New - BFP after IVF

Hi Ladies :hi:

another LTTTCer here :D
I'm a little further along - 18 weeks now ... and I'm sorry to report am STILL waiting for the MS to end!

I'm 42 and Mr Urch is 27 -we'd been TTC for around 4 years when I got pregnant (with one MMC along the way) Our problem was my hard boiled eggs - think I'm heading for the Big M ... so we Had IVF with donor eggs and I too was lucky enough to get my BFP on my first cycle.

Sadly, I'm having quite a rough pregnancy - no sign of the 2nd tri bloom, or energy burst for that matter ... but it will all be worth it in October :D

There's a bunch of us LTTTCers on this thread ... all ages, but all having struggled to get pregnant.

Please feel welcome to come say hello there as well - and it's totally ok to mention this thread over there if you want to :thumbup:
Got results from my last blood work: betas are at 5,795! :happydance:

First pregnancy scan on Monday! I am so looking forward to personally greet this little bean!
Hi Urchin congrats on your pregnancy sorry you're having such a tough time right now. Hope things improve soon. Welcome to the thread.

Hey sweetcurly glad to have you with us too. Those are great numbers. You must be so excited for your scan in Monday.

Hope the rest of the lovely ladies on here are doing well and getting ready to have a great weekend.

AFM just resting since I've been so tired from lately. Having some mild cramps which I know is completely normal but still makes me nervous. Can't wait til my scan on Friday it seems like its years away. LOL
Hi everyone :wave:

Sweet - yay for good Betas! Bet you cant wait for Monday. What did you say your EDD was?

It is finally a sunny weekend here. It has been more than a month since that has happened so going to enjoy it! I have a friend coming to stay so going to have to tell her about my BFP as it will be obvious when I dont drink - she knows we just did IVF! I have also this morning experoenced my first proper ms - lots of retching into th toilet :blush: DH seemed totally unconcerend and when I asked him why he didnt ask if I was Ok - he said "I thought you wanted MS"! :rofl: I had said earlier in the week that ms was a good sign the chemicals were going through your body - but I still wanted him to chekc I was ok!!

Anyone else experiencing anything yet> I have been dead tired - but i can always fall asleep at th drop fo the hat so not sure that is a pregnancy sign - or just a sign I now have th excuse to sleep whenever I want :laugh:
Morning all, sunny here to but still only about 7 degrees, bbbrrrrrrr, I hope it starts to heat up soon. X

We told my son he is going to be a big brother this morning, im not sure it has sunk in yet but he has been planning who to tell for the last 10 minutes. Lol

MM I dont really think I have what you would call MS, if I dont eat I feel a bit yuk and im extremelly tired and full of gas but thats about it. I didnt have bad ms with my son either so I think I might be one of the lucky ones that just doesnt get it that bad. X

Still dont really feel pregnant, its really weird I actually cant wait until my tummy pops and at least there is some physical change. X
wishing - I know,i cant wait to have a bump!! Although I have put on weight already :shrug: The fertility drugs made me put on weight initially, now I think it is just cause I figure I am going to be fat so might as well have a donought if I want one :blush: I am eating lots of healthy god stuff too though!
I know what you mean, but I def think my stomach is getting bigger but just bloat, my ovaries are still pretty big with several follicles so I think that might have somethimg to do with it. Its really strange but im totally of chocolate, and im a chocoholic, im into crisps right now and im not really a crisp person. Hoping the none chocolate will stay throughout it would certainly help with the weight gain. Lol.
I am the same! chocolate isnt doing it for me at the moment - but salt and vinegar crisps - now they are YUM! weird, cause I expect chocolate is healthier than crisps!
Hi ladies!

I must say that I had some MS last week, but I am doing much better this week with that. However, an incredible and constant feeling of tiredness has kicked in few days back. I would sleep anytime and anywhere. I am becoming a professional napper!

Mrsmax & Buster - Yes, I am so excited to finally go for a scan. I am imagining all the things that could possibly go wrong...Knowing that everything is ok would give me a peace of mind. My EDD is January 8, 2013. A long and exciting way to go! :hugs:

As in some of the previous posts, I do not fully appreciate that I am pregnant either. Until I see some noticeable change, it will be hard.
Sweetcurly- we both have our first scan monday! Yeah
I dont feel pregnant yet so i am hoping the ultrasound will help it sink in. :thumbup:
Desperate and Sweet, enjoy your scans on Monday I can't wait to hear all about them

Wishing I feel a little better now hearing your story. I haven't had any signs of MS. I'm mostly tired and gassy. To add MS on top of that would really stink. LOL My mother didn't have MS with me so I'm hoping to be lucky like her.

Mrsmax sorry you had to spend part of your morning with MS. What your dh said was funny, but he should make sure he checks on you and give you some comfort.

AFM enjoying the weekend as we are having some sun and warm temps. Plan on spending mothers day with dh's side of the family. Tonight we go see my nephew in a play. While I'm looking forward to seeing him in action I really wish I could stay home as I'm dead tired. But I guess being tired is something I shoud be getting use to. LOL

I hope everyone has a great weekend and speak to you all soon.
:hi: everyone - room for a little'un? :D

Got a BFP last week from ICSI#1!! Really chuffed but still doesn't seem real. The only symptoms I've had are tiredness and lots of peeing. I've felt a tiny bit sicky/hungry and cannot stop eating ham (although it doesn't taste of anything)! Weird

We were ttc for only 1.5 years but DH' SA results were bad so we moved straight onto ICSI. I can't believe it seems to have worked first time!! I'm 31 and DH 33

I'm 5 week tomorrow and I think my EDD is 14 Jan 13.

My first scan is on 30 May and then I'll have another 2 weeks after. I'm praying everything will be okay - I've found myself worrying a bit since we found out.

Thanks for setting up this thread MM - its nice to have some familiar faces to share this leg of the journey with (and also some new faces)!

Congrats everyone xxxx
Congrats Ratmagirl!!! Glad to have you here. I seem to be having the same symptoms as you, except I have gas added on to it. LOL It still doesn't seem real to me either. I have my scan this Friday. I wish I could just relax and enjoy this but I'm always worried that something is going to happen. I question every little pain I get. Even though I know cramps are completely normal in first tri. I can't wait until I can just sit back and enjoy this time instead of just being a big worrier. LOL

I hope everyone had a good weekend!!
Good luck today sweet and desperate!

Welcome Ratma - good to see you here :happydance:

I am exactly the same - convinced every pain is the start of a miscarriage - and I have had quite a few pains - mostly at night - but I am fairly sure they are constipation type pains (I hope!!)

Dh told MIL and FIL and one SIL on Friday, then we told the other SIL yesterday. Her kids over heard though and so they were like "Are you having a baby?" "Are we having a new cousin" etc etc - really cute, but I am too scared that something will go worng to really enjoy it!

Maybe we will all feel better after our scans.

oh, and I had bad MS this morning. Hoping that is a good sign.
Thanks all :D

Good luck with your scan today Desp xx

Yes Buster I wish I could relax and enjoy this - we've all come so far to get to this but you just can't help worry that luck is going to run out. Must remain positive!!! This week will hopefully fly by so you can see you little bean.

MM - ooh MS!! I havent really felt anything but tired, but this morning Im feeling a tiny bit queasy. Well done on telling family - Ive only told a few of my close friends that knew about the IVF. I think we'll wait at least until the 9 week scan to tell people as Im really worried about them not finding anything at the scan!

Am a bit worried as I was gardening yesterday and then read last night that you should wear gloves in case there is cat faeces in the soil - bleugh. Im sure I didnt really touch much soil though - must get some gloves! Mr RG is on cat tray cleaning duties from now on :lol:

Ive not felt any twinges really but have had a few brown cm incidences but its just inside where the progesterone gunk sits and nothings coming out so Im not too worried about it.

Im so glad we can symptom spot together xxx
I wouldn't have chosen to tell, but Dh insisted we had to tell his family as they all tell each other as soon as they get preggo. Not telling my mum until 7 week scan in case it is bad news. Won't tell anyone else until 12 week scan. Way too scared to tell more people until then. As you say feels like luck could run out at anytime.
Still feeling sick and dizzy. Work sucks when you feel ill. Least it is all for a good cause.
ooh and happy 5 weeks. beyond the realms of chemical now x x
I'm dreading telling the ILs - MIL is going to suffocate me, I just know it!!

Still, it'll be a nice suprise for everyone - we've been married 5 years and I think everyone has given up all hope of us making a pg annoucement :lol:

Urgh - I cannot concentrate at work today. I could quite happily put my head on my desk and snooze!! :D

How is everyone getting time off for their scans? Work have no clue but I'm loathed to take yet more of my prescious holiday when I know that this should be paid time off! I might just have to throw a sickie!!
I dont get on with MIl so I didnt want to be there when DH annouced it cause I didnt want to see how underwhelmed she was!!

Work is so tough today - like you, just want to sleep, be sick and not be here.

For my scan, I told HR I was having IVF (so I could get paid sick leave) so I am just going to tell them that I have a follow up appointment.

Just had my lunch but have a feeling I might see it again :sick: Pleased with all that MS means, but I didnt expect it to last all morning. Hoping it goes this arvo!!

ultrasound went great. I was smiling the whole time. They saw the gestational and yolk sac. Everything seems on track! :yipee:

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