New month, new cycle! Anyone else around cd1?

OK "Mad Dog" :kiss:

Decoding B&B...
TTC - trying to conceive
BD - baby dance (having sex while ovulating)
DH - dear husband
OH- other half
DD- dear daughter
DTD - doing the deed
AF or :witch: - period
CM - cervical mucus
BFP or :BFP: - big frickin positive
BFN or :BFN: - big freakin' no
POAS - pee on a stick
OPK - ovulation test
HPT - home pregnancy test
O - ovulation
1ww or 2ww - 1 week wait or 2 week wait (time left between ovulation and period/testing)
cd - cycle day (starting with the 1st day of period)
DPO - days past ovulation

DH thinks we use too many acronyms...
Hello ladies!!! Nice to see everyone and welcome to all the newies I'm not naming everyone anymore because there are a lot of us now!!

Well today is CD4 and like you amber the AF is thinning out but I'm a late ovulator so might not be BDing just yet.... although it has been a couple of weeks and I'm toey like a roman sandle ha ha!!..

Anyone heard from chicken little?
Nope. Chicken hasn't been back on since she left for her appointment. I really hope that everything went ok...
Morning ladies and welcome to all the new ladies.

:( Another BFN what on earth is going on? If it is an infection that's delaying AF I'm going to be so upset. Today is CD32 so I would've definitely got a BFP by now if it was pos :(

Chicken, where are you?
Juniper, it is so fantastic you have adopted two boys! :hugs: How long the average adoption procedure last in your country? Unfortunatelly in mine it takes 2-5 years, so the poor children don't have a family in their first years.

I had a 15-16 day-long lutheal phase this past cycle, is that too long?

Jolene, it is the worst when there is no AF and no BFP... :(
Oh Jolene, I am sorry sweetie. Hang in there..

Pelle - Our adoption was a little different. We didn't initialize the adoption. The boys are distant relatives of my husband. They were orphans in state care and we were contacted and asked to take them. From the 1st phone call to move in was 3 weeks, they lived with us as foster kids for 8 months while the state finalized the paperwork. Typical adoptions can take 6mos to 2years. Most infant adoptions can be done before the baby is born...Do you mind if I ask what country you are from?
oh, and your luteal phase is great! 14 days is average, with anything over 10 being normal. As far as anyone I have ever talked to knows, you cannot have too long of a lp. The longer it is, the longer the fertalized egg has a chance to implant and get a good hold.
I have to share this with ya'll. Go to Even if you know you're not pregnant, please do it and let me know what you think...
lol. Jolene.. Do you know who Janet Reno is? it said that she is my baby daddy :p
Hi darlings! And hello to all the new ladies that have joined. :)

Thanks so much for my girls asking about me. That meant a lot to see today. So I went to the fertility dr yesterday. And he told me what I had kinda hoped not to hear. He said that I have PCOS and Luteal Phase Defect (LPD). I started thinking that from all the positive OPKs and just had a feeling I did not ovulate. He drew 6 tubes of blood from me to check all my hormone levels and such and to confirm the PCOS. He also did an ultrasound and took pictures of my cervix, uterus and ovaries.

He asked me if I ever wondered why I struggle with my weight and gain for no apparent reason and he said it was because of that. I'm sure you ladies know the other symptoms of PCOS. I'm just thankful I don't get the excess hair or acne. The weight stuff does stink and so does the infertility, though. :(

The good news is that he was VERY nice and VERY positive about the situation. He said 1 in 10 women get PCOS and that it is the situation he deals with on a daily basis that he is least concerned with as far as getting pregnant. (This was surprising to me because I see a lot of people online saying they have PCOS and find it hard to get pregnant. Perhaps they are not seeking help or getting the right treatment?)

Today is CD5 which he said is perfect. They are going to call me today with my results and let me know whether I'm ready to start the Clomid today. If I am ready, then I'll take that on CD5 through 9. This Wednesday I have an appt to get an HSG done. That will shoot dye through the tubes and everything to give them information about my uterine cavity, fallopian tubes and pelvis.

THEN on Sunday, March 14th, I have to meet with the dr and if the follicles have developed enough from the Clomid, I am to inject myself with an Ovidrel needle. That contains HCG and helps force the mature eggs to ovulate.

THEN, as if that weren't enough, since I have Luteal Phase Defect and I don't produce enough progesterone on my own in time, I have to do inject natural progesterone gel into the vagina for 2 weeks. It's absorbed into the uterus and provides progesterone support for implantation and pregnancy.

SO yeah! That's my long story. In addition, he wants DH to do a SA so Monday I'm going to have to get him up extra early before police academy, get his "sample" and rush it over to the doctor's.

Hopefully I can still have a chance this month! I'm trying to stay positive since the dr seems to be.

:dust: and :hugs: to everyone else! I'm going to have to catch up and read what I've missed. I was so exhausted yesterday and passed out around 8pm. I had been up the whole night before nervous about my appt!
PS Accurately, the quiz Jolene posted says I have "no baby on board". Gr! lol
PS Accurately, the quiz Jolene posted says I have "no baby on board". Gr! lol

CHICKEN LITTLE!! I'm so glad your appointment went well.. well as good as can be considering
a) you have ovaries
b) you have eggs
c) ok you have some funny follicles but
d) you have a working system !!!

My sister has PCOS and also had to do the needle thing every day. She now has two boys and is thinking about a third :) xox

Well done you are so brave!

I'm toey as hell where is that DH even though its too early to concieve dammit

Oh yeah and I did that preg test thing Jolene...

It says Pregnancy detected! and Its a boy.... what the?
Hey Stace! Oh, I'm so glad your doctor has everything under control and is keeping a pma! Sounds like a lot of things you have to do now, but hopefully with all the additional help you can get that BFP this cycle!

Jolene- That silly thing! It says I'm pregnant with a girl.:haha: Let's hope it panes out that way!
Hey Stace im sorry to hear that. But at least you and your doctor are both very positive about it! I hope everything works out for you and I hope we all get our BFP this month! Oh Juniper I started the 100mg of b6 this morning so hopefully that helps my LP!!!
:haha: :haha: I just thought that pregnancy test was hilarious. The father of my baby is apparently Arnold Swartzeneger - OK I can't spell that. Jenn, hun I don't know who Janet Reno is, haha.

Stace, I'm so sorry to hear that but I'm so glad to hear your doctor is so proactive. He seems to have covered everything to make sure you get your BFP this month. Clomid? Bring on the twins. Sending :hugs: chicken

After my BFN today I phoned the doc and he said it doesn't sound I have an infection(I was just worried as discharge wasn't normal) and it wouldn't have delayed my period. He says I must do another test on Monday and if I don't get a BFP or AF I must come in about Wednesday. He seems to think I could've ovulated later last month because of the chemical. So I'm feeling a little optimistic :)

I want a baby!!!!!! Did I mention the nursery is pretty much ready, the cupboards are packed and almost full....
Just got the call to start the Clomid! So today is Clomid Day #1. Going on the 14th to get an ultrasound and see if the eggies have matured. If they have, then I get to give myself a needle of hcg to ovulate. Yippee!

Jolene - I asked about twins and he said the rate of twins is 1 in 8. Apparently odds have gone down and triplets even less of a chance. He is a great doctor. He said he wants to ensure I get pregnant "fast"...How "fast" is fast to him, I don't know, but I hope it's ultra FAST!
Also, I hope you get your :bfp:! I'm still hoping for you!

AmberDawn & BWilliams, thanks for the support. I'm hoping we all get what we want this month, too!

Juniper, how are you, sweetie?? It's nice to see DH on here as well! HI! :)

Kat - Thanks for the support, love! Are you already trying to "break" DH? ahahah


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