Mrs Reineke, I totally agree. Mad, jealous, depressed, and at the same time trying to act all happy! So hard to fake it when it comes to something as emotional as ttc and frustrated.
Hairftsher, I bought a bunch of internet cheapie opk's and hpt's so I just test whenever I think to so it. Waiting 1 day and this morning another BFN at 12 dpo. Called my OBGYN for a Letrozole refill and they said after 3 rounds if it doesn't work they refer me to a fertility specialist!?! I had to ask the asst on the phone to mail me a lab slip to have my progesterone checked...I think my problem lies in the TWW as I'm ovulation each month. Are they the doctors? Why am I having to diagnose myself?! Arrrggg!
I also would like to join if it is possible.
We are trying for our second one. My son is now 5. We had to wait 5 years to try the second one because of my depression.
My implant just got removed 10 days ago and we are waiting for the first AF. Till then we can try, but there is very very tiny little chance to get pregnant.
I have actually no idea when my AF will come. It can be tomorrow but it can take a half year as well...
PS. I am from The Netherlands btw.
Hi, can I join? I've been lurking around for a couple of weeks but mostly feeling too shy to post anything
Cycle 2 of TTC, not entirely sure how long my cycles are at the moment since my first proper AF after coming off the pill 2 months ago was (TMI) unusually heavy and a 30 day cycle. Before the pill my cycles were around 28 days long.
I am on CD 23, I think. Not sure at all when I ovulated! (TMI again?) But boobs have been progressively more sore to touch since around the 4th. And bigger in the last few days (well, that's when I noticed. OH noticed a few days ago too). Reading far too much into it of course...probably imminent AF, haha. Occasional little pains in my lower stomach.
FX for everyone x
Welcome heychrissie and jjbubbles28!! Glad you two joined!! heychrissie nothing on here it TMI!! We talk all about our bodies and stuff that's happening. So no worries!! jjbubbles28 this is our 4th cycle trying and I'm hoping I don't have to go on to a 5th. I'm 30, so I'm hoping we do not have any problems. I've had my egg reserve tested and it was good and my husband did one of the at home count tests and it said he was good. I know there are many different things that can cause problems besides those two things though. I'm a worry wart and I'm a bit concerned.