
so sorry honey :(

i don't know what i'll do if the witch gets me this month.

but on a lighter note, check out my chart today!!! the day AF is due, and i have had a temperature spike! soooo, praying that she doesn't show today, and if she doesn't show by sunday i'm going to test an hopefully see my :bfp:!!!!
honeybuns72 oh sweetie it can be hard journey ttc. May I ask how long you have been trying? I dont know any of you and want to get to know you all and your stories of ttc. Have you given one month of ttc without using anything? Like temps, ovulation tests? How many boys - girls you got now? If you have done it four times before then you "Can" get pregnant but its up to that little one to decide when is the right time. I will laugh if its next month!!!!

Berniep, thanks for the warm welcome sweet, its nice to meet new people and get to know them. How long have you been trying hun? I keep seeing pink so maybe a girl for you??

Well me, I am doomed I think, I still have four or five days before af is due I think, but I am symptomless now, went from first week with a few strong things to know basically nhothing except slight cramping off and on and my uterus keeps pumping, like blood pumping-butterfly feeling.
well butterfly, my IRL name is Grace. I have two boys, 4 1/2 and 2. we have been trying for 12 months, and I have had 1 miscarriage in that time. i've had three others, 1 before my first son and two after. But am not considered high risk as none of my m/c's were back to back. the two in between my two kids were years apart. I want a little girl soo soooo soooooo much! i am just surrounded by.... testosterone. and i want a little girl that i can maybe relate to a little! oh, i am 23, and have been given many reasons as to why i have not conceived as of now, "just not my time", "thyroid problem?", "diabetes?" none of which seem to fit the actual reason!! obviously DH and i CAN have children, i actually got pregnant with my first two literally the first month that we started trying. i had just come off BC with both of them, depo with one and BC pills with the other. so, there's my story, what is yours?
Good luck mammag i hope the witch doesn't show x

Butterfly i'm on cycle 4 of ttc baby number 3 i have 2 boys at the moment who are 8 and 4 so it really made me smile when you said you can see pink i hope your right with the girl thing tbh i look at the chinese gender predictor calculator a lot and according to that this is my final cycle for a girl for about 6 months so fingers crossed and it did get my other 2 right. How are you?
Berniep awwwwwww you sound like such a beautiful soul, who wouldn't want to be your child! I don't think this is my month but it is only first month trying so we will see next week. I have 3 girls and 3 boys so it wont matter either way for us. My oldest is 18 years old, second almost 17, third 12, fourth 9, fifth 5 and my baby boy phoenix is 2 years old. And I am 35 and worrying about that clock!!!! Apparently some chinese herbs can help with ttc
mammag said-

well butterfly, my IRL name is Grace. I have two boys, 4 1/2 and 2. we have been trying for 12 months, and I have had 1 miscarriage in that time. i've had three others, 1 before my first son and two after. But am not considered high risk as none of my m/c's were back to back. the two in between my two kids were years apart. I want a little girl soo soooo soooooo much! i am just surrounded by.... testosterone. and i want a little girl that i can maybe relate to a little! oh, i am 23, and have been given many reasons as to why i have not conceived as of now, "just not my time", "thyroid problem?", "diabetes?" none of which seem to fit the actual reason!! obviously DH and i CAN have children, i actually got pregnant with my first two literally the first month that we started trying. i had just come off BC with both of them, depo with one and BC pills with the other. so, there's my story, what is yours?

I missed this one cause it went on to another page! lol Oh sweetie believe in something bad enough it can turn into reality! I to have had two miscarriages. Not nice at all, one was questionable for us as the nurse should not have been prodding inside me with a hook till after a ultrasound but pulled the baby out. Its a long story and one I will share when I get to know you all a bit better. Do you meditate at all? I have a wonderful womb meditation I help with others ttc and it teaches you to relax your temple (body( and how to stimulate all your pregnancy parts lol. My last child Phoenix took me 10 months to concieve. I have no idea why so I bought some ebay ovulation cheapies and got pregnant that first go!
Berniep awwwwwww you sound like such a beautiful soul, who wouldn't want to be your child! I don't think this is my month but it is only first month trying so we will see next week. I have 3 girls and 3 boys so it wont matter either way for us. My oldest is 18 years old, second almost 17, third 12, fourth 9, fifth 5 and my baby boy phoenix is 2 years old. And I am 35 and worrying about that clock!!!! Apparently some chinese herbs can help with ttc

Thanks Butterfly that means alot, i haven't even started BDing this cycle yet i really must start, i'm going to use opk's for the first time this month i'll start using them tomorrow as i think we stopped BDing too early on my other 3 cycles on all 3 cycles AF was late which is typical i always had a 28 day cycle till i started ttc now its anything upto 31 days. I really hope this is your month although you are a stronger person than me to be ttc number 7, my 2 drive me round the bend at times 3 will definately be my limit x
Berniep, you might change your mind yet lol, I could see you with four! I just bought 41 ovulation test last week of ebay so I will spit the dummy if I just wasted $20 lol and I get a bfp next week! I will just give away the ovulation test I think if that happens! Have you ever noticed white floaty things in your pee? Like littl;e feathers? My mum told me its a age old thing to know wether your pregnant or not, as when the blastocayste or what ever its called attatches itself to the uturus lining some of it can break away and come out in the pee, it can be a sign of pregnancy apparently and I have it right now! Hmmmmmmm its amazing or a fluke cause I have had it with each pregnancy so thats 8 in total! May not be related at all but I noticed I have it more while pregnant anyways, oik now I am just babbling!
I've not noticed that but i'll be looking closer in future, i really hope it is a good sign for you i'll be thinking of you these next few days while you wait for your answer x
Have you ever had dreams of seeing a baby or a child and talking to them or mothering them?
Not that i recall but tbh i don't normally remember my dreams, the one i remembered last night was different x
Well i'm going to bed now its 3.45am so sleep is long overdue, i've not been sleeping very well at the moment so i thought i'd stay up as long as i could and come on B and B hoping that been on the computer would make me sleepy tbh its not worked but i can't stay up all night, goodnight x
aw goodnight sweetie or should I say morning! When do yo start ttc again?

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