New kids on the block! all welcome!! 7 bfps so far!!

Hi ladies!! I'm new too! :haha: This is my first cycle trying and I was able to figure out my ovulation on my own on the very first time lol I got blaring positive and ton of EWCM on 12/04 :happydance: Thought it was a bit early for ovulation but my cycles are always 22-25.

I am 6dpo. Had cramping since ovulation and hip pain while sleeping on my side. I know it's probably too early for symptoms but anything is possible lol.
AF is due on 12/18 but I'm going to hold out to see if it's late before testing.

Good luck to all of you lovely ladies!!

Welcome!! And good luck!
Yeah, we aren't telling ANYONE. Not even my sister (who is my best friend) and my other best friend. They both have kids and are both super excited for when we start trying. Both of them had their first (Sister only has 1) on total utter shock when we found out they were pregnant, so we all know they are fertile! I just cannot deal with all the questions and every month, are you pregnant yet? Everyone asking when are we going to start trying is bad enough! haha When I do get the BFP, they are both going to kill me for not telling them we were even trying, but oh well, the reveal will be that much more fun!
And I know my mom will be super excited when we do tell her, but I know if I told her we were trying, she would tell us to wait. I am not done with school yet and she thinks I should finish first and she wants to see us travel more etc. Which are some valid points for sure, but we feel like we are ready to start trying now. Hubby has a good job, so we are fine there.

Hey! I feel so behind!! We have t told anyone either. At first it was do you bring that up?!. Now it's bc it has taken a while. My mom doesn't know- one friend does just bc I had a break down One day that AF came and some other things were going on... and she popped by to drop something off and when I answered the door I couldn't hold my tears in! I think it's best not to bc then for all they know it's a surprise. We've been trying 8 months and I definitely couldn't handle it if people were constantly asking "anything yet?" Or "how's ttc going?" No thanks it's hard enough without questions.
Ltruns33- I agree. It would upset me to have to keep telling other people im still not preggers.

Clomid tab1 last night. I woke a few times during the night, which isn't like me and I had a bit of a tummy upset through the night too. A little sweaty when I woke. To be honest all of that might have nothing to do with the Clomid. If this is as bad as it gets, il be delighted!! It's 8:30am here.we'll see how work goes for the day.
hi guys! I have found the same and was hoping to leave my situation on here and get some advice if that's ok! My husband and I have been trying for a month now! Period was due 4th dec but never arrived until that sunday evening, went to the loo and after wiping saw a pinkish blood in the loo! Thought I had gotten my period so put in a tampon! Next am all that was on tampon was a bit of brown! Since then nothing at all! I have had some cramping but nothing bad, for about a week and a half my nipples were very sore too but they are fine now! I know I could just be waiting to come on as I was on the pill and my cycle could still be adjusting itself but I also can't help but think the bit of bleeding was possibly IB? Anyone got any advice?
So I caved and took a test. BFN. : ( Still early, so I am trying to keep my hopes up. I wasn't going to, but since I was at Target I thought, why not? I am putting my foot down and won't test again until at least Thursday or Friday with FMU. If I (hopefully!) am preggo, I am only 8 dpo, used 730 urine after drinking about a gallon of water today and used a cheapy Target brand test! So, now I wait...again!

How is everyone else doing?

Ready2bmum: How did your first round of clomid go?

Honey: did you and DH get some :sex: in? Did you get anymore pos OPK's?

Hi there,

Don't count yourself out just yet- it's still early!!!!

Sorry been MIA- finals at school- BLAH!!!!!!!!

I may have gotten another positive OPK last night, they were about the same shade but may have been darker who knows- next time I GO DIGITAL!

OH wanted to stick to the every other day method thought so no bd'ing yesterday (party pooper!)

I am still not sure if I O'ed though, yesterday I was SO SO SO nauseous all day, I could only eat soup and we were watching tv and everything was making me gag. I haven't had any sort of stomach flu or sickness since I was 6. Very unusual for me- but I am not banking on it- could have just been a tummy bug.... This waiting thing is no fun!!!!!
We haven't told anyone yet either officially. My brother and sister in law know that we want to start trying soon as does my best friend. With his recent testicular torsion we didnt want to deal with all of the questions, especially if we have trouble. Plus, when he had the torsion, we mentioned to my MIL that if his results stay as bad as they are, we may need to go with IVF and she started telling us how bad that was. I don't need other people judging our choices, they are our choices.

*IF* I get a BFP this Xmas I don't know how I want to tell OH. He never gets excited over things and he knows me so well that even if I try to surprise him he knows before he opens the box. As for family, he doesn't want to tell ANYONE until we absolutely have to. I suck at keeping secrets so that should be interesting...
hi guys! I have found the same and was hoping to leave my situation on here and get some advice if that's ok! My husband and I have been trying for a month now! Period was due 4th dec but never arrived until that sunday evening, went to the loo and after wiping saw a pinkish blood in the loo! Thought I had gotten my period so put in a tampon! Next am all that was on tampon was a bit of brown! Since then nothing at all! I have had some cramping but nothing bad, for about a week and a half my nipples were very sore too but they are fine now! I know I could just be waiting to come on as I was on the pill and my cycle could still be adjusting itself but I also can't help but think the bit of bleeding was possibly IB? Anyone got any advice?

Welcome Kay!!! Have you tested yet?
Neg opk this evening... My bf was teasing me that I already had ewcm, and I was just trying to get sme... So before I broke into tears or flipped my lid, I had a sit down and explained that I wasn't joking, I'm sorry about the pos opk last week, explaining a false surge, and told him that I'm going to keep testing until another pos opk, so be warned. That was a good convo, and it turns out he was understanding after all!

Glad to hear he finally understood. Sometimes they come around!
Neg opk this am. Temp still low. Sticking with smep until pos opk. I think the opks are getting a little darker, but it's hard to tell, and maybe I,m just being hopeful. Only time will tell!
My cycles are always 22-25. So I saw the average of when I should ovulate on my 500 apps I have on my phone :haha: and they all told me I should O on the 4th. So I bought OPKs and got negatives on the 2nd, 3rd, positive on the 4th and back to negative on the 5th. We BD'd on the 3rd and 5th. Hubby was tired on the 4th. :growlmad: lol. But I'm thinking I still have a good chance.

That is my niece in the picture. She is a twin and they are now 5 years old. I also have a 9 year old niece. I absolutely adore them all and wish they were my kids lol. Hubby has a 4 year old son from a previous relationship. But no kids of my own. I'm trying for my 1st! So excited!!

Hey! Don't you hate it when they're tired on THAT one important day? We've been trying for 8 months :( and have done everything from every other day all month (the best, in my opinion!) to every day during fertile window, every other day after CD9 (I'm a 26-28 day cycler) and one month we just did it three times during the fertile 6 or so days... So I don't have much to tell you for experience, but when we had a month like yours, where we only did it before a positive OPK, and after one, I read on clear blue/first response ovulation websites that it is best to do it the day before a pos OPK, the day of, and the day or two after. You can ovulate anywhere from 12-36 hours after the first positive. So, ideally in a perfect world where you don't work or have anything else going on, you could sit there and wait for the positive so you could DTD. But in reality, when we work 5+ hours a week, I think we are doing good to do it three times a week throughout the month and extra during fertile days! My hubby has been tired (we're both coaches who work 50-60 hours a week 6 days a week etc) but has been SOhelpful. Part of that is bc he's been there for me each month when some teenager at school gets preggers and here we've been trying for almost 8 months. So be understands the importance of Odays and OPKs. But I've had to work on not treating him like a "stud horse" (as he so frankly put it!) haha. This whole things been good for us and that area of our marriage,bc let's be honest.. If you're doing it for fun, it's fun if you're doing it for work.. Then it's work.

About having nieces etc..I have two sweet ones, but now I'm ready to have a kid! I never was very "maternal"... That's why we've waited till now to try, but honestly it wasn't till I met and married my husband that I wanted kids. He changed that for me bc he knocked me off my feet and I want a little one who is part of us both.

Hope y'all have a great day ladies!
Thank you! I did test the day after the bit of bleeding but it was negitive! Really hoping it is just too early! Will try again at the end of the week!
We haven't told anyone yet either officially. My brother and sister in law know that we want to start trying soon as does my best friend. With his recent testicular torsion we didnt want to deal with all of the questions, especially if we have trouble. Plus, when he had the torsion, we mentioned to my MIL that if his results stay as bad as they are, we may need to go with IVF and she started telling us how bad that was. I don't need other people judging our choices, they are our choices.

*IF* I get a BFP this Xmas I don't know how I want to tell OH. He never gets excited over things and he knows me so well that even if I try to surprise him he knows before he opens the box. As for family, he doesn't want to tell ANYONE until we absolutely have to. I suck at keeping secrets so that should be interesting...

I have had fun thinking of how to tell hubby when/if we get a bfp.. It's fun to think about that stuff durin the TWW.. So long as you don't get upset if AF shows instead of bfp. I think bc we are both coaches..I want to do something like buy pink and blue running shoes or footballs and give him some cute present..or have a little baby football jersey made with our last name (Taylor) on the back.

We'll all get our BFPs soon! Have y'all ladies thought about what y'all would like- girl or boy? What all thought have y'all given to your future little ones? I know some people don't think about it till "it's real" with a bfp etc.
That is such a cute idea with the footballs/shoes!!! I have looked some ways up on Pinterest and found some ideas but NOTHING phases him seriously so I worry that I will put all this effort into telling him and then get really upset if he is not as excited as I would like yah know? We are in the process of buying a house, so last night I said something like " Wouldnt it be nice if we got a positive and a house for christmas this year" and he was just like " That sounds expensive".. Hubby is a cop and very logical and non emotional about EVERYTHING.

I think about it often. I really would love a boy, but will be happy with healthy. Hubby and I have been trying to decide on names I swear since the day we met.. no luck there haha
i can remember getting my period at 12 and wanting a child since then, so i've had LOTS of time to think about names, boy or girl, etc... i would prefer a girl but would be over-the-moon no matter what. i think we are going to honor his father and my grandfather in the childs name somehow, just not sure in which order (first or middle). right now, just want two lines on a stick....
Neg opk this am. Temp still low. Sticking with smep until pos opk. I think the opks are getting a little darker, but it's hard to tell, and maybe I,m just being hopeful. Only time will tell!

Hubby and I are back in business! :happydance:

I just had my first positive OPK this morning (CD20). I took the digital one (got my smiley face) and the cheapy stick. Second line on the cheapy stick got suddenly very dark. Mine kept getting darker until this morning. Furthermore, the following symptoms seem to occur for me before/around ovulation (all of this happened during my first cycle off the pill as well, but I ignored it as I thought I had ovulated on CD 12. :nope:):

-three days before positive OPK: tension headache, moody, spotting
- two days before positive OPK: spotting, PMS (bloating, tension headache, sore lower back, cramping)
- one day before positive OPK: spotting, "PMS", moody!!!!! (ask hubby :wacko:), EWCM
- day of positive OPK: "PMS", EWCM

I am really glad that by body seems to be working, although hubby could not let the chance pass to remind me that this is no miracle "as I am biologically programmed to procreate". :huh:


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Neg opk this am. Temp still low. Sticking with smep until pos opk. I think the opks are getting a little darker, but it's hard to tell, and maybe I,m just being hopeful. Only time will tell!

Hubby and I are back in business! :happydance:

I just had my first positive OPK this morning (CD20). I took the digital one (got my smiley face) and the cheapy stick. Second line on the cheapy stick got suddenly very dark. Mine kept getting darker until this morning. Furthermore, the following symptoms seem to occur for me before/around ovulation (all of this happened during my first cycle off the pill as well, but I ignored it as I thought I had ovulated on CD 12. :nope:):

-three days before positive OPK: tension headache, moody, spotting
- two days before positive OPK: spotting, PMS (bloating, tension headache, sore lower back, cramping)
- one day before positive OPK: spotting, "PMS", moody!!!!! (ask hubby :wacko:), EWCM
- day of positive OPK: "PMS", EWCM

I am really glad that by body seems to be working, although hubby could not let the chance pass to remind me that this is no miracle "as I am biologically programmed to procreate". :huh:

WAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Great news!!!! Time to tell hubby to get :sex:

Gl & :dust:
I have PCOS and finished my first round of 50mg of Clomid on 12/2. I had an hsg on 12/3 and my midcycle appointment on 12/7 at CD12 and my follicles were 7mm or less. I’m going back tomorrow morning at CD17 to see if they’ve grown at all. Has anyone else experienced a growth this late in their cycle? I’m wondering if perhaps the Clomid just did not work and I won’t ovulate this month. Thanks for your thoughts!
We haven't told anyone yet either officially. My brother and sister in law know that we want to start trying soon as does my best friend. With his recent testicular torsion we didnt want to deal with all of the questions, especially if we have trouble. Plus, when he had the torsion, we mentioned to my MIL that if his results stay as bad as they are, we may need to go with IVF and she started telling us how bad that was. I don't need other people judging our choices, they are our choices.

*IF* I get a BFP this Xmas I don't know how I want to tell OH. He never gets excited over things and he knows me so well that even if I try to surprise him he knows before he opens the box. As for family, he doesn't want to tell ANYONE until we absolutely have to. I suck at keeping secrets so that should be interesting...

I have had fun thinking of how to tell hubby when/if we get a bfp.. It's fun to think about that stuff durin the TWW.. So long as you don't get upset if AF shows instead of bfp. I think bc we are both coaches..I want to do something like buy pink and blue running shoes or footballs and give him some cute present..or have a little baby football jersey made with our last name (Taylor) on the back.

We'll all get our BFPs soon! Have y'all ladies thought about what y'all would like- girl or boy? What all thought have y'all given to your future little ones? I know some people don't think about it till "it's real" with a bfp etc.

I do not think that I would have the chance to tell Hubby about a BFP, as he is usually looking right over my shoulder when I test. He is really excited. If a BFP occurs I would test for it on December 25th! What a great Christmas gift this would be! I think both hubby and I would actually prefer a girl, but we would be happy with either as long as he/she is healthy. We even have names already set: Sophia Magdalena for a girl and Benjamin Matthias for a boy.
Yeah, we aren't telling ANYONE. Not even my sister (who is my best friend) and my other best friend. They both have kids and are both super excited for when we start trying. Both of them had their first (Sister only has 1) on total utter shock when we found out they were pregnant, so we all know they are fertile! I just cannot deal with all the questions and every month, are you pregnant yet? Everyone asking when are we going to start trying is bad enough! haha When I do get the BFP, they are both going to kill me for not telling them we were even trying, but oh well, the reveal will be that much more fun!
And I know my mom will be super excited when we do tell her, but I know if I told her we were trying, she would tell us to wait. I am not done with school yet and she thinks I should finish first and she wants to see us travel more etc. Which are some valid points for sure, but we feel like we are ready to start trying now. Hubby has a good job, so we are fine there.

Hey! I feel so behind!! We have t told anyone either. At first it was do you bring that up?!. Now it's bc it has taken a while. My mom doesn't know- one friend does just bc I had a break down One day that AF came and some other things were going on... and she popped by to drop something off and when I answered the door I couldn't hold my tears in! I think it's best not to bc then for all they know it's a surprise. We've been trying 8 months and I definitely couldn't handle it if people were constantly asking "anything yet?" Or "how's ttc going?" No thanks it's hard enough without questions.

Sometimes you need that one person you can vent to! I know if it takes us awhile, I will break down to my best friend!

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