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name change** new tww a/f due 14th sept come join me

Well, finally getting EW cm now.....2 weeks late. Blah!

Ah rubbish - I've had it delayed by a week before and its so frustrating!!! Best of luck to you - AF due for me on 25th so I think I'm a little bit behind all the other ladies... :)
CD 26 today and AF has started :( 2 days early! not sure why but she has. So On to the next cycle for me ( will be my 3rd since the OP in June ). Going to do another OPK free cycle as felt so much more relaxed this time round with out getting up and testing everyday! Plus saved my self around 25 pound on opks and hpts Lol. If I dont get bfp this time then its on to chlomid in september xx
:hugs: to u Charbaby xxx
I'm 14dpo today n no sign of AF or any spotting yet! Trying not to get my hopes up tho...I'm going to try n not test til Tuesday (17dpo) if AF hasn't arrived xxx
:hugs: to u Charbaby xxx
I'm 14dpo today n no sign of AF or any spotting yet! Trying not to get my hopes up tho...I'm going to try n not test til Tuesday (17dpo) if AF hasn't arrived xxx

Thanks Bubbles. good luck hun xxx
CD 26 today and AF has started :( 2 days early! not sure why but she has. So On to the next cycle for me ( will be my 3rd since the OP in June ). Going to do another OPK free cycle as felt so much more relaxed this time round with out getting up and testing everyday! Plus saved my self around 25 pound on opks and hpts Lol. If I dont get bfp this time then its on to chlomid in september xx

Sorry to hear that Char xx
I am officially 15dpo n still no sign of spotting or AF! I am sooo excited now...have tried my best to not get my hopes up but am goin to be really disappointed if this int my month.

Good luck everyone xxx
Sorry to hear this Char here's to saving money on opks x

Bubbles this sounds promising im excited to find out your news!! Jingles and hope good luck to you both :)

Me currently on cd 31 with no af symptoms last couple of days think I ovulated later this month my scan is tomorrow i just hope that i don't my af til after i have my scan dont want af to get in the way.... Bleurgh...
Can I join you ladies? My AF is due tomorrow. I usually start to feel crap 1 or 2 days before my AF arrives, but I haven't had the prior cramping or anything, so.. i'm remaining quietly hopeful. We'll see though! :).

I just started a new job (an apprenticeship) so it would be good timing ;).

:hugs2: to you all.

Hi can I join? This is our first month ttc #3. We were going to wait until October then we thought maybe September then hubby 'surprised' me 2 days ago! Haha! So I have spent the last few days trying to work out my last period dates, at first I thought we would be too late in the month by a few days but then yesterday I had a little bit of pinkish cm and today it's a little brownish so now I'm thinking that maybe I'm ovulating now??!! What do you ladies think? I've become quickly obsessed lol I hate waiting for things!
WELCOME Olivette and Makecaker - exciting and promising Olivette :). Makecaker -completely understand the obsession thing - dunno what it could be tbh - have you just come off birth control or off it already?

Went for scan this morning and all clear except told me I haven't ovulated this month and now looking back at symptoms I've had every month prior to that I am wondering and questioning whether I ever ovulated since coming off depo at end of April after my last shot in Jan. Gonna visit dr.. May go down the road of acupuncture... Bit pissed that the last 4 months been a little futile if no egg to catch oh swimmers..... hmmmm...
Hi Ladies, Sorry been a bit absent last few days its just having AF come 2 days early knocked me a little and put me on a downer :( but onwards and upwards I say and on to my next cycle, 14 September count down for me.

Bumpbananas I am sorry to hear your bad news, So whats your next plan? Are docs doing any tests for you x
So sorry Char and Bumpbananas!! Char, hope this new cycle will be it for you! And bumpbananas, I've heard good things about acupuncture. Are you going to get any testing done? Do you temp?

I finally o'd on saturday. Tww countdown now. I'm planning on not testing till af is late this time. I'm so tired of squinting at tests to just get af on time.

Bubbles81, have you tested??
Hey ladies :)
AF got me :( so its on to cycle 9 for me!

Bumpbananas - I'm sorry about ur news...i think u should defo temp from now coz then ull know for sure when u have O'd n get ur GP to do CD3 bloods.

Jingles - i hope ur 2ww goes quickly..good luck!

Charbaby - I know how u feel...I really thought this was my month but I guess taking vit B really had an effect on me. As u said tho - onwards and upwards and heres to our BFP this cycle! xxx
hey ladies, sorry to hear for you those of you with crap news!

surgery is tomorrow for me... then i can't wait to get back to ttc with you all! :)
Hi Ladies,

Hope all is well ,

To those ladies who know me i just wanted to share my news that i had my scan this morning and all is well..it was soo emotional as its my 1st :D

really praying for all of you to get ur BFP xxx
Gosh, there's been a lot of activity since I was last on here!

Mischa - great news that everything's good with your bubba!

Pinkhope - it'll be great to have you back in the TTC game with us! Good luck with the surgery x

Welcome Olivette and Makecaker!

Bump and Char - really sorry about your news girls :-(

As for me, I FINALLY (three months later) have gotten my day 21 progesterone test results back, and I'm OK!!! Yay!!!!

Now... where's my baby??!!
Hey ladies :)
AF got me :( so its on to cycle 9 for me!

Bumpbananas - I'm sorry about ur news...i think u should defo temp from now coz then ull know for sure when u have O'd n get ur GP to do CD3 bloods.

Jingles - i hope ur 2ww goes quickly..good luck!

Charbaby - I know how u feel...I really thought this was my month but I guess taking vit B really had an effect on me. As u said tho - onwards and upwards and heres to our BFP this cycle! xxx

Thanks for all your support ladies :hugs: it means a lot to me. yes I am on an extra suped up enhanced mission now my thermometer should be with me tomorrow and dr appointment later on this week and I will ask dr to do blood tests, acupuncture booked in next week I am on the warpath with my own body now raaaahhh :winkwink: it feels good for me to be able to try to have some control over this and do something about it ... Im usually laid back about most things except ttc and I don't do well when I feel powerless to control my body... none of us do I guess and i always need to remind myself of everything I do have and to be thankful for that :happydance:xx
Sorry AF got you BUBBLES!! :( x
Yay on the O JINGLES x
Good luck for surgery PINKHOPE hope all goes well for you x
Great news MISCHA thats ace x
HOPEFORFUTURE thats good news that all is ok im sure your bfp will come soon x
As for me CD6 now, I am over the shock of having AF to days early and ready to face this cycle head on! When I had my OP they told me the first 3 months I will be the most fertile so I am pinning everything on this cycle and praying everyday I will get my bFP so I dont have to go back to fertility specialist to start chlomid in September! The date of my appointment isnt till 27th tho so that would take me just past my 4th cycle and wont actually start the Chlomid untill my 5th cycle post OP which is super annoying :/ Got everything crossed for myself and all you ladies on here. Good Luck to you all xxxxx
Bumpbananas - I like the idea of a super enhanced mission lol i think i might join u...ull have to let me know how the acupuncture goes - are u just having one session? hope u dont mind me asking but if ur in uk, how much will it cost? I might have to consider it! x

Charbaby - Im glad ur feeling better! Fingers crossed that u dont need the chlomid x

CD3 for me and had bloods done today so hope the results are good...should get them within a week. So AF for me could be due anytime between 18th and 22nd sept...wow that seems so long away :( x

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