**New & Crazy** friendly group thread ((5 BFPs))

Congrats ready!!

I went to the doc for a bloodtest & pelvic exam today. She said my uterus felt enlarged which was a good sign. She'll call tomorrow with the hcg levels so I'm excited for that!

Our Pelvic U/S is scheduled for Jan 18 (Tuesday) for when I'll be just over 8 wks.
No symptoms really still and she said not to worry about that...

Liz, I dont remember if you said this or not, but did you feel like AF was coming this month at all?? Starting to get all the AF symptoms and am thinking that I'm out again...
So, have that wooshy feeling down there, starting yesterday, like my period has come (sorry, tmi). I always have it 5 days before my period comes, and well yesterday was 5 days before. So, I'm thinking that it's coming... Thoughts??
So, have that wooshy feeling down there, starting yesterday, like my period has come (sorry, tmi). I always have it 5 days before my period comes, and well yesterday was 5 days before. So, I'm thinking that it's coming... Thoughts??

I had that same "wet wooshing" feeling last month too FXed for you!!! :dust:
I caught my + pretty early so didn't get too many AF symptoms....

TL, abt ur signature: go into User CP > Edit Signature (do u see the ticker there still??)
Type some gibberish also in there to make sure it works. Don't forget to hit "save"!!
Hello and thank you ladies,

Heather, I am so sorry that af came.:hugs:

TL, I have been having af like cramps all month. But some of the other ladies told me they did too.

AFM, yes I did get my :bfp: on yesterday. I tested on New year's day and it was negative. But something kept telling me that it was not over. So I had the urge to take another one on yesterday afternoon. So I did. It came back positive and I was in disbelief so I took another one.

I went to the doctor today to confirm it as well. Because I had the tubal reversal and AMA (I am 38). I have the u/s pictures and updated in my journal.
When I went back into my siggy, it was still there. I added something at the end... Well??
The part I added comes up, but the other part doesn't...
Thought you ladies may like to look at this... https://www.twoweekwait.com/bfpsymptoms/dpo/. I have been reading it for an hour...
Well we are home safe and sound. I'm glad AF came yesterday (on time too) because it would have SUCKED to have bad cramps and stuck in the car. But I'm kind of Po'd that I didn't know sooner that I'd start. I got such crappy sleep that my temps were off, so I SHOULD have seen a temp drop on Friday. I wish I had because then I could have DRANK MY REAR OFF at the pub where we met some old friends at. But I just sipped on free champaign and watched drunk people falling over (not my friends, just random people) So I guess that was still fun....:haha:

Ready: Just saw your pregnancy ticker! Woot! So happy for you!

But on the way home Dh and I were having a lot of talks about having a baby right now. We are having some family issues and traveling this weekend just made things worse. His family NEEDS out of that city. Its not safe, its run down, his mom should be losing her job within a year and all three (his mom, dad, and grandma) are having poor health. FIL has always had issues and he has gone down hill even more since the last time I saw him 5 months ago, GmaIL is just getting older and naturally slowing down, and MIL is having issues where she has been bleeding vaginally for like 2 or 3 months now and she is waiting on test results. She is 60 and has already gone through menopause so she should NOT be bleeding like this. She looked SO fragile, she was white as a ghost, and her what used to be thick head of hair is just now this withered looking splotch. And this is all within 5 months.

So we are not sure about holding off on TTC, maybe not getting too hardcore about it (I refuse to go back on birth control, and I do like tracking my cycles) But I think I'm just not going to stress. If it happens it happens, if in 6 months it hasn't then I'll go back to the Pom juice, EPO, yada yada yada.

But right now our focus is getting his sister on board (she lives in Chicago, so she's 9 hours away, and we are in Indianapolis and 8 hours away) and just telling them they ARE moving up here, no ifs ands or butts about it! Indy is cheaper and not as cold so this would be the better area, because James sis and hubby are thinking of moving down here because they were going to be TTC in about a year and like this area better to raise a kid.

His mom really needs to help and its hard to help being so far away. I had a MAJOR delima with his dad this weekend, which I honestly don't know if I want to tell you girls about it because it was so frickin nasty. But basically it involved his dad not having the common sense to realize that when he lost control of his bowels, that he needed to WASH his hands. But instead he wiped it on the bathroom hand towel, which I did not realize until I was drying MY hands on the towel later. I was about to puke and just scrubbed my hands til they were raw. GAH! But its just from him losing common motor skills (he was having trouble counting to 6 when we were playing a board game earlier before this incident) So I just gave him the benifit of the doubt, I work in health care and I realize that sometimes these things happen. But it didn't mean I am not SCARRED for life because I got FIL's poo on my hands! lol

So sorry for my ramble. I thought I'd be more bummed about taking a break from TTC, but I Guess its not really a break. We just won't be stressing about it or trying very hard. So we shall just see whatever is in store for us! But right now DH made a good point when he said that "We need to worry about the family that exists, and worry about a baby when he/she exists". So he has a good point.
There you are Elliot :hi: I was just askin Liz where you were??? How have you been? I hope your first trimester is treating you good! Have you had your first sono yet?

Yeah, sorry, I was absent for quite a while on Xmas holiday, and now that I'm back to work everything is crazy and chaos and I'm just trying to keep my head above water.

Feeling pretty good though. I know some folks say it's too early, but I swear to god I've got a bump. It showed up about a week ago and is only settling in and getting bigger. That's been really fun! First real Dr. appt with sono and hearing the heartbeat is tomorrow morning... I'm a bit nervous and really excited! Really hoping everything's okay.
Ready - Congratulations to you! :happydance: What fantastic news! You must be so delighted!

Heather - Sorry to hear about the family stress you're having right now and how it's affecting your TTC plans. :flower: Hoping that everything works itself out soon and you're ready to go again before you know it. :thumbup:
There you are Elliot :hi: I was just askin Liz where you were??? How have you been? I hope your first trimester is treating you good! Have you had your first sono yet?
Feeling pretty good though. I know some folks say it's too early, but I swear to god I've got a bump. It showed up about a week ago and is only settling in and getting bigger. That's been really fun! First real Dr. appt with sono and hearing the heartbeat is tomorrow morning... I'm a bit nervous and really excited! Really hoping everything's okay.

How far along are you now? I heard bumps usually come around 11 or 12 weeks...
Woops, nevermind. I see it in your siggy :)

Ya, I think it makes sense you have a small bump!
The part I added comes up, but the other part doesn't...
TL, did you copy the bbcode???
it should look something like this:

Well we are home safe and sound. I'm glad AF came yesterday (on time too) because it would have SUCKED to have bad cramps and stuck in the car. But I'm kind of Po'd that I didn't know sooner that I'd start. I got such crappy sleep that my temps were off, so I SHOULD have seen a temp drop on Friday. I wish I had because then I could have DRANK MY REAR OFF at the pub where we met some old friends at. But I just sipped on free champaign and watched drunk people falling over (not my friends, just random people) So I guess that was still fun....:haha:

Ready: Just saw your pregnancy ticker! Woot! So happy for you!

But on the way home Dh and I were having a lot of talks about having a baby right now. We are having some family issues and traveling this weekend just made things worse. His family NEEDS out of that city. Its not safe, its run down, his mom should be losing her job within a year and all three (his mom, dad, and grandma) are having poor health. FIL has always had issues and he has gone down hill even more since the last time I saw him 5 months ago, GmaIL is just getting older and naturally slowing down, and MIL is having issues where she has been bleeding vaginally for like 2 or 3 months now and she is waiting on test results. She is 60 and has already gone through menopause so she should NOT be bleeding like this. She looked SO fragile, she was white as a ghost, and her what used to be thick head of hair is just now this withered looking splotch. And this is all within 5 months.

So we are not sure about holding off on TTC, maybe not getting too hardcore about it (I refuse to go back on birth control, and I do like tracking my cycles) But I think I'm just not going to stress. If it happens it happens, if in 6 months it hasn't then I'll go back to the Pom juice, EPO, yada yada yada.

But right now our focus is getting his sister on board (she lives in Chicago, so she's 9 hours away, and we are in Indianapolis and 8 hours away) and just telling them they ARE moving up here, no ifs ands or butts about it! Indy is cheaper and not as cold so this would be the better area, because James sis and hubby are thinking of moving down here because they were going to be TTC in about a year and like this area better to raise a kid.

His mom really needs to help and its hard to help being so far away. I had a MAJOR delima with his dad this weekend, which I honestly don't know if I want to tell you girls about it because it was so frickin nasty. But basically it involved his dad not having the common sense to realize that when he lost control of his bowels, that he needed to WASH his hands. But instead he wiped it on the bathroom hand towel, which I did not realize until I was drying MY hands on the towel later. I was about to puke and just scrubbed my hands til they were raw. GAH! But its just from him losing common motor skills (he was having trouble counting to 6 when we were playing a board game earlier before this incident) So I just gave him the benifit of the doubt, I work in health care and I realize that sometimes these things happen. But it didn't mean I am not SCARRED for life because I got FIL's poo on my hands! lol

So sorry for my ramble. I thought I'd be more bummed about taking a break from TTC, but I Guess its not really a break. We just won't be stressing about it or trying very hard. So we shall just see whatever is in store for us! But right now DH made a good point when he said that "We need to worry about the family that exists, and worry about a baby when he/she exists". So he has a good point.

I think it's great that you're taking care of your family.
Your BFP will come soon enough regardless (maybe even sooner now that you're "not trying"!!) but I think for peace of mind, it's a good thing that you're focusing elsewhere.

Hope everything works itself out soon for you.
Hi Everyone.

Elliot Its been really long that we have seen you here. Good to know that you have already gotten a cute little bump:baby: Good luck for tomorrow's appt hun:flower:

Sorry to learn about all the family issues. But its great that you are taking care of them hun. You will surely get your BFP soon.

I have actually started temping from Jan 1st though I really dont stand a chance this month due to bad timing. I have a question though- do you use a BBT thermometer or a regular one? I read in the net that a BBT thermometer is too accurate. I am using a regular one. Is it going to make any difference? Should I get a BBT one?

I have some ranting to do since I cant share this with anyone apart from DH. Ever since I have started TTC I keep on getting a horrible dream, a nightmare in fact. And I invariably get it during the luteal phase period. I dream that I am getting AF but its such a horrible image-a pool of blood is what I see:cry: And needless to say I wake up immediately and pass the rest of the day all grumpy. Lat night I slept with prayers that God please dont give me nightmares but I ended up with one:growlmad: I saw I am pregnant(pretty early stage) crampy...in order to confirm I took a test and all I saw was blood-it ended in an MC:cry: I dont know how do I get over this. I sleep with prayers in my lips but its not helping me so far. I am sorry for all these ramblings but I am so disturbed. I just feel the month when I dont get this nightmare will be the month when I fall preggers. I am sorry once again.
wow, that really sucks, Anne. That probably doesn't do any good for your mental state!

as for temping, I used a regular DIGITAL thermometer. I don't think you need a specific BBT one, but as long as it's digital and has 1 decimal point on it so you can see a specific temp!

It surely sucks. I end up being all grumpy and weepy the next morn. Dont know why on earth I got that nightmare last night I wasnt even fretting this month since I knew I didnt stand a chance at all.
Anne, honey, hang in there. I also have bad dreams about things like that. But, they are more like I have a bump, but there's nothing inside... It's just because you are thinking about this so much, and because you want it so badly. Dreams are our subconscious. You must be worrrying that something else is wrong with not yet getting pregnant, and that's translating into the MC in the dream... Just try your hardest to relax. Have some warm milk before you go to sleep. That may help with the sleeping. You should also make sure that it's not hot in your room while you are sleeping, because that causes people to have more vivid dreams. I just know these things because I took a sleep class when I was in college :)
Liz, I will try to do my siggy over...
Liz, I will try to do my siggy over...
Good luck with the siggy. I wish I could just do it for you!!!!! :wacko:

I agree with TL about keeping your room cool at night. I find I sleep much better when my bedroom is a cool 66 degrees. I've been having restless sleep a lot lately so I'm dropping it to 65 tonight. Hubby is going to freeze :haha: a normal comforter is fine for me when it's 65/65.

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