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New month, new cycle! Anyone else around cd1?

Thanks Stace and great news about DH. Wishing you the best of luck for your HSG tomorrow.

Sharmaine - Welcome and I am sorry to hear about your OH having to leave. If I were you I would make the best of what time you have and hope for the best :winkwink:. You are on CD 10, so if he doesn't leave for a couple days, then you might still have a chance that a little :spermy: will get you :)

that would of been fine apart from my OH rang me in the car on the way to work saying he was going away. i was like great. even though hes away i still cant help taking ovulation tests, seeing im ovualting and feeling disappointed. i probly, more than likely wouldnt have caught anyway. but for this month i will blme him! when i know its not his fault :(
Sorry to hear that Sharmaine, that really sucks!

I got the Clomid today and I start tomorrow! :happydance: Doc will do a scan on the 19th to check my follicles so I don't need to do OPK's.

Jenn, I love your family photo. I will try to get one on too. It's nice to put a face to the name. Thanks ladies for all the support - it means a lot.
Stace, I'm so excited about your scan on Sunday. I'm going for one on the 19th but that will be on CD 10. I don't like it when he does it so early because then the follicles haven't fully matured and they all seem so small and useless :( Remember to right it all down so you can tell us how many, how big, where, when, how, who, why :rofl:
Juniper- We pronounce my DD's name with an A like apple, just like Abigail but with a v. It's really a subtle difference, so it almost always gets confused with the common version Abigail. We call her Avi alot and people seem to catch the difference better that way.
It's really a Hebrew name and in Israel (where it's a whole lot more common) it's pronounced with an A like awe. And the shortened nickname Avi is not used as it means Father in Hebrew and is a boy's name over there (and is pronounced like awe-VEE not AH-vee).

So how is everyone today? We DTD last night and so of course I can't really tell what my cm is today...I'm going with creamy since it's been that way mostly for the last few days. My cp is high now and quite open, but not as soft as I imagine it could be. My temp dipped back down below the 96.9 that would have gave me dotted crosshairs for ovulation. So I was right and I haven't ovulated yet. :nope:

How are all of your charts looking?
Thanks Everyone for the compliments on our picture :)

Jolene - Yay! You and Stace are most definitely going to be in our BFP list this month!

Amber - Thanks for the info! I really like that name :) We want a little girl SO bad.. I love hearing what other people chose for names. It seems like such a hard decision!

I am doing well today. I was afraid that I was going to get sick yesterday, because I felt really tired. I am feeling better today though. I am confused by my temps, so not really paying to close attention to them right now. My cp is high, medium/soft, and open. I also have creamy/watery cm.
Hello all again

Jolene good luck lovey I have a good feeling about this month for you and Stace now you are getting the help of the experts...

Amber my chart is still infertile I'm not thinking I'll O till late next week but thats ok so long as I know when I'm ok...

Pelle... I just love your comments :)

Stephanie - at least you can use this month to get to know your body better.. xo

Juniper its time to BD for you with that SHOW cervix of yours!!! Go and get in the bed!! (or the shower or whatever you guys do!!!)

Friday today. I love Friday xox
LOL Kat. I know. I am hoping that this great timing means something great will come of it. Dh starts a 4 day weekend in the morning (works graveyard). I am hoping that my cervix will have turned completely soft by tomorrow. I plan to overwhelm my egg with :spermy:s lol.
LOL Kat. I know. I am hoping that this great timing means something great will come of it. Dh starts a 4 day weekend in the morning (works graveyard). I am hoping that my cervix will have turned completely soft by tomorrow. I plan to overwhelm my egg with :spermy:s lol.

Good on you! Yes get those little spermies and kudos to you for seeing your signs so well...

And on another note.. I have ordered some instead soft cups to give those a try. I hope they arrive before next week's predicted O day.
Hey ladies! It's getting near BD time. haha So I'm thinking we'll start tomorrow night so that if I get to take my Ovidrel shot Sunday night, we'll BD then too and prob the next couple nights if DH has the energy. I'm kinda doubting it and we'll prob have to stick to every other day.

For some reason, why do I have a fear that when I go Sunday that the dr is going to tell me that I didn't grow any eggs??? I am so scared about it. No idea why, I just had that thought today. I guess because becoming preg seems so unreal to me.

Jolene - so glad you are doing Clomid, too! Way excited for you! I wonder why he does your scan so early. Is there a way to come in later at all?

Amber - I don't chart so I have no idea. haha I am using the Clearblue Fertility Monitor though and that still says I'm at low fertility... I'll be excited when it finally goes up one stage and even MORE thrilled when it hits peak (little eggy on the screen). Still, another thing that seems unfathomable to me.

Juniper - Def take the most advantage of that 4 day weekend! That's pretty awesome and he'll have plenty of time to recoup in between BDs. haha

Kat - Where did you get the softcups from? If I don't luck out this month, I want to give them a try.

Sharmaine - Sorry about your bad news for this month. :( :hugs:

Pelle - This cycle has definitely gone faster than I thought it would. Best of luck to all of us!!!

Stace -Try not to be scared or worry. You will have lots of eggs. I think that it is one of those things that feels almost too good to actually happen sometimes. I know that I feel that way a lot. I know that when I finally get my BFP, I am going to have to take 20 tests to believe it. :haha:
Hey Stace you will be fine sweet. You have all the experts and they are gonna measure your egg and give you the green light and all will be good :)...

I bought the softcups online on EBAY from the UK because we don't sell them in Australia. I just ordered a packet of 6 to give them a try (hey why not I thought) and it costs me roughly $16 including postage (which I thought was good).

Only problem is the postage time hope they get here in time... because they didn't give me an actual shipping time but with my microscope thingy I also bought on ebay that got to me in 7 days which is very quick.
That is interesting Kat, you will have to tell us how they work... I have been curious. Also, you do the saliva ferning tests? How does that work for you? Is it hard to do? I had not heard of it until I started charting..
Yeah well when they come I'll have a look at the online video at how to use them etc..

I find the saliva microscope great. It is easy to do and I do it in the morning when I take my temp. Trick is not to put gallons of saliva on the glass, just a decent sized drop is good.

The results have matched up perfectly with my OPKs so confirms for me that everything is happening and when to act!! Because its the second month using it this month I really know what to look for when there are ferns... and they stand out!!

So i'm waiting for the ferns this month... but at the moment I am pebbles... because first comes the ferns... then comes the +ve OPK with the ECWM... then the temp goes up after o day and then the 2ww... lol
Kat, you've really got a good system going there. I used my son's microscope and was amazed at how you can pinpoint Ov with your saliva!!?? Even my DH was amazed, he checked his too :haha:

Stace, the reason my doc does the scans so early is because CD12 always falls on the weekend for me and he doesn't do appointments on the weekend :( This month it falls on a Sunday and the Monday is a public holiday!

Hi Shey, Ov day is coming up soon for you too. I hope this is your month!
Jolene hehehe bless the DH checking the saliva. I ate something salty and then used it so I would know what it would look like on the right days... phew I tell you this ttc is like 99% preparation and 1% bding so far.

On another note.. I start my OPKs this weekend :)
:rofl: I agree Kat. What happened to: unprotected sex = baby.
Yeah i liked that much better when we did sex ed way back in school *sigh*

Heh heh "when a mummy and a daddy love each other very much mummy takes her temperature and reads her CM every day until the time is right......... " hahaha
Hilarious Kat!!!:rofl:

Seriously, getting pregnant with my DD was a walk in the park and I didn't even know it was happening. I've never been on birth control and after she was born we just did the NTNP deal. The only method of "protection" we used was withdrawl before ejaculation. Either that method works wonders or we have had the worst of luck catching an eggie! It's been over 3 years of unprotected sex and still no baby.....:cry:

But now we're armed and dangerous :gun: with knowledge and devices! Those eggies can't be too far out of reach.
Hello everyone!!! TGIF this week has been a drag...I've been doing opks all week and still no sigh of the big "O" but I have a feeling it will happen around cd19 like last month...But me and DH are BDing like crazy. What are softcups?

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