Nik, the post box is for our wedding cards

Rather than they be just put on the table, they can post them in the box and they'll all be in one place and safe
Boofs, dont worry about it hun! I'm definately sticking with the tiara now, when I have my hair done on Tuesday, it'll be with the tiara in mind
As for my friend in Germany, her hubby is in the army and he's been put on a course till 4th of September, and what the army says, goes! I'm gutted if I'm honest cos I havent seen her in 20 years! Ah well, these things happen eh
I'll be asking a close friend of mine who I hadnt been able to invite to the meal and ceremony because I couldnt get hold of her for ages so my friend in Germany had her space instead! Problem is, she wont be able to bring her 3 boys to the ceremony as there's only 2 spaces

But I'll tell her that they're more than welcome to the reception, we just dont have the space to put her boys in there too! As far as the hotel are concerned now, the numbers are final! Fingers crossed she's ok with that as they'd all been invited to the reception anyways.. it'll just mean she has to find a sitter for a few hours during the day... hmmmm...