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emie, hi sweetie, things are confusing this end how about you!!

well my daughters hamster is ill so were off to the vets soon..her friend looked after him whilst we were away why do these things happen when we are not here...he looks pretty bad..:cry:

whats up at your end hun..:hugs:l dont think he will make it he was left for to long ill...
I just got the worst phone call i've ever received, yesterday, on Easter, my oldest son's father drove his motorcycle into the side of a truck. he is at this moment at UC hospital with an almost 0% chance of survival, and brain damage. i don't know what to do. i am remarried, but i have always loved him. he is the father of my child. my heart has never ached like this. i will probably be gone for a while, I hope I am not pregnant. this would probably not be a good state of mind for a pregnant women. please pray for us. i want my son to know his father, he's only four, and if he goes now, he will not remember him. sorry to be depressing. good night ladies.

Oh my goodness mammag - soo sorry to hear this sad news........:hugs:
Please know that I am thinking of you at this sad time love.........:cry:...:hugs:
Good morning girls - how are we all today?

Hope you had a nice break emie and really hope the hamster makes it love - although I know their life expectancy isn't long is it? I had a hamster and was gutted when he died......:cry: - big hug for scarlett .......:hugs:
Wow what a massive temp spike on saturday love!!!!! Never seen one that big before.....:rofl: - although don't want to put a dampner on things love but are u sure u ovulated then and didn't just have a temperature cause it seems to have come right down again since......according to my taking charge of my fertility book post ov temps are usually 36.6 upwards.....maybe u should still be humping everyother day just incase honey?......:rofl::rofl:

Well this is the boring part of the cycle for me....:witch: been and gone already..... now just wait for that stupid egg again.....definately getting deja vu girls........:rofl:

Hello to berniep - hope you're staying away from those buns before weigh in tomorrow love.....:rofl:

Hello to butterly7 - hope things arent too confusing for you love - whats up?...:hugs:

Good luck allybally with catching the egg this cycle - hope hubby isn't complaining too much of being tired....

Talk to you later pato if you're not too busy at work love and really hope you caught that eggy this time - fingers and toes crossed for you lovely........:hugs:

Hope all you other girls are doing ok - you've gone a bit quiet on here lately....:hugs:

Take care girls

Good morning girls - how are we all today?

Hope you had a nice break emie and really hope the hamster makes it love - although I know their life expectancy isn't long is it? I had a hamster and was gutted when he died......:cry: - big hug for scarlett .......:hugs:
Wow what a massive temp spike on saturday love!!!!! Never seen one that big before.....:rofl: - although don't want to put a dampner on things love but are u sure u ovulated then and didn't just have a temperature cause it seems to have come right down again since......according to my taking charge of my fertility book post ov temps are usually 36.6 upwards.....maybe u should still be humping everyother day just incase honey?......:rofl::rofl:

Well this is the boring part of the cycle for me....:witch: been and gone already..... now just wait for that stupid egg again.....definately getting deja vu girls........:rofl:

Hello to berniep - hope you're staying away from those buns before weigh in tomorrow love.....:rofl:

Hello to butterly7 - hope things arent too confusing for you love - whats up?...:hugs:

Good luck allybally with catching the egg this cycle - hope hubby isn't complaining too much of being tired....

Talk to you later pato if you're not too busy at work love and really hope you caught that eggy this time - fingers and toes crossed for you lovely........:hugs:

Hope all you other girls are doing ok - you've gone a bit quiet on here lately....:hugs:

Take care girls


yes l agree maybe not O so l will just keep at it..:dohh:

it is quite your right, well after Dawny false positive as well l havent heard a thing hope shes ok..:hugs:
honeybuns72 I am confused because my pregnancy test are neg and af is due today tomorrow and I am getting pos ovulation tests lol
em , just to keep my patients in check I think! I will be ok, annoyed yes, but angry no, its all part of the cycle of baby trying! I would laugh if tomorrow morning I get a positive preg test! And pigs might fly!

Poor hamster, will it be ok!
em , just to keep my patients in check I think! I will be ok, annoyed yes, but angry no, its all part of the cycle of baby trying! I would laugh if tomorrow morning I get a positive preg test! And pigs might fly!

Poor hamster, will it be ok!
you no what, you just never no whats around the corner..:hugs:

well l spoke with the vet and he said swiftness is vital for hamsters for a

recovery but we think hes been like this for several days now...

so l shall be expecting the worse...scarlett will be devasted. we will

just have to see what the vets says later..x
"Scarlett" omg what a beautiful name its just gorgous!

Poor hamster , we are animals mad in this house!

I dont think anything great is coming this month but Heres" for next month!!
ah poor hamster. We had a guinea pig die a few weeks ago it really upset the kids doesnt it. Hope your hamster will be ok!

Good luck butterfly i hope all the confusion turns into something good for you if not good luck for next month xx
I just got the worst phone call i've ever received, yesterday, on Easter, my oldest son's father drove his motorcycle into the side of a truck. he is at this moment at UC hospital with an almost 0% chance of survival, and brain damage. i don't know what to do. i am remarried, but i have always loved him. he is the father of my child. my heart has never ached like this. i will probably be gone for a while, I hope I am not pregnant. this would probably not be a good state of mind for a pregnant women. please pray for us. i want my son to know his father, he's only four, and if he goes now, he will not remember him. sorry to be depressing. good night ladies.

Thats awful Mammag, i will be praying for you all, i really hope he pulls thru, i'll be thinking of you take care x
Hello ladies,
I can't ttc this month and luckily i didn't get round to starting, i've been unwell on and off for months getting pain where my ovaries and uterus is so doc sent me for a scan and some swabs, had scan almost 4 weeks ago (still waiting for results) but everytime i tried to have swabs done there was always a reason why nurse couldn't do them, anyway i've been quite poorly for about 3 weeks now and have been off work with it, i was due to go back today but last night pains got worse and today tbh i feel worse than i ever have it isn't just the pain its other symptoms too, so i went back to docs and he said straight away what i've been describing sounds like pelvic inflammatory disease, he's taken my swabs and has given me 2 different antibiotics to take for 2 weeks and i've to ring up in a week for results and go back in 2 weeks to see if antibiotics have worked, he has also signed me off work for 2 weeks and said i will probably feelm worse before i feel better and i haven't to have sex during the treatment as i could make it worse. So i've come home and googled it and it can be caused by a normal non sti infection but the majority of cases are caused by sti's! now i know i can trust ny hubby 100% i don't for 1 minute think he would have been unfaithful i know where he is every minute of the day, but what worries me is before we got togeather 11 and a half years ago i was with someone else and i was young and stupid and we did have unprotected sex, so i googled whether sti's can lay dormant for that long and they can! i'm gutted what if this is all my fault? how stupid have i been, obviously i won't know for sure till the results come back so now i've to worry about it all week, i've sat and cried all afternoon, i feel so poorly and its probably all my fault, i really hope you all don't think bad of me now x
:blush: thankyou for worrying about me emie huni, Im soooooooo sorry im quiet its just my mum is here and not seen her for 25yrs so just trying to spend time together so im not on bnb much Im soooooo sorry, Looks like the :witch: is on her way here so maybe I had a chemical pg? Who knows I had spotting yesterday, bit more than spotting today is touching a pad but not anything but spotting not actually light flow or heavy I just want a fresh start now will be back with avengance sunday as mum goes home sunday :( Love you ladies thankyou all for being concerned for me :hugs: xxxx
I just got the worst phone call i've ever received, yesterday, on Easter, my oldest son's father drove his motorcycle into the side of a truck. he is at this moment at UC hospital with an almost 0% chance of survival, and brain damage. i don't know what to do. i am remarried, but i have always loved him. he is the father of my child. my heart has never ached like this. i will probably be gone for a while, I hope I am not pregnant. this would probably not be a good state of mind for a pregnant women. please pray for us. i want my son to know his father, he's only four, and if he goes now, he will not remember him. sorry to be depressing. good night ladies.

Oh mammag....:hugs::hugs:...I'm sooooooo sorry:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hello ladies all, hope you had a lovely wknd.

Dawny690...... It's great you're visiting with your mum...25yrs is a looooon time luv...take your time, we'll all b here:happydance:

Berniep....that's awful hun for real :hugs: I used to have bad pains at one point, still do for the most part....dr never could figure out what's wrong with me. One dr thought it could be endometriosis, but wouldn't give me the laparoscopy to confirm it..... it's awful sometimes but I've learned to cope. TBH..... I think it's a muscle tear or strain from some acrobatics i got involved in while DTD once...I just ain't made of rubber bands I found out IYKWIM:rofl::rofl:...

Emie....hope Scarlett doen't have to go through that loss...we lost a cat 3 weeks ago and DH was gutted...we still have 3 others tho just that one was DH's fav one.

Honeybuns luvly..... speak to you shortly love.... did you say post OV temps 36.8....wow......never had one so high...ever...my temps ususally go as high as 36.6 for BBT but never higher than that...maybe I'm alien :rofl::rofl:

Hope everyone else is okey dokey.......
I don't know what's wrong with me today....I feel soooooooo disoriented and sleepy mannnn.

I'm 3DPO today.....OV on Saturday and managed to get a last BD in on Saturday nite. Had a +OPK on Friday but didn't get to BD then. Hope that my Thursday nite/Saturday nite bonk will catch that egg....otherwise.....I'll be witching soon.

Truck loads of :dust: for everyone
I don't know what's wrong with me today....I feel soooooooo disoriented and sleepy mannnn.

I'm 3DPO today.....OV on Saturday and managed to get a last BD in on Saturday nite. Had a +OPK on Friday but didn't get to BD then. Hope that my Thursday nite/Saturday nite bonk will catch that egg....otherwise.....I'll be witching soon.

Truck loads of :dust: for everyone

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Awww pat - maybe you've got preggy brains love?...........:happydance: I'm sure you've covered all eggy time love - now it's just a matter of wait and see ...........good luck honey.....:hugs:
Well after all the upset this afternoon i decided i would go to slimming world and get weighed with it been my first week on the plan and then even if i have gained weight (i had a really bad week couldn't get my head round the plan) at least i know so i can try harder this week but i didn't need to worry cause i lost 4lb's whoo hoo i can't believe it, so now i've just to make sure all the mistakes i made don't catch up with me at next weeks weigh in, so i've gone from feeling upset and poorly to happy but still poorly but you can't have the best of both worlds and at least if i'm not well i won't want to eat as much lol x
I just got the worst phone call i've ever received, yesterday, on Easter, my oldest son's father drove his motorcycle into the side of a truck. he is at this moment at UC hospital with an almost 0% chance of survival, and brain damage. i don't know what to do. i am remarried, but i have always loved him. he is the father of my child. my heart has never ached like this. i will probably be gone for a while, I hope I am not pregnant. this would probably not be a good state of mind for a pregnant women. please pray for us. i want my son to know his father, he's only four, and if he goes now, he will not remember him. sorry to be depressing. good night ladies.

im so sorry babe my thoughts and prayers are with you xx :hug::hug:
hey guys hows everyone things are still good here i did a test tday 13 dpo its great look

Picture 115.jpg

god i hope this one stays this time but i could get quite excited :happydance:

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