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Hi girls......
How are we all today?
Well :witch: is here a bit heavier this morning but not that heavy either...thb my periods are very light and I think this is the problem for me....although my fertility specialist said that light periods wern't a problem.......:dohh:
To answer your question butterfly I have three boys - the first two were conceived with the help of fertility drugs clomid and my third son was conceived naturally nine years ago now......Hubby and i have all the tests and everything seems to be ok so goodness knows why it's taking so long...:hissy: - onto cycle 15 next and it's pretty hard going let me tell you....
It's good to be able to chat to other girls with children already cause I don't feel so bad for whining about it........:rofl::rofl: iykwim........

Gosh berniep - you were up late last night lovely......I have trouble sleeping too love and it can be a real pain sometimes can't it.......hope you have a good day at grandma's love......:hugs:

Hey where's allybally got to? Hope you're ok love and having a good easter break...

Good luck to mammag and to butterfly .........

Sorry if i've forgotten anyone........... if I look back now I'll loose this long post i've just done so - hello to everyone else.......:happydance:

Thats it for now girlies
Speak to you soon

Butterfly i'm on cd10 today so we are going to start BDing tonight, i still didn't get to sleep till about 5 when i came off here so getting up a few hours later was awful in fact i'm still not dressed lol x
I hope this is your cycle honetbuns, what age are your others?
Hope everyone else is ok and your all having a good day x
Hey ladies how are we all today?

Im good apart from a little cold but im fine.

Butterfly i have a son who is 7(nearly 8) and a daughter who is 4. I always said i didnt want anymore kids but then i changed my mind i cant wait for another pitter patter of tiny feet in my house.
how is everyone!! gone by the time i get here, as usual!! lol. well, DH is home from out of town, so i can't really chat, just wanted to give everyone my best. i'll see you all monday. have a happy easter!!!
Happy easter to you too mammag x
You sound like me Allybally after my first i didn't want anymore so we got rid of pram, cot etc then when he was about 3 i got broody again so we had Harry and once again i was sure that was it no more got rid of everything again but this time i did wait till Harry was 4 till i got broody and then we had to wait till the time was right so by the time we have another Harry will be 5 and James will be almost 9 if we are sucessful in next few months otherwise he will be 9 god thats a big age gap lol x
How is everyone else today? x
HI ALL!! Hope everyone is ok?? Been busy with the kids being on easter hols but thought id come and say hello and happy easter xxx
Well I am pretty sure I am out this month, I did a digital test last night at 10 dpo and it was a big fat NOt Pregnant. I am feeling seriously depressed right now
Don't give up yet Butterfly it was only 10dpo hopefully its just cause it was too early good luck x
How is everyone else today? we are going to my dad's for tea and then my hubby is dropping me off at my friends for the night cause she's doing my hair tommorrow so we thought we might as well get a film and have a girly night then at least i'm in the right place for my hair doing, although there is one slight problem with that we haven't started BDing yet and now i'm not here tonight and we can't do it during the day the kids would catch us so i'm just hoping as long as we start tommorrow night we won't miss the egg fingers crossed x
happy easter everyone. well, i'm 11 dpo. temps are still good. :af: is two days late. temps have not dropped. tested with an FMU on an FRER, and..... :bfn: i'm heartbroken. i know that everyone is going to tell me that it is too early and that i still may see my :bfp: but i know i'm out. they've been shown to pick up as little as 8 MiU of hcg in the system, and if i don't even have that much by now. i'm so sad. got my :bfp: on a dollar test at 11 dpo last time. the only thing i can think is that i ovulated when i thought my chart went triphasic. and that would definitely mean i'm out, as there was no BD'ing anywhere near that time. I'm going to go plaster on a happy face at the SIL's dinner. have a good day everyone.
I'm so sorry you got a bfn mammag and i know nothing i say will help you when you feel like you do, just remember we are all here for you and i really do hope that your bfp is just around the corner good luck x
hey guys:hi: hope you all had a good easter im still preggie:happydance: cant believe it still im just really nervous did another test tday its twice as strong so things are happening i wish i could relax a bit and let myself get excited im sending you all loads of :dust::dust: and mammag good luck its still early keep us posted :hug::hug: to all talk to you soon xx
Hello Carrie-anne, glad things are still going ok, hope your feeling ok? x
How is everyone else? i'm just at my friends having my hair done just sat waiting for colour to take and then i'm back at work tommorrow after 2 and a half weeks off sick and i'm dreading it so worried i'll get sacked for been off sick i've not slept past few days thinking about it how bad is that i'll end up making myself ill again x
I just got the worst phone call i've ever received, yesterday, on Easter, my oldest son's father drove his motorcycle into the side of a truck. he is at this moment at UC hospital with an almost 0% chance of survival, and brain damage. i don't know what to do. i am remarried, but i have always loved him. he is the father of my child. my heart has never ached like this. i will probably be gone for a while, I hope I am not pregnant. this would probably not be a good state of mind for a pregnant women. please pray for us. i want my son to know his father, he's only four, and if he goes now, he will not remember him. sorry to be depressing. good night ladies.
mammag oh sweetheart what sad news for you all to get. I am lost for words, and I can only imagine the heart ache you are going through right now, but sweetie please dont go, it might help to have all of us nurture and support you through this trying time. If I were there I would sit and cry with you and just be there for you. Please know I am here for you
I just got the worst phone call i've ever received, yesterday, on Easter, my oldest son's father drove his motorcycle into the side of a truck. he is at this moment at UC hospital with an almost 0% chance of survival, and brain damage. i don't know what to do. i am remarried, but i have always loved him. he is the father of my child. my heart has never ached like this. i will probably be gone for a while, I hope I am not pregnant. this would probably not be a good state of mind for a pregnant women. please pray for us. i want my son to know his father, he's only four, and if he goes now, he will not remember him. sorry to be depressing. good night ladies.
:hugs: hope all goes well hun..:hugs:

Morning ladies....nice to see you all here..not to many posts to catch up with as its been Easter..
I read about poor Mammag what a terrible thing to happen..:cry:l hope shes ok..
Honey buns...how are you today hun..
Bernie hun ..how are you today hun.
Butterfly7..morning hun..how are you this morning
Carrieanne hun glad you ok hun..
allybally how are you hun today
Over40 hope your ok hun
pato how are you today..
Ell87 morning hun..
vikki1978..morning hun

hope l havent forgotten anyone..:hugs:.
Hi Emie and everyone else-i finally got a chance to come catch up lol.
Sorry to hear such awful news mammag i hope your ok and am thinking of you xx
Hope everyone else is ok?

Well i dont have much news on the ttc side of things really lol just that i think its ov time-i dont chart take temps or use opks so its just a lucky guess really but if we BD every other day then we must stand a chance???

Other than that the kids still have another week off school to drive me round the bend bless em lol

Vikki xx
emie, hi sweetie, things are confusing this end how about you!!
Hi Emie and everyone else-i finally got a chance to come catch up lol.
Sorry to hear such awful news mammag i hope your ok and am thinking of you xx
Hope everyone else is ok?

Well i dont have much news on the ttc side of things really lol just that i think its ov time-i dont chart take temps or use opks so its just a lucky guess really but if we BD every other day then we must stand a chance???

Other than that the kids still have another week off school to drive me round the bend bless em lol

Vikki xx
hi hun..good luck with BD every other day l think thats about right..every other day is what we try to do but not always l think l missed mine..

we were away so didnt get a chance..it seems that every O time l am busy or nik is away...for the last to cycles anyway..:hissy:

yep my kids are off for a week or more yet..just got back from short break
so ok today..bad news though is that my daughters hamster took ill whilst
at her friends house so were off to the vets later..he doesnt look good..
shes sobbing her heart out..:cry:

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