I thought you were supposed to use the day after your last positive test as 1DPO???
Oh thats right, so If my test is negative tomorrow, then it would be considered CD 18 (ovulation day) and then tudesday would go to 1DPO???
YES!! I just looked at my previous charts. So tomorrow is ov day! (woo) and then Tuesday will be 1dpo, how exciting. My temp should dip tomorrow and neg opk's then rocket up on Tuesday, well according to previous patterns anyway. We should be TWW buddies! Lol. What dpo will you test?
I would love to say that Im going to wait until 10dpo to test but Im sure my POAS-aholic self will start testing on 7dpo. LOL!!!!!
I would love to be TWW buddies.
You should pop into the thread with my fellow BeanStalkers....we're all TTC buddies. you would love them!!!! They're so nice & funny!!!!!
Ha, I'm going to try and hold out till at least 10dpo. Think once FF confirms my ov in going to make a thread in two week wait where we can compare symptoms etc and with anyone else that's same dpo, be fun
LOL!!! Here honey, look at all the sticks Ive peed on today!!!!
The things we do.....
I actually want a negative one tonight or in the morning so we can get this show on the road.
And then Im off to the doctor's office on Fri (april 1) for my follow-up blood work to see if the Clomid is working. FX!!! If he tells me I really didn't ovulate Im going to be crushed!!!!
But between the +OPK and the EWCM, I would think I did.
LOL!!! I'll be stalking you too!!!!!
You'll have to keep me updated on any symptoms that you're having.
I'll tell you what, I must be O'ing or something because my uterus has felt tight and I was having a lot of twinges on the right side earlier.
So I just took my nightly OPK (because I couldn't wait until 7pm when I usually do it) and it's still very positive....LOL!!!
I want a negative one so I can start the countdown to testing!!!!!!
Should be negative tomorrow, don't think they normally stay positive for more than 2 days, don't quote me on this tho. I haven't done one since half 8, it's now quarter past 11 so will do another in a bit.
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