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New month, new cycle! Anyone else around cd1?

Thanks again, ladies. I think I'm going to call back and ask what the biggest egg size was and see if I can confirm if they were saying 15mm and what they want them to be just so I have piece of mind of how far off I was. She only called me saying they were too small...and not a size. I was too upset to think about asking.

Thanks so much for staying positive for me because I honestly don't have it in me right now. I am still pulling for all of you lovelies, though. :hugs:
Stace - I would ring back and get all the details lovey. Best to be informed :) and big hugs to you lovey don't worry we will be counting with you as soon as you get the OK!!

Ask about the clomid dose etc get as much info as you can..

Shey sorry to hear you are having funny symptoms.. ?

Thanks Juniper I might look into that stuff :)

I'm looking at my ferning again and whoa it is about 95% ferning. Wonder if I'll O early. I hope not coz that means irregular cycles and that can't be good :(

And just did an OPK and it is getting darrrkkkerrr... mannn... I'm nervous as s#$t this is crazy...

Ok I'm editing because CM is creamy (as it should be before O) and there is LOTS of it (sorry TMI) and CP is medium and still firm so i'm still ok :)
I just thought you guys might like to have a look at my ferning picture from my microscope today I'm surprised my camera took such a good pic..... its quite interesting really :)

Wow Kat, that's an awesome picture! Looks good for you... so as umm Kat would say.... what are you doing on here, off to bed girl...
Think its still too early... but doesn't hurt to practice right?
Hello Girls!

Kat, wow, this looks perfect!!! catch the egg, sweetie! :D

Stace, I am sorry to hear the news. I was told last month an egg grows 1-2 milimeter a day. Usually the egg is not released before the follicle is 22-24 milimeters. Is your doctor sure your dominant egg would not grow more in this cyle...?

Juniper, has your insurance arrived? :) that pregnant relative is not too kind at all, I could not walk around like that hurting other's feelings :((((

My O is coming, too, we go for it with my husband in the next days :D
Kat, :spermy: can live for up to five days sooooooo maybe you can get them queuing for your eggie... :haha:
Kat and Pelle- My O is getting closer too. I was so relieved to see my OPK get much darker today! Still a little ways to go, but getting there. My temp has dropped some more too, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. :thumbup:

Kat your ferning photo is neat! If I don't catch the eggie this cycle, I may get a ferning microscope....They don't seem to be too expensive from what I've seen on ebay. Are they easy to work?

Juniper- I wish people wouldn't be so insensitive. Argh....just makes me angry!
Hello girls,

Well, I still haven't Ovulated.. I do not understand what is going on.

Pelle - No, I haven't gotten my insurance yet. I was told that it could take another month or 2 before I get my cards and everything :(

Kat - That ferning pic was really cool.. Looks like you are getting close. I agree with Jolene, start packin' those :spermy"s in there. LOL
Neg OPK this morning but getting so close..trying to delay BD as long as possible so DH doesn't get too tired.. I've booked in tomorrow morning..

*sigh* working full time and all other facets of life keep getting in the way. I'll check CP and CM tonight with another two OPKs today to make sure I'm definitely on the right day and get the spermies right before O....

Amber our cycles are very similar...

Stace where are you sweetie xoxox
Wow Kat! Our charts are really similar. They are following the same pattern real close, mine's just like 3/10ths of a F degree lower. Craziness! :friends:Should be interesting to watch them progress.

How is everyone tonight? Stace did you make that call?
Hi Ladies,

My husband and i are newlyweds wanting to start a family
I am in my 6th month of ttc and i keep getting BFN's!!! :(
It is really disheartning month after month for both of us. My dh had testicular cancer 9 years ago and had to undergo radiation, as far as we know his sperm is still good.
I have had an ovarian cyst drained but am worried its flaring up again.
Its so hard going through this when all your friends and family are easily falling pregnant around you.
I am on day 3 of my cycle, any advice you ladies can give me to help me get pregnant this month.
Baby dust to all
Welcome lildudesez! :wave: I'm so sorry to hear about your Dh's cancer. :hugs2:We're all here to support one another. Do you have a chart? Fertilityfriend.com is a great site for helping make sense of your cycles.

Loads of :dust: your way!
Thanks amberdawn, yeah i have been on to that site so i guess its just a matter of wait an see, i have been going off charts for the last 5 months and still nothing.
I am going to see my doc this afternoon so she may be able to give me some insight.
How do you get those things at the bottom of your posts :)
Hi lildudesez welcome to the madness!!

We are all madly ttc as well in here :) Look forward to hearing how you go this cycle and best of luck at the doctors xox
Hi ladies. Sorry I've been MIA. It hasn't been a very good day for me today overall. Too much going on plus a cold.

I did call my doctor again and the nurse said I had 15 follies on each side, but none were more than 11mm big. They said they want them to be at least 20mm for ovulation so I'm wayyy off. They also said my estradiol was low so that's why I'm on Provera to induce a period.

That among other things I won't bog you guys down with have been going on and just don't want to spread to much negativity here.

I'm still hoping you all get your O's and bfp's this month. <3
Welcome lildudesez - We are all on here to support each other during that crazy journey. Good luck and I hope that the drs appt goes well!

Stace - Sorry you are having a bad day. It sounds to me like the clomid spread itself to thin with that many eggs! Still praying that every thing will go great for you next cycle!
p.s. - I love your new pic of you are your dh. Cute! :)

Well, I am pretty sure that Ov'ed today. I took an OPK around 3pm and there was not even a trace of a line. Also, my cervix seems to be firming up this evening. I am really hoping that I get my temp shift in the morning! DH and I are getting tired! :haha:
Thanks guys, doctor is sending dh for a sperm count and motility test, so will see how that goes, will do that first thing in the morning. if that is all good i then have to go in and get a test every 21st day of my cycle for the next 3 cycles, if still nothing then will refer me on to the hospital, hoping it wont go that far!! af is still here so waiting for her to leave so we can start bding again then on to that tww!!
I hope you get your temp shift Juniper, it is tireing isnt it!!
Yay Juniper!!!

Stace feel free to let us know what is going on even if its negative... that's what we are here for often I wish I could meet up with you girls and have a coffee (or tea for those who drink tea) and a chat in real life rather than type on the keyboard...

So its all looking good for Kat at the moment - Estrogen is up (check) OPK getting slowly slowly darker (check) DH booked in for some BD (check) temp dropping a little (check) and my softcups came in the mail today all ready for tomorrow's fun and games and I'm predicting.. +opk.

Only thing that won't come to the party is my cervix which seems firm.. but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right so I'll not worry about it too much in the meantime :)

Baby dust to all Juniper I hope this is our month sweet xoxoxoxox

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