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Wow carrieanne that's one heck of a dark line for only 13 dpo love........:happydance:.......you lucky thing you...........:hugs:

Well done Berniep for loosing 4 lb in one week - you can't have eaten loads of buns missus......:rofl:.....glad to hear you're feeling happier honey.....:hugs:
wow yes that is a dark line Carrieanne for 13dpo its a good sign..

well we had to have my daughters hamster put to sleep today it

was the hardest thing l have ever had to do..shes devasted..:cry:
:blush: thankyou for worrying about me emie huni, Im soooooooo sorry im quiet its just my mum is here and not seen her for 25yrs so just trying to spend time together so im not on bnb much Im soooooo sorry, Looks like the :witch: is on her way here so maybe I had a chemical pg? Who knows I had spotting yesterday, bit more than spotting today is touching a pad but not anything but spotting not actually light flow or heavy I just want a fresh start now will be back with avengance sunday as mum goes home sunday :( Love you ladies thankyou all for being concerned for me :hugs: xxxx

well thats great about your mums visit hope it all goes well ..:hugs:
Hello ladies,
I can't ttc this month and luckily i didn't get round to starting, i've been unwell on and off for months getting pain where my ovaries and uterus is so doc sent me for a scan and some swabs, had scan almost 4 weeks ago (still waiting for results) but everytime i tried to have swabs done there was always a reason why nurse couldn't do them, anyway i've been quite poorly for about 3 weeks now and have been off work with it, i was due to go back today but last night pains got worse and today tbh i feel worse than i ever have it isn't just the pain its other symptoms too, so i went back to docs and he said straight away what i've been describing sounds like pelvic inflammatory disease, he's taken my swabs and has given me 2 different antibiotics to take for 2 weeks and i've to ring up in a week for results and go back in 2 weeks to see if antibiotics have worked, he has also signed me off work for 2 weeks and said i will probably feelm worse before i feel better and i haven't to have sex during the treatment as i could make it worse. So i've come home and googled it and it can be caused by a normal non sti infection but the majority of cases are caused by sti's! now i know i can trust ny hubby 100% i don't for 1 minute think he would have been unfaithful i know where he is every minute of the day, but what worries me is before we got togeather 11 and a half years ago i was with someone else and i was young and stupid and we did have unprotected sex, so i googled whether sti's can lay dormant for that long and they can! i'm gutted what if this is all my fault? how stupid have i been, obviously i won't know for sure till the results come back so now i've to worry about it all week, i've sat and cried all afternoon, i feel so poorly and its probably all my fault, i really hope you all don't think bad of me now x

:hugs::hugs: we dont think bad of you hun...:hugs:l am off to bed now its been a hard day..nightie nightie girls..x

morning all..

well Scarlett has finally stopped crying she sobbed all night she was

unconsoleable...l think she cryed more over her Hamsters death than she did

when her grandma died..thats life it can be a hard lesson for little ones..

How are you all this morning...:hugs:

well girls im feelig crap today. Me and oh had a huge bust up, and decided not to ttc anymore until we can get ourselves sorted first.:cry: It wouldnt be vfair to have a baby just now.

Good luck on the rest of you ladies ttc and hope you get your :bfp: soon
Hi girls

So sorry dawn about the chemical pregnancy love......I didnt realise till yesterday evening love.......:hugs:......so here's to a new month together hun.......:hugs:

So sorry emie for the hamster - poor scarlett eh......:hugs:....maybe you could get her another - sometimes that's the best way for children you know something else to focus on...........

Gosh all you girls have gone quiet here - you're all probably :sex::sex::sex::sex: like mad at the mo trying to catch those darn eggies.......:rofl::rofl::rofl: Good luck to you all girls.........:happydance:

Hope you're feeling better berniep........:hugs:

How are you butterfly7? I think u were testing today so here's hoping you get your :bfp: lovely........:happydance:

And finally my lovely friend pat - good luck with the singing today love........speak to you tomorrow........:hugs:

As for me that :witch: made a sneaky appearance yesterday.......I thought she'd gone.......good job i wasnt wearing white trousers.......and I had a letter to go see the fertility specialist on May 10th for a follow up appointment......

Hope everyone is having a good day - it's a crappy rainy day here.....:hissy:
Extra patience needed with kidies today girlies if we're stuck indoors all day......:dohh:
well girls im feelig crap today. Me and oh had a huge bust up, and decided not to ttc anymore until we can get ourselves sorted first.:cry: It wouldnt be vfair to have a baby just now.

Good luck on the rest of you ladies ttc and hope you get your :bfp: soon

Awww allybally.......:hugs:
I get like this with my hubby sometimes love .......:dohh:....men can be real pain in the arses sometimes.........:rofl:
You sure TTC is going on hold? Aww if you're anything like me and my DH you'll have changed your minds by tonight and be humping like rabbits for that :baby: - whatever you decide love just know we are here for you if u need a chat and i hope you'll still be on here regardless of what u decide.......:friends:
Thanks honeybuns

I dont know how to feel, He always to tired to do any bding and he justnot showing much affectin towards me of late. When i ask what wrong he doesnt say he not a very open person. As you say we mite be fine if we have a good talk we have been together for 10 years it would be rubbish to throw that away. I think it because i so want a baby and he wasnt very keen on the idea at first, then he changed his mind, but i still dont think he to convinced about it though.
Hiya everyone!

Well Af turned up today, and I was actually ok about it, whats the point is crying over it, I can think of more upsetting things to cry over like a little girl losing her beloved pet hampster!!! Poor Scarlett

honeybuns72, hows is you today sweetie! Well I'll have you know when af turned upo unnanounced, I WAS wearing white trouses!!!!!

Berniep, god love ya sweetie, your such a beautiful soul! Nothing could make me think bad of you, only thing that could really would be you saying you have no faith in anything anymore!!! I would kick your butt if I hear you say that. Sweetie I can understand you feeling the way you do about your hubbie right now, heck who wouldn't have some things going through their mind about such a thing! But just know we are ALL here for you no matter what. If you need to vent, scream or yell I am your women!

Everyone else how are you?
Thanks honeybuns

I dont know how to feel, He always to tired to do any bding and he justnot showing much affectin towards me of late. When i ask what wrong he doesnt say he not a very open person. As you say we mite be fine if we have a good talk we have been together for 10 years it would be rubbish to throw that away. I think it because i so want a baby and he wasnt very keen on the idea at first, then he changed his mind, but i still dont think he to convinced about it though.

l no this is not much help but my Nik didnt want any more because of having

one of each, men they just dont understand,it took me several months to

convince him in the end he did agree..he saw how upset l was but l never

pressured him when we started we just bd when we could and 3 months

later l was pregnant...he never knew when l was O l knew it would stress him

out..:hugs: l hope it works out for you l think a good talk is the only way

forward but were here if you need us..:hugs:
Hiya everyone!

Well Af turned up today, and I was actually ok about it, whats the point is crying over it, I can think of more upsetting things to cry over like a little girl losing her beloved pet hampster!!! Poor Scarlett

honeybuns72, hows is you today sweetie! Well I'll have you know when af turned upo unnanounced, I WAS wearing white trouses!!!!!

Berniep, god love ya sweetie, your such a beautiful soul! Nothing could make me think bad of you, only thing that could really would be you saying you have no faith in anything anymore!!! I would kick your butt if I hear you say that. Sweetie I can understand you feeling the way you do about your hubbie right now, heck who wouldn't have some things going through their mind about such a thing! But just know we are ALL here for you no matter what. If you need to vent, scream or yell I am your women!

Everyone else how are you?

hi Butterfly7 sorry she showed up ..yes Scarlett is so upset...the worse thing was it was her best friend who was taking care of him....
l forgot to tell you all that l saw my homeopath yesterday and she has put me

onto Progestrone cream to try and straighten out my cycle...so l have nothing

to lose l suppose, what do you guys think?
oh sorry butterfly7 that horrid :witch: got you.....:hissy: - she's a right b***h sometimes...........I hate her..........how long you been trying love and are your periods regular like mine?

Wwww emie good luck with the progesterone cream - don't know much about it though to be honest.......:dohh: although I think i've probably got too much progesterone in me cause as soon as i ovulated last month i became the bitch from hell.........:rofl:.......poor hubby and watch out kids.......I know that as soon as ovulation takes place you get a surge of progesterone so thats what contributes to PMT.........

I hope mammag is ok..........:hugs:

You feeling better today berniep? What about u allybally - how are u feeling by now love......:hugs:
Hello Ladies, i had to write notes while i read thru the posts i'd missed so i didn't miss anyone lol
Emie i hope Scarlett is feeling better i know how hard it is when your child loses a pet we've had a few pet deaths and the kids were heartbroken and good luck with the progstrone cream i don't know much about it either but i hope it helps x
Dawn i'm sorry you had a chemical pregnancy i hope your cycle gets back to normal soon x
Allybally i hope you and your husband sort things out we all go thru difficult patches like you said you've been together 10 years it would be a shame to throw it all away without trying to work it out, good luck x
Honeybuns what a naughty witch reappearing and good luck when you go to see the fertility specilist x
Butterfly sorry witch got you i was hoping this was your month and thanks for your kind words my head is in a better place today i think it was just the upset of having to give up on ttc this cycle but i'm going to start thinking more positively now x
Well everyone i've made a very difficult decision to stop ttc for a while yesterdays weight loss has spurred me on to loose more weight before i get pregnant i've know all along getting pregnant while been overweight would be difficult and i was also worried that the pregnancy would be difficult as well with there been more health risks connected with overweight women and pregnancy so i've decided it will take me too long to get to my goal weight and then start trying but half way to my goal weight is the weight i was when i conceived my 2nd son and i had no problems conceiving or with my pregnancy then so thats my plan plus it gives me time to get better as well i seem to have had alot wrong with me at the moment. So after last nights weight loss i now have 45lb's to go before i can start ttc again so i'm just hoping it doesn't take too long. I'll still be coming on here to see how you are all getting on though x
Hi everyone, hope you all had a good Easter.
I have just been reading through all the posts I missed,
some sad news there and I am thinking of you :hug: and saying a few prayers for you, may you get good news soon.
Welcome to anyone who is new, hope you get your :bfp: very soon.
I went to the doctors today to see what they would be able to do for us ttc, but as I am over 40 they wont help us at all. He said we would have to go private...... sounds very expensive to me :hissy:
Has anyone else had anything done privately and has it helped?
I said to OH that we should try a few more months with opk as this has been our first cycle trying them, but he would do anything to be a dad :sad1:
Very tempted to poas in the morning dpo 12, is it too early do you think? :shrug:

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