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name change** new tww a/f due 14th sept come join me

AF due on the 17th of Aug it's usually last 3 days so I wanted to wait to the 20th to test. Probably won't make I may test early out of curiousity
Thanks. Well looks like I ovulated yesterday but we didn't get to BD because DH was too tired and fell asleep. Good news is we did BD the two nights before ovulation and will probably BD the next two nights. Looks like I am back in my 2ww since I ovulated early! Fx that my temps stay high!

Glad its not just my DH who doesn't want to dtd all the time, not saying that urs is like this but my DH is soooo frustrating sometimes... He wants it more when it's not O time and when it is O time and I make a move he's like oh I can't be bothered now... Bad enough that I have to do all the charting and hard work to figure it out, he's not got to do much at all and just moans about it... We only bd about 3thrice per month so I feel like I have no choice but to chart.... sorry if my thread here tmi for you but I have to whinge as find him sooo frustrating.. Dunno how we got preggers first time around...

2 days before is vvvvv fertile time sounds good to me hun.

I am so glad your DH is like that too! Week before O, jumps on me... week of O, 'too tired'... nevermind... I always get my way in the end... :haha:
af is due 19th of august for me. i just ovulated yesterday so now i wait :)
CD16! 12 days till AF, this cycle of no opks has been brill no stressing at all :)
CD16! 12 days till AF, this cycle of no opks has been brill no stressing at all :)

I'm really pleased for u that no opks has been good for you this cycle :happydance: char.

me I dunno why but have been really moody this evening just cranky really for no apparent reason. Guess I'm a bit fed up ttc already and I know I shouldn't grumble cos this will only be my 4th cycle and early days comparatively, but geez I feel tired having to work days out and tired of my husband actually. Still we have a nite out a week on sat so hope that will help us. Going to take my ds to the beach tomoz to cheer us up and enjoy sunshine :thumbup: x
CD16! 12 days till AF, this cycle of no opks has been brill no stressing at all :)

I'm really pleased for u that no opks has been good for you this cycle :happydance: char.

me I dunno why but have been really moody this evening just cranky really for no apparent reason. Guess I'm a bit fed up ttc already and I know I shouldn't grumble cos this will only be my 4th cycle and early days comparatively, but geez I feel tired having to work days out and tired of my husband actually. Still we have a nite out a week on sat so hope that will help us. Going to take my ds to the beach tomoz to cheer us up and enjoy sunshine :thumbup: x

well yeah 4 months is nothing really but to you it is so thats what matters. :hugs: xx
CD17, 11 Days till A/F wow seems like its flying by so hoping to get this bfp at end of this cycle :D x Good luck all you other ladies also xxx
I think I'm going to O in the next 3-4 days. Started experiencing EWCM this morning. Fingers crossed the soy makes it stronger!!!

Good luck ladies :dust:
CD 18!!! Ten days till AF. Lovely HOT day today so taking my 2 scrumptious kiddies to the park for a picnic, got plans all weekend so plenty of things to keep my mind off waiting. Good luck everyone, I have high hopes this cycle, not quite sure why but just have this feeling that this is it! more than any other month of ttc xxxx
Char glad u r enjoying the sunshine it's definitely cheering me up and taking mind off ttc.

Like mu otHer months i am getting loads of symptoms since 4dpo I get cramps boob twinges nausea dizziness tired only thing different bout this month is ive had an earlier o so i should get a longer luteal phase hopefully and nausea slightly worse! But saying this me n oh didn't do much timely bedding this month so will have to see.

I've run out of preg tests so gonna use opks leading up to witch due date to see if I get anything off these. Today I'm at 9 dpo I got a very faint line on my opk. Gonna see if it gets darker as each day passes. I know it's not that reliable but I have a ton of cheapie opks and it keeps me amused heheheh ;)
CD19 ....9 Days till AF :)
Good luck bump but if i was you i would just go buy some cheapies cus opks can give you false hope or maybe nothing when there is, if you know what i mean? x
Havent realy got symptoms at the mo x
Hey everyone...hope u dont mind me dropping in :)

Im 7dpo today and my LP is normally 14-15 days so AF should be due on 20th Aug at the latest. I was taking vit B complex 100mg until FF confirmed O and am now just taking folic acid. Trying not to symptom spot this month as it tends to disappoint me but its soooo hard!

Fingers crossed for our BFP's this month xxx
i am 5 days DPO and felt nauseous today and slightly nauseous yesterday, which is not a usual thing for me, but no other symptoms.

i have a bunch of ICs lying around so i tested for the hell of it and got BFN, but i am only 5dpo so not reading into it yet and hoping :)

how are you ladies?
CD 20 NOW 8 days till testing!! loving this count down seems to be flying by! xx
Welcome BUBBLES81 your due AF same day as me :) Hope she stays away!!
Hey STELLABABY, whens AF due for you? goodluck xxx
And goodluck to all you other ladies!!! getting near the end of this cycle hope we all are lucky and get what we want xxxxxxxxxxx
still checking in on all of you lovely ladies :)

welcome to the new gals !! :hi:

hope it's not too much longer that i can join you back TTC again (well actually, hopefully you ALL get BFPs this month and i'll have no one to join lol). haven't spoken to my doctor yet about exactly how long after the surgery i can ttc again... I've read anywhere from 1-4 months... blah!

anyhow, things going good otherwise here... enjoying summertime!

have a great week ladies! :hugs:
Hey :flower:

Could I join you lovely ladies please? :flower:

My AF is due on the 20th, I didn't expect to be posting in this forum this month to be honest but me and my dp have done the deed a few times this month :blush: and now 6dpo I'm feeling rather off :wacko:

Skin breakout - not had spots like this for years!
Headache, nausea occasionally, extreme bloating ( to the point I look 5 months pregnant! ) crampy and insomnia :wacko:

Definitely don't feel like this on a normal month so my brain is in " am I pregnant over - ride "

Any buddies welcome :hugs:

Lotsa Babydust to all :flower:
CD 20 NOW 8 days till testing!! loving this count down seems to be flying by! xx
Welcome BUBBLES81 your due AF same day as me :) Hope she stays away!!
Hey STELLABABY, whens AF due for you? goodluck xxx
And goodluck to all you other ladies!!! getting near the end of this cycle hope we all are lucky and get what we want xxxxxxxxxxx

AF is due on Sunday the 19th. i am going on a trip for most of next week though, so i will be busy having fun and not really have a chance to obsess in the TWW like i usually do

good luck to you too!

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