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New month, new cycle! Anyone else around cd1?

Well I though maybe I would see how I go this month and if no joy perhaps I'll go talk to the Dr. Just so hard... and I haven't even been talking about ttc with people they just saw me looking at my chart. I don't want to know this forum is enough for me lol....
Sorry Kat. People can be really insensitive about ttc. Our close family knew that we started trying around the time we got married. 2 years and an adoption later and I get a lot of "So when are you going to get pregnant?" It hurts, especially when women around me seem to get pregnant everyday.
Sorry Kat. People can be really insensitive about ttc. Our close family knew that we started trying around the time we got married. 2 years and an adoption later and I get a lot of "So when are you going to get pregnant?" It hurts, especially when women around me seem to get pregnant everyday.

Yeah with so little effort! Sigh. I have told family (who are annoying me too) but work peeps and some other peeps just seem to catch me doing things and then cotton onto it and tell me their stories. I should be more stealthy in future. Only my 1ww ladies know my real case... hehehe

The question that bugs me the most "So any news yet?" I answer - "no not yet" and their response?

"OH WELL NEVER MIND JUST RELAX AND IT WILL HAPPEN" I'm thinking I can't f*&king relax if you keep asking me stupid questions!!
If I were you, I would tell your coworkers that you don't like talking about it. I have had to tell several people to back off...

LOL. I like your attitude :)
Great News Chicken Little!!! :wohoo:

Kat- People are just too insensitive and think their words help when really they just hurt. We decided not to tell anyone we're TTC just to keep the pressure off. My MIL put on her holiday gift list in Dec that she wanted another grandbaby. And my own mother has spoken several times about wanting us to have another which is better than her response when we got pregnant the first time when we were ntnp. She was not supportive at all then.:growlmad: It's like now that everyone else is ready for us to have a baby is doesn't matter if we're ready or not.
So we aren't telling anyone til a month after our BFP.

My DD was sick over the last few days, vomiting and feverish. Today her fever finally broke and she's no longer sick to her tummy.
I'm praying i don't get it now. My OPKs are looking slightly darker each day (although still light) so I don't want to miss my ovulation window due to sickness. Please pray I stay nice and healthy.
Amber - So sorry DD was sick, but glad that she is feeling better. Praying that you don't get sick and miss your chance this month!

Chicken, your hubby must be really happy with those results

Amber, just stock up on those vitamins. My DH has a stomach bug that's really doing it's rounds so I'm hoping he keeps it to himself.

Kat, you will also here a lot of negative stories on B&B as this is where the ladies can turn. Like Jen said, people don't write/talk about their experiences as often when they've been easy ones :hugs:

I can't believe you ladies are already on CD10!!!!! AF just arrived for me. I'm sooooo behind. I'm going to call my gynae tomorrow and ask him to put me back on Clomid this cycle. We've discovered I can get preggo without it and my body responds really well to it but he suggested before the last mc putting me on half a tablet. I just really can't waste another month. I wonder if he will prescribe it :-k

I didn't temp properly last month so if I start now, can FF still pinpoint Ov? I also want to do OPK's, they sell them in packs of 5 over here. How many should I buy? (If doc says clomid is a good idea then I won't need to do OPK's as he will then scan me on CD12)
Jolene - That would be great if your doc would put you on Clomid! If he doesn't, I would start opking at cd 10 or 12 and keep going. You might want to buy 2 kits just in case. You need to keep a close eye on your O this month, because of the long period last month. I started FF at the end or last month and entered all my info I had already collected and it pinpointed my O day. It might not predict it for you, but they do have the fertility signs calculator to help you along the way, so I would try it.
Hey everyone! Just read and caught up on everything. Welcome to Sharmaine! And thanks to everyone for your nice messages about DH's results. I actually didn't get to tell him yet because it's been really busy and I really haven't seen him without other people around to sit and talk about it.

Today the HSG went well except the injection and dye gave me the WORST cramps ever!!! Felt like I had my :witch:. God awful. haah Anyways, the dr said that everything looks perfect - the tubes are open and the uterus looks beautiful. So I will see him on Sunday to have an ultrasound and find out if the Clomid helped me grow eggs and hopefully I'll get to do the Ovidrel "trigger" shot that night to induce ovulation.

Kat - I can totally understand where you're coming from with everything. I would say to maybe wait a couple more months and see if everything's okay. As much as you don't want to waste time, doctors usually say to wait at least 6 months of TTCing before you come to them. ALTHOUGH, since you quit the pill quite awhile ago, it might not hurt to just "SAY" you've been TTCing for 6 months since it's been awhile since you stopped the pill...for as much as they know, you coulda started TTCing right after you stopped taking it. Then they will probably be more willing to help. I don't mind bending the truth like that to get what I want and what needs to be done as far as doctors... So it's really up to you. *hugs*

Also, the worst is when people say to you, "What's taking so long? When are you going to have a baby?" It's really not that easy for everyone so I wish women would be more considerate.
Stace - That is great news! So glad that everything went well. Still got fingers crossed for that BFP this month!

I can't believe how fast this cycle seems to be going. O is sneaking up. I think that my crazy life stuff is keeping me a little distracted. I guess that is a silver lining. HA!:haha: I really hope that the 2nd half goes as quickly as the first half. I also hope that all my stress doesn't effect my O timing. As far as I can tell everything is moving forward swiftly, so I hope that is a good sign. Dh and I have actually been BDing every other day since cd 5 :blush:, so I hope that we can keep that up. The more Bding, the bigger chance of BFP! And I want that BFP SO bad!

:lots of :dust: for all of us!!!
Hello everyone

Thanks for all the advice yesterday :) I'm feeling better today and have decided not to listen to others horror stories and just wait until I've tried this month because I have a good feeling.

Congrats Stace!! That BFP is on the way and yes Juniper o day is looming! Get ready for the BDing...

Jolene - I don't mind reading about the stories on here and seeing peoples stories.. good or bad... it was more the fact that someone at work had seen my chart and came up and started telling me their story which is not a good one. I guess maybe I'm more private like that.... and sort of like to initiate the conversation... but that's ok I'm over it today. And I hope you get your BFP this month lovey xox

Must have been a funny moon last night my emotions go crazy over certain times of the moon phases funnily enough.

So how long till we all think we will ovulate? I am thinking around CD19 for me so that is 9 days away!!! I might start a count down. My temps and everything looks very good and exactly what is to be expected.

Only thing was I found a little lump on my cervix last night.. but I did some searching and looks like this is normal so I'll check again in a couple of days and maybe it will have gone away.... every day I find out something new about my body and the ttc process. whew.

Have a great day all xoxoxox
Kat- I was playing around on FF with future temps and if my temp tomorrow is above 96.9 (or so) FF puts my ovulation at cd 8! I completely disagree, but still. I'm hoping for ovulation sometime this weekend, but I realize I don't have a clue when it will happen. I'm using OPTs and they're progressively getting darker. Except I just took one and it's quite light again (is that normal for taking one in the afternoon?:shrug: the rest I took bet 8 and 11 am). They've all been neg compared to the control line.
I forgot to add a few things in my reply because DH was bugging me about dinner! haha

Jolene - I really hope that your doc puts you on Clomid then! Sorry about AF getting you, too, but now it's a new month to start fresh and hopefully with the medicine!

Amber - Glad to hear DD is doing better and really hope that you don't catch whatever she had! This has to be our BFP month!

I just wanted to add that I think Juniper's picture is super cute! :)
Ohhh, I have NO idea when O day is for me or if I'll O at all. I really hope the Clomid works. Sunday I get the ultrasound to see and if the eggs are good, then I'll take the shot that night to induce ovulation. Then you're supposed to have lots of BDing after the shot.

I'm considering starting early though like tomorrow night because from what I read about Clomid, ovulation is supposed to happen anywhere from 5-9 days after the last pill...and I know if I ovulate at the soonest, you should BD a bit beforehand. So just in case I surprisingly O before my appt., I wanna cover my bases.

Your guys thoughts?
Amber - That makes perfect since that you would have a lighter opk on the afternoon. OPK are like HPTs, they are stronger if your pee is more concentrated. If you have been doing them with FMU or before you drink a lot, then they will be darker. I try to only take them with FMU or not drink for 3 hours before taking one to make sure they are strong. Also, you can pee in a cup and look to see if it concentrated before you decide you use it..

I started OPKing today. It was about half as dark as the control. I think I am going to O about the 16th. I am really hoping that it happens that way too. DH has 12th-15th off of work, so there will be plenty of time for bding :haha:

Stace - Thanks! Those are my 3 loves :) Sunday should be 5 days off of Clomid for you right? If I were you I would probably bd a couple times during the weekend just to make sure that you don't miss an opportunity. But don't stress about it.
Thanks girls. My DD is completely back to health now. I had a touch of nausea this morning and nearly vomited (sorry tmi) this morning while taking a shower, of all places! :wacko: But luckily it passed and have been feeling good since. :thumbup:

I'm going to try and bd tonight just to get back in the swing of things. We don't dtd nearly enough and really need to pick up the pace if we're going to catch the eggie this cycle.:dohh:
I'm going to try and bd tonight just to get back in the swing of things. We don't dtd nearly enough and really need to pick up the pace if we're going to catch the eggie this cycle.:dohh:

We are lazy BDers too at the moment!!

Oh well hopefully when O day comes we will have already BD in the AM and PM :)

On another note - one of the girls from my work just gave me an apple that has been blessed and came from a buddhist temple!! It was a good apple-tasted yum. And holy too. I hope its a sign haha!
Hey Amber, I like your daughters name. It is pronounced with a hard A or a soft A? Like Abigail or Ava?
Great family pic, Juniper! :flower: :)

I don't tell anybody we are TTC, because I find people annoying always asking and measuring my tummy. I think I am not unpatient, I don't mind if it would take a couple months to get the BFP, but all these questions grow a stress like it was some kind of competition - when actually you are not better and not healthier at all if you have BFP in the first month or you have in the 6th. :hugs:

Jolene, so AF is finally there! I hope your doc will prescribe you the pill!

I agree, this cyle goes fast! :) The better, right?

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