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New month, new cycle! Anyone else around cd1?

Amber, I have NOOOO idea about the 15... And like I said, I could be wrong in what I heard because he was basically mumbling to her and she wrote down what he said. I thought if I asked, he would say they'd just call me later with the results. That's why I like my dr (and not this guy I saw today). My dr wouldn't have done that. He would have showed me the eggs and told me SOMETHING... The main thing that bugged me was the girl and making faces as she looked at the screen. She was worrying me and my stomach has been in knots since I left there.
Oh Stace, I'm sorry.:hugs: I bet 15 is a good number! Sounds like a lot! Hopefully you get that phone call sooner than later. Let us know what they say and we'll be here to support you. :flower:
Aww Chicken, that's annoying. Well at least he said 15 and not that there's nothing on either side. Perhaps he meant 15 follicles altogether? That would be pretty good. My most was 7 on one side and 3 on the other, which the doctor was really happy with. FX for you hun :hugs:

Juniper I'm jealous I also wanna BD already!!!! Don't worry we're all rooting for your little eggies so you can't possibly go wrong!

My DH is not going to know what hit him this month - I will not miss out :rofl: Girls we all need to go out there and buy some new lingerie. Showing them charts and pictures of babies is not going to get them in the sack like it would us....
Pretty upset...No 2010 baby for me. Dr's office called back and said my eggs were too small. They want me to start taking Provera today for 10 days to induce my period and to come back in on CD3 next month. They will then up the Clomid to 150mg.

I don't want to be the party pooper on this thread so I'll keep it short. My heart feels like it's in my stomach. :cry:
Stace, babe, I'm so sorry! So he was obviously saying the follicle size was 15mm. The usually like to see them over 20mm. I know how you feel. It's heartbreaking when you find another month over and you're starting again from the top. I cried myself to sleep the other night :( but you somehow find the strength to do it again and you have a great doctor who will do everything in his power to make it work. Sending loads of :hugs: your way.

Edit: Oh and don't think you're being a 'party pooper'. We're here to support you!
So sorry Chicken Little! If we could reach our arms through the computer screens we'd all be hugging you right now.:hug::hugs2:
Maybe upping the clomid will be just the ticket.
Oh Chicken! I am so sorry sweetie. This was only your first month on Clomid though, hopefully the high dose will do the trick! Also, I have a few calculations for you to ponder about :) :hug:

- If you start Provera today for 10 days, then that would put cd 1 at 3/23. If you are able to do the trigger shot at cd 14, then the date of Ov would be 4/06. If you conceive, your due date would be 12/30! Which means either 2010 baby, or New Years baby! :)

I didn't Ov yet :( No temp spike today. Also, I did another opk this morning and there was still a line (not pos., but a line). The line always disappears after I Ov. And my cervix is still really soft.. Good thing I have DH for 2 more nights I guess ;)
Ugh still no positive opks :-( and I wanna check the cervix but I dont know how...(

Here are some sites that helped me when I first started, also I would suggest buying the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler.


https://www.fertilinet.com/Cervical Fluid and Fertility.htm

Good luck!!
Thanks Jolene, Amber and Juniper. I appreciate the support. I've been pretty depressed all day. DH doesn't seem to understand. I tried saying it'd be the same way he'd feel if he got low sperm count results or something. He said we'll just keep trying different things and he's just usually the one to stay positive through stuff.

As for the Provera, I started today, but I never get AF on the 10th day. It takes 3-4 days after stopping it before I get :witch:. You're still right, though...It could be possible to have a baby on 12/31 or so...lol Thanks for the hope, though!

I'm still feeling a bit down so hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow about it. So looks like next round of Clomid will be 3 (150mg) pills a day instead of 2 (100mg). Do you guys feel like that's enough to make a big enough difference in small eggs?
Stace xoxox Awww.. damn i hate the time difference because I've missed all of what happened... but sweet don't worry too much about this month now and yes a new years baby may still come xoxox keep Bding anyway doctors have been wrong before....

I dunno about Clomid.. ? But I guess they will know what to give you? Aww little chicken eggies :)

Jolene I am going to go and get new nickers (underwear) I hope it helps! DH is really tired this week and it is the right time not to be tired!!! My ferns are getting more and more each day I'm feeling a +OPK coming around thursday for some reason.... ugh... I hope I can get DH excited before then ;)

Amber I hear ya girl. Babymaking is surely not as exciting for us as it is for the DH. But anyways.. It only takes one sperm on the right day etc etc.... and I'm getting impatient for my +OPK... but then I don't want to miss O when I get it... arrrgghhh I need to calm down or I'll be too stressed out to hold a baby sheesh......

ANNDDD... I don't really get EWCM so this month will be interesting?
Kat - I have a problem with not very much cm. I get ewcm, but it is not as abundant as others say and it doesn't always seem as stretchy. I bought Conceive Plus this month and I am hoping that it will help. Even if it doesn't help with sperm motility, it has helped "spice things up a bit," so maybe you could try that.
I am new to all of this and just bought a nasal thermometer bit have no idea where to start will u ladies help me
I don't know if you girls saw this pic of cm in the difference stages or not...but I found it really helpful (it's towards the bottom of the thread) https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-to-conceive/292652-photos-cervical-mucus.html

I have been having what they call "rubbery and gummy" and "lotiony" type cm (though definitely not that abundant...if I clump it all together it looks like that) all this cycle. Not really when or if I'll get any ewcm, but I certainly hope so. My opks are still looking slightly darker with each day....but not as dark as I'd like.

ttcstill- I'm not sure what you mean by a nasal thermometer..?:shrug:
I've been having discomfort in my lower abdomen and been having lower back pain and pains in my right boob, and I have a sore throat again
Shey - Do you ever have hormonal symptoms during Ov? I usually get sore bbs and get really tired the day before.. I hope that you are not getting sick..

I am really irritated at the moment... We had a family dinner at my mother-in-law's house tonight. My sister-in-law is 17weeks pregnant and she literally followed me around for 2 hours talking about her baby. She knows that we are ttc and kept making comments like "too bad you guys aren't pregnant yet, because..." She drives me crazy and makes me feel like a piece of shit.
Shey - Do you ever have hormonal symptoms during Ov? I usually get sore bbs and get really tired the day before.. I hope that you are not getting sick..

I am really irritated at the moment... We had a family dinner at my mother-in-law's house tonight. My sister-in-law is 17weeks pregnant and she literally followed me around for 2 hours talking about her baby. She knows that we are ttc and kept making comments like "too bad you guys aren't pregnant yet, because..." She drives me crazy and makes me feel like a piece of shit.
I have no idea Juniper i never kept track of me O before, this is the first time so I have no idea.
ah, well it doesn't sound too out of the ordinary, for Ov symptoms... The only thing that sounds like it is not hormone related is the sore throat..
Stace, All that Clomid should definitely work. 15mm is really close to the size it should be and that's a crazy dose they're giving you there. Crazy in a good way, lol.

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