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name change** new tww a/f due 14th sept come join me

Charbaby - r u testing Monday? Is that when AF is due? My AF is due Monday, possibly Sunday, so I'm trying to not test! If I get to Weds without AF then I'll be assuming BFP! If I get any symptoms before then tho I'll prob be tempted to test! x

Yes AF is due monday so wont be testing untill that is late, Have had perfect 28 day cycles since starting metformin in february so if shes a no show on monday I might just have to get a little bit excited! On the down side tho my sore boobs have dissapeared and no more signs of pregnancy are around so not going to be that hopefull. xx

What is Metformin? My cycles are regulate but not perfect...I O on between cd14-16 and my LP is 14-15 days so it's not too bad! I don't have any symptoms either but I didn't really have any when I got a BFP last year so not too worried :)

Fingers crossed for us and all the other ladies in here xxx

metformin is a drug they use for diabetic people to lower insulin levels, I havent got diabeties but I have pcos, in some cases of pcos metformin helps somehow regulate periods and even ovulation in some people, As for me it has made me regular wether it has done anything for ovulation im not sure yet. xx
Charbaby - r u testing Monday? Is that when AF is due? My AF is due Monday, possibly Sunday, so I'm trying to not test! If I get to Weds without AF then I'll be assuming BFP! If I get any symptoms before then tho I'll prob be tempted to test! x

Yes AF is due monday so wont be testing untill that is late, Have had perfect 28 day cycles since starting metformin in february so if shes a no show on monday I might just have to get a little bit excited! On the down side tho my sore boobs have dissapeared and no more signs of pregnancy are around so not going to be that hopefull. xx

What is Metformin? My cycles are regulate but not perfect...I O on between cd14-16 and my LP is 14-15 days so it's not too bad! I don't have any symptoms either but I didn't really have any when I got a BFP last year so not too worried :)

Fingers crossed for us and all the other ladies in here xxx
Oh pants looks like my opk idea doesnt work for me.... I tested today and flat negative with no sign of any faint line. I've got a scan booked on Monday so maybe will find out what's been causing all my symptoms and cramping I bet I have a cyst or something my mum had fibroids or maybe it's still my system being mucked up from depo shots I had.... Ho hummm I think I might be out again... Af due tomorrow... Good luck ladies... For me I'm hoping for a may/June baby now roll on next cycle xxx
Oh pants looks like my opk idea doesnt work for me.... I tested today and flat negative with no sign of any faint line. I've got a scan booked on Monday so maybe will find out what's been causing all my symptoms and cramping I bet I have a cyst or something my mum had fibroids or maybe it's still my system being mucked up from depo shots I had.... Ho hummm I think I might be out again... Af due tomorrow... Good luck ladies... For me I'm hoping for a may/June baby now roll on next cycle xxx

:hugs: to u. Is there any chance that u O'd late this cycle? If so then uve still got a chance xxx
CD24 ..... 4 Days till testing. Sore boobs have come back after going for a few days but this could be down to A/F being due on monday. x
Oh pants looks like my opk idea doesnt work for me.... I tested today and flat negative with no sign of any faint line. I've got a scan booked on Monday so maybe will find out what's been causing all my symptoms and cramping I bet I have a cyst or something my mum had fibroids or maybe it's still my system being mucked up from depo shots I had.... Ho hummm I think I might be out again... Af due tomorrow... Good luck ladies... For me I'm hoping for a may/June baby now roll on next cycle xxx

Good Luck hope AF stays away for you xx
:hi: Charbaby
I'm 12dpo today n am feeling rather good! I normally start spotting from 11dpo (only when I wipe or if I check CP) but yday I didn't :happydance: I still don't have any other symptoms but am not to bothered about that - symptoms make me test early n I don't want to test lol
Only a few more days to go for us....fingers crossed! xxx
:hi: Charbaby
I'm 12dpo today n am feeling rather good! I normally start spotting from 11dpo (only when I wipe or if I check CP) but yday I didn't :happydance: I still don't have any other symptoms but am not to bothered about that - symptoms make me test early n I don't want to test lol
Only a few more days to go for us....fingers crossed! xxx

Is Af due Monday same as me? Sorry I always forget, talk to so many ladies on here who are all at different days of there cycle Lol xx
It's due Sunday or Monday as my LP is 14-15 days...am quite excited this month! xxx
Oh pants looks like my opk idea doesnt work for me.... I tested today and flat negative with no sign of any faint line. I've got a scan booked on Monday so maybe will find out what's been causing all my symptoms and cramping I bet I have a cyst or something my mum had fibroids or maybe it's still my system being mucked up from depo shots I had.... Ho hummm I think I might be out again... Af due tomorrow... Good luck ladies... For me I'm hoping for a may/June baby now roll on next cycle xxx

:hugs: to u. Is there any chance that u O'd late this cycle? If so then uve still got a chance xxx

U might be right I could have o late as af not arrived today except not dtd lately cos hubbie has been working away lots. my hormonal symptoms have been around since before I even ovulated. Still getting boob twinges and ovary pain maybe I will get some answers at the scan least if I had af I would know where I was. I have no idea what is goin on. I might buy something to track my temps so I feel more in empowered with this knowledge. Last time I got preg I had no positive opk even tho tested 3x opks per day and I thought I had an ectopic pregnancy last time the cramps were so bad. just did another opk and it was negative !
:hi: Charbaby
I'm 12dpo today n am feeling rather good! I normally start spotting from 11dpo (only when I wipe or if I check CP) but yday I didn't :happydance: I still don't have any other symptoms but am not to bothered about that - symptoms make me test early n I don't want to test lol
Only a few more days to go for us....fingers crossed! xxx

Good news bubbles good luck !!:thumbup:
Bumpbananas - I think its really useful to chart ur temps....I signed up on Fertility Friend and its great. Temping is just a part of my morning routine now...i set the alarm for the same time every day n bbt thermometer stays under my pillow lol n there is a phone app for FF so I use my phone to log the temp n then either get up or go bk to sleep! Sometimes I take a few days off temping after O has been confirmed.
I hope u dont mind me asking but what is ur scan for? xx
CD 25 ...3 Days til testing, Off out tomorrow for a family party, something little to keep my mind off it for a bit :)
Good Luck everone! Some of us getting so close now x
Bumpbananas - I think its really useful to chart ur temps....I signed up on Fertility Friend and its great. Temping is just a part of my morning routine now...i set the alarm for the same time every day n bbt thermometer stays under my pillow lol n there is a phone app for FF so I use my phone to log the temp n then either get up or go bk to sleep! Sometimes I take a few days off temping after O has been confirmed.
I hope u dont mind me asking but what is ur scan for? xx

Thanks bubbles you make it sound a bit more do-able and give me a basic routine. I will get thermometer off eBay ina bit.:thumbup:

quite severe ovary area pain a few times per month around o time and no set time in cycle, bleeding after sex once after period ended, nausea, general lethargy, :coffee: ,hot flashes. I think might have hormonal imbalance with luteal phase defect but thats my self diagnosis :shrug: and i am no expert i want to rule out cysts etc. I feel like I have to be v insistent with the drs as I have only been trying for 4 months or so but last few months stomach pains been so bad I nearly went to a and e. I heard though that if you have a hormonal imbalance if it is that and after dr confirms this with bloods dr can investigate after 6 months. Meantime I'm taking b vits, Angus castus first half of cycle, eve prim oil first half cycle, prenatal vits hoping it will help. Any feedback, experiences, advice, v welcomed :hugs: xx
CD 25 ...3 Days til testing, Off out tomorrow for a family party, something little to keep my mind off it for a bit :)
Good Luck everone! Some of us getting so close now x

Good luck for your stickless weekend and keeping your mind off ttc!!! X
It's due Sunday or Monday as my LP is 14-15 days...am quite excited this month! xxx

ME Too!!! Just hope I ent setting myself up for a fall :/

I know how you feel Char... I've been feeling nauseous since yesterday and REALLY IRRITABLE!!! :wacko: My boobs feel tender and firm. I'm putting the 1st 2 symptoms down to the humidity and the 3rd down to possibly the start of an early AF as I can't bear to get my hopes up.

I've got my day 21 bloods today - let's hope the dr. actually sends off for the analysis correctly this time!!! Grrrrr!

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