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New month, new cycle! Anyone else around cd1?

I am feeling a little down today. I am frustrated that my insurance hasn't come through and I am going to have to cancel my drs appt of Tuesday. I was really hoping that I could see the dr., because my charts do not seem right. Last month I didn't really have a byphacis pattern, so this month I switched to vaginal. I know I haven't o'ed yet, but My temps still seam all over the place. I cannot see it all making since at this point...
Juniper- Awww, that sucks that you have to cancel your appt. I had a gander at your chart and even "overlayed" my chart. They both look a little all over the place. I'm hoping a few temps were just off somehow and that it's really nothing to worry about. I didn't think charting would be so difficult....and it's really not difficult per say...It's just frustrating waiting for "the" pattern to emerge. Sorry I'm no help. I'm just feeling blue myself. :sad2:
I am feeling a little down today. I am frustrated that my insurance hasn't come through and I am going to have to cancel my drs appt of Tuesday. I was really hoping that I could see the dr., because my charts do not seem right. Last month I didn't really have a byphacis pattern, so this month I switched to vaginal. I know I haven't o'ed yet, but My temps still seam all over the place. I cannot see it all making since at this point...

Hey Juniper (and Amber)

I'm so sorry your appt got cancelled... I've had a look at your chart and your temps aren't that bad.. yes they are a little up and down at the moment but aside from Day 11 this cycle.. are looking ok to me... and your opk was a clear indication last month with SHOW cervix on CD16, so I think you will see those signs again this month... If you compare last month to this month I think you'll see a similarity between the cycles so O day looks like it will come on about CD 16 lovey... but that's just my guess...

My temps were up and down last month too and only this month I'm actually feeling like I'm starting to "get it".. keep watching your CM, doing your OPK's, doing your temps (even if they are a bit up and down) and charting CP and I think you will see the signs and know when the time is right... might not even need that doctors appointment after all xoxoxox :)

Ok I need some advice my opks keep saying neg but im very crampy like the "O" is about to happen but the line is still very faint...and my cm is watery
Thanks Kat and Amber. I am really hoping that my temps from last month were wacky because I sleep with my mouth open most of the time. I was really hoping that I will get pg last month, because of the extended lp. I am really starting to get impatient and worried that something else is wrong, and I can't do anything about it until my insurance gets figured out! :growlmad:
Aww, Juniper! Try to stay positive..I know it's an easy thing to say, but please try not to worry just now, especially when you can't get the help you need at this time. The stress definitely won't help the TTCing. :hugs:

I think we all get a bit blue or negative feelings at one point in our cycle or another. I obviously did with my fear of having no eggs being shown when I get my ultrasound. For some reason even though my fertility monitor hit "high fertility" today (one step below peak), I still felt doubty about it because of what happened last month w/all the positives.

We have to stick together as ladies and support each other! You will be ok and your CM, cervical position sound great and close to Oing...Keep your chin up, babe!
Thanks Stace. You are right, I know that it is normal to have doubts and feel sad from time to time. Especially since ttc is so emotionally charged. I am sure that I am ovulating, and I know that my LPD was hindering a pregnancy before. I guess 20months of trying has damaged my psyche.. I talked to my DH about it last night and he said that he sees it as that last month was really our first good chance because of my extended LP and the charting. I am trying to think of it like that too and keep my spirits up for the next couple months.
OH come back early because hes being sick. But that didnt stop me taking advantage! thats putting it politely! BUT i did an ovualtion test today and yday and theyre both negative! im so confused!!!

STACE: how long have u been trying? and thanks for the mention. isnt it weird how u can tell strangers anything???

JUNIPER:youll be getting near ur fertile days soon so fingers crossed 4 u! :)

Got a positive OPK today! Looks like I am going to O a little yearly this month. I predicted that it was going to happen on the 16th... Oh well. This is great because DH still has time off.

Sharmaine - A positive OPK means that you will ovulate in the next 24 to 48 hours. So, if you got a OPK on the 11th and BDed on the 12th and 13th, then you did exactly what you were supposed to do. I would continue to bd tomorrow also as the egg can live for up to 24 hours. Also, the opk measures the surge of hormone that causes you to release an egg. Most people will only surge for a day, so it is completely normal that you had negative OPKs today and yesterday. It sounds like thinks worked out great for you! got my fingers crossed for you! :dust:
Juniper- You lucky duckling! Getting your pos OPK already!:tease: Wish I could say the same....I'm so jealous....But I've got my fingers crossed for you. :friends:
Juniper off to the Bed honey!!!

Amber i'm in the same boat where O day is not far but not yet :)

I started OPKs yesterday but I had so much liquid it was so dilute ahh well I will do one again today and I'm sure i'll get a positive at some stage next week :)

Otherwise everything in my body is as it should be and my temps are good so I'm getting excited about next week for sure xox

How are your eggies Stace? What's the measurement? I'm so glad the clearblue is working for you.
Amber - Thanks, I need all the luck I can get! Also, I am hoping that this early O doesn't make my 2ww seem longer.. I am glad I have you guys to get me through it :) And your O will come very soon!

Kat - LOL. You are hilarious! I really couldn't be happier with how the timing worked out this month. Last night was DH's first of 4 nights off. We BDed yesterday and the plan is to BD tonight, tomorrow, and Monday. We have also BDed every other day since cd 5. Last month we had some problems "gettin' the job done", but apparently that is not a problem this month.. :blush:
Ugh still no positive opks :-( and I wanna check the cervix but I dont know how...This is so stressful and now dh is talking about his work sending him to washington to work :'-(
Yeah my DH has to go to Melbourne in April and then Canberra.. I'm just hoping by that time the beanie will have stuck and it won't mean missing future important O days..

Juniper what are you doing on here GO GET IN THE BED!!!
Lol Kat me and DH were hoping the same thing!!! I really hope we all get a BFP this month!
Hey ladies! Got back from the dr's a couple hours ago...They looked at my eggs on the screen, wrote some stuff down, then told me they'd call this afternoon. :saywhat: That really frustrated me because I wanted answers right there and then! It wasn't my regular dr and the assistant he had seemed to be making weird/strange faces as she looked at the screen...Way to make me feel nervous!

I THINK I heard him say "15 on the left" and "the same on the right", but I could be wrong...He barely said anything to me and I couldn't tell much on the screen (my dr would usually show me things on the screen and explain whereas this guy said nothing to me except confirming my CD and that I took Clomid).

They should be calling soon and I'll keep you guys updated with the REAL results. DH went back to sleep because we were up so early for the appt. Hopefully I'll get to use my Ovidrel "trigger" shot tonight and we'll get to BD later! The CBFM said I was at high fertility still so maybe the shot will make it hit "peak".
Sharmaine - Hey. :) I stopped taking bc in November 2009, but then I wasn't getting my period back...Started Provera in January and this is my first cycle using Clomid (and hopefully my last!haha). So I would say this would be the 5th month trying, but realistically it's 3. If I would have known birth control was going to be such a problem, I would have stopped taking it a long time ago...like back when we got married.

YAY Juniper! :dance: Told ya to keep your chin up! Now get to :sex:ing! haha

Kat - Hang in there! Before you know it, it'll be time for you to BD, too! :)

How is everyone else today?
Stace- What is up with doctors and being so hush, hush in person?:growlmad: I hate that they sometimes don't take the time to explain things and make us so much more nervous. Is 15 on both sides good? I sure hope so!:flower:

Kat & BWilliams- Sorry your DH's have to go away for work soon. My fingers are crossed that you guys catch those eggies before they leave!

we had some problems "gettin' the job done", but apparently that is not a problem this month
That's great! I'm glad your guy can keep it going every other night and several days in a row too! I don't think mine would be up to the challenge :haha:(though I may prod him into going that route after a few unsuccessful months....which I refuse to have!).

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