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New month, new cycle! Anyone else around cd1?

Amber, I'm beginning to think the 'mine' stage never comes to an end. My 9yr old son and 6yrs old nephew always want what the other one has!

I need your opinions. As you know I tested Mon,1st and Fri,5th. I'm now on CD34. Should I test tomorrow or wait until Tues. DH says Tues but this morning it was already difficult to resist the urge to test. I know your HCG increases daily so it would be better to wait instead of perhaps getting a BFN tomorrow :wacko: Now I've been hearing of people who didn't get results from a HPT, only bloodtests confirmed their pregnancies. How is that possible?
Good Morning Everyone!!! I hope everyone one has had a good weekend so far!!! Mine was ok bd last night which was wonderful till my nephew (who was suposed to be in bed)started banging on the door which totally kinda ruined the moment lol...I really cant wait for our house to be done lol!
Jolene- Do you have a link to your chart? How long are your cycles usually?

BWilliams- I bet that killed the moment, huh? My DD sleeps like a log through the night so we haven't had that problem yet, but I'm sure it's coming!:haha:
Welcome flubdub, sorry AF got you:(

Amber I only started charting this cycle so my chart is a bit of a mess, lol. I have decided I'm testing tomorrow morning which is in about 7hrs. Please think of me and add me to your prayer list - I really need this BFP!!

Good Morning Brooke, but now I'm saying good night it's my sleep time, lol.
Nighty Night Jolene and I hope u get that BFP!!!! Amber Dawn- It did kill the moment haha we already have to be super quite while bding cause we are living at the in laws till we finish our house. Which I can't wait till its done! Welcome Flubdub!!!!
Hey Jolene. I'd probably wait until Tuesday to test. Honestly, I don't know what it is about some people only being able to get blood tests to confirm. All I can say is maybe that the HCG isn't concentrated enough in their urine. Blood tests are way more sensitive anyways.

And if it makes you feel better, my friend who is 8 1/2 months preg now told me she didn't get a positive until 2 WEEKS AFTER :witch: came! I think if the next HPT comes out neg for you, I would call my dr and request a blood test.

Morning again! Well off to work (yuk) and all things look normal so far in my chart which is a great sign :) Start the OPKs this weekend depending on what happens with the ferning.

Hope everyone is well xoxox chicken little - your poor DH mine would freak about doing a sample haha!
haha Yeah... He feels a bit weird about it; especially when I gave him all these restrictions (no ejaculating for at least 2 days, no alcohol, when producing sample, no lube & no sex). He's just like, "Well, how do we do this? You have to help me." hahah

He's definitely relieved he's not doing it at a hospital or office, though. I'll be driving it in. So nervous about the results and even more nervous of my results of the HSG this Wednesday. :shy:
Hey girls. I had a good weekend. Went to stay with my cousin last night and had a "girls night" Haven't done that in a few years :)

Jolene - I agree with Stace. I know that it is excruciating, but it would probably be best if you waited to test. Do you know when you ovulated?

I am having a hard time charting this month.. I keep messing my temp times up, and my cm is acting all funny. I already have lots of watery cm.. I am thinking that I might need to start my opks early this month....
Don't stress about it chicken. It is all a good thing.... I hope you get your BFP :) You've been doing so well with all this :)

I want O day to hurry up still two weeks away far out how will I wait that long
:bfn: :bfn: :bfn: Stace and Juniper when you wrote your posts I was in dreamland so I couldn't take your advice not to test. What's wrong with me? I am taking my MIL to the docs this afternoon so maybe I'll pop in to the pathologists and just get a test - I've already spent so much this year on docs with nothing to show for it!

Stace, when my DH had to have a SA he still said you know if it's him then at least we will know what the problem is and have it sorted out. Well, when we got the results back he was beaming that it wasn't him. It did wonderful things for his ego. Men!!!

:dust: to all
:bfn: :bfn: :bfn: Stace and Juniper when you wrote your posts I was in dreamland so I couldn't take your advice not to test. What's wrong with me? I am taking my MIL to the docs this afternoon so maybe I'll pop in to the pathologists and just get a test - I've already spent so much this year on docs with nothing to show for it!

Stace, when my DH had to have a SA he still said you know if it's him then at least we will know what the problem is and have it sorted out. Well, when we got the results back he was beaming that it wasn't him. It did wonderful things for his ego. Men!!!

:dust: to all

:hugs: ... awww. xoxoxo soon Jolene soon xox
Juniper- I started doing my opks early already. I couldn't resist poas!:haha: I'm just paranoid about missing my LH surge I guess.

Hope everyone is doing fine today. My temp dropped real low this morning (a bit lower than my temp on cd3) , but I guess that's not unusual for the follicular phase, is it? :shrug:

Kat- I wish the big O would get here already too! I am tired of waiting...
Good morning I hope everyone has a good day!!! Jolene I hope that a blood test will comfirm the BFP for you!!! Juniper I was getting ready to ask what happened to you but im glad you had a girls night! Starting my opks today!!! Fingers crossed for a sticky bean this month :)
Hey everyone! Sorry to hear about the bfn, Jolene. I hope that your doctor will look into this for you so things can get squared away asap. Maybe try a blood test. :hugs:

Juniper, it's good that you had a girls' night out! That's a good way to get your mind off things! Hope it was a good time. :)

Kat, amber, and everyone else...I'm SO ready to start trying for this month..Still got a little wait to go. Tomorrow will be the last day of Clomid, HSG on Wednesday and then Sunday an ultrasound to see if the Clomid has worked..If so, then I can do my trigger shot that day to ovulate! *fingers crossed*

This week is going to be a slow one...I just know. Oh, and dropped off DH's sample this morning. I'm anxious for that, too, but they said they won't know anything until tomorrow. :wacko:
The blood test came back negative :( I thought I'd be sad but I just feel angry! I'm sick of this. I really think I've had enough disappointment for one lifetime.

All the best with your OPK's :hugs:
The blood test came back negative :( I thought I'd be sad but I just feel angry! I'm sick of this. I really think I've had enough disappointment for one lifetime.

All the best with your OPK's :hugs:

Im very sorry it came back neg :-( I Wish you all the best and dont stress it to much it will happen!

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