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name change** new tww a/f due 14th sept come join me

Hi Dollymix

My AF is due on 20th as well...no symptoms tho apart from cold feet (like really freezing) if that counts lol

Fingers crossed for everyone to get our BFP xxx
Hi Dollymix

My AF is due on 20th as well...no symptoms tho apart from cold feet (like really freezing) if that counts lol

Fingers crossed for everyone to get our BFP xxx

Hi Bubbles81 :flower:

I've stalked many forums over the years and have read that a few times before so fingers crossed Hun :hugs: There are many weird and wonderful symptoms actually :)

Lots of Babydust Hun, let's hope for BFP :flower: xxx
so no signs or symptoms up until this afternoon left boob started to feel tender now the right has joined in and when ever i brush past them or even walk down the stairs they are very tender!! Good sign? I hope so AF not due for a week so surely it cant be that (do sometimes get sore boobs day or 2 before af) never a week tho! xxx
so no signs or symptoms up until this afternoon left boob started to feel tender now the right has joined in and when ever i brush past them or even walk down the stairs they are very tender!! Good sign? I hope so AF not due for a week so surely it cant be that (do sometimes get sore boobs day or 2 before af) never a week tho! xxx

Been stalking as usual!! Sounds a good sign :thumbup:
Some good symptoms here from you chicks - hope this is a lucky month for bfps.

10 dpo and Nothing symtomwise here from me today i am just tired and veryvery hot but think generally its from being busy out and about with my 2yr old and cos its actually v humid out there!!
CD21!! 7 Days till testing getting sooooooooooo close now cant wait :D x
CD19 ....9 Days till AF :)
Good luck bump but if i was you i would just go buy some cheapies cus opks can give you false hope or maybe nothing when there is, if you know what i mean? x
Havent realy got symptoms at the mo x

Hey Char been using opks and got faint positives last 2 days then today got a positive opk I'm 11 dpo and really agree with that I should buy a proper preggie test to test but tbh I think I'm stopping myself for two reasons 1 is cos i want to wait it out til I'm past witch date then go to dr for test as I've spent solo much on various tablets and opks that I can't bear the thought of buying some more 2 nd reason is that I'm quite enjoying the prospect that I could be pregnant lol and the later I'm let down the sooner my next two week wait will be... :blush: Bit of a shame I can't enjoy this time on reflection :nope: just keep wishing time away til next cycle.... Boobs a good sign for u Char fx for u xx
Good luck bumpbananas!! Hope i am wrong about the opks and there working for you hun, Remind me again when is AF due for you? xx
Just seen a thread where this lady got the start of a bfp at 7 DPO!!!! Really makes me want to test early but I dont want to see another BFN, Plus this cycle I promised myself I wouldn't it is getting harder to stick to that tho Lol x
Don't break Char! Stay strong!!!

AFM, I don't know what's going on!!! I have a feeling my CB OPK reader is faulty - I got a really strong LH line on Saturday and no smiley face on the reader! On Sunday, I got a faint line like the LH surge had come and gone. I didn't get an LH surge on the reader last cycle either, and thought I hadn't Od. The same thing happened wth the strength of the LH lines as in this cycle. I only started using this reader with a new pack of O sticks 2 months ago, and haven't had an LH surge since starting to use it. What do you reckon girls? Is is the reader or me that's broken??!!

I've had changes in CM as if I've Od, and mittelschmerz has stopped now. Its getting annoying! I've got to go for a day 21 blood test 7 days after O, and I don't know when O was/is!!!
CD22! 6 Days till testing!!
Dont worry hopeforfuture, I am not going to give in. (well going to try my hardest) Its ok at the mo but the weekend will be the real test to see if i can hold out :/ x
Hopeforfuture - If ur not sure if the reader is working buy some cheap strips from ebay ...there is a seller called 'fertilityplan' and they are really reliable - i use them instead of CB now as they are less expensive. U could use them as well as CB if u wanted xx
Hopeforfuture - If ur not sure if the reader is working buy some cheap strips from ebay ...there is a seller called 'fertilityplan' and they are really reliable - i use them instead of CB now as they are less expensive. U could use them as well as CB if u wanted xx

Thanks for the tip Bubbles! I moved from ICs to CB though coz I got a definite 'yes' or 'no' with them, rather than having to guess from an IC!!! Except now I'm just getting definite 'no's all the time!!! :wacko:

Ah well... CD 19 today - AF due 25th... we'll wait and see

Fingers crossed everyone!!! :dust:
Don't break Char! Stay strong!!!

AFM, I don't know what's going on!!! I have a feeling my CB OPK reader is faulty - I got a really strong LH line on Saturday and no smiley face on the reader! On Sunday, I got a faint line like the LH surge had come and gone. I didn't get an LH surge on the reader last cycle either, and thought I hadn't Od. The same thing happened wth the strength of the LH lines as in this cycle. I only started using this reader with a new pack of O sticks 2 months ago, and haven't had an LH surge since starting to use it. What do you reckon girls? Is is the reader or me that's broken??!!

I've had changes in CM as if I've Od, and mittelschmerz has stopped now. Its getting annoying! I've got to go for a day 21 blood test 7 days after O, and I don't know when O was/is!!!

Hope- in never get positive opks wen I ovulate (except had one positive on an opk yesterday and I suspect pregnancy now as I am due this Thursday). I only ever get faint positives around my ov date so I reckon u might have ovulated?? But we r all different. Good luck to uuuu
Good luck bumpbananas!! Hope i am wrong about the opks and there working for you hun, Remind me again when is AF due for you? xx

Got strong positive using opk monday but not been able to test using opks today as am at 'rents house.. But I caved in and ordered some more cheap preg tests from eBay I ended up not being able to resist finding out :winkwink: !!! Af due anytime up til Thursday I think this month is the longest luteal phase on my cycles post depo provera so far cos i am 12dpo and no spotting so I feel really hopeful that I might get lucky this month got veins everywhere and still feel warm also major painful cramps for the last week. If I'm not preg I think I must have a cyst.

I think ur early symptoms a good sign Char... :thumbup: U got much planned this weekend to take ur mind off poas??? I am thinking of you for the agonising wait but ur very nearly there and I am well impressed you have managed to keep off the sticks :happydance:
Hi Dollymix

My AF is due on 20th as well...no symptoms tho apart from cold feet (like really freezing) if that counts lol

Fingers crossed for everyone to get our BFP xxx

Fx bubbles never heard of it before but I just yesterday read on another post someone got cold feet before they got their bfp.... good luck!!!!
CD23 only 5 days till testing xxx

BUMPBANANAS!!!! things are sounding good from your end best of luck for you xxxxxxxxxx
Charbaby - r u testing Monday? Is that when AF is due? My AF is due Monday, possibly Sunday, so I'm trying to not test! If I get to Weds without AF then I'll be assuming BFP! If I get any symptoms before then tho I'll prob be tempted to test! x
Charbaby - r u testing Monday? Is that when AF is due? My AF is due Monday, possibly Sunday, so I'm trying to not test! If I get to Weds without AF then I'll be assuming BFP! If I get any symptoms before then tho I'll prob be tempted to test! x

Yes AF is due monday so wont be testing untill that is late, Have had perfect 28 day cycles since starting metformin in february so if shes a no show on monday I might just have to get a little bit excited! On the down side tho my sore boobs have dissapeared and no more signs of pregnancy are around so not going to be that hopefull. xx
Charbaby - r u testing Monday? Is that when AF is due? My AF is due Monday, possibly Sunday, so I'm trying to not test! If I get to Weds without AF then I'll be assuming BFP! If I get any symptoms before then tho I'll prob be tempted to test! x

Yes AF is due monday so wont be testing untill that is late, Have had perfect 28 day cycles since starting metformin in february so if shes a no show on monday I might just have to get a little bit excited! On the down side tho my sore boobs have dissapeared and no more signs of pregnancy are around so not going to be that hopefull. xx

What is Metformin? My cycles are regulate but not perfect...I O on between cd14-16 and my LP is 14-15 days so it's not too bad! I don't have any symptoms either but I didn't really have any when I got a BFP last year so not too worried :)

Fingers crossed for us and all the other ladies in here xxx

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