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New month, new cycle! Anyone else around cd1?

Jolene - I am so sorry, hun. I can't remember... How did you track your ovulation last month? Is it possible that you ovulated late? Hang in there! You have one little miracle already that is proof that you can do this! :) Just try to have faith that it will all work out.
Thanks Juniper. I didn't track it last month but was going for scans in the months before that and it was always CD15 and AF always came at about CD29. I'm going to call the doc tomorrow and ask him what happens now. Still no signs of AF at CD35.

But enough about me. Im really sorry to all that I've been so bitter lately. I'm really not that type of person, TTC has really been getting me down, but no more!!

:hugs: and thanks for all your support. I checked that if AF can start soon I still have a chance of having a 2010 baby :baby:
Aww, Jolene, so sorry, my love!!! I hope you and your dr can get right down to the bottom of this so you can get the stupid :witch: soon so you can try again!

I felt the same way, too! I looked at a fertility calendar and said this is my last try to have a baby born in this year. I so badly want it!

:hugs: and :dust:, honey!
Hello all

What a full on month we have all had so far...

Jolene xoxox all the best lovey I hope the witch comes for you soon so you can start again.

Stace I'm devostated I wanted a November baby but that meant I would have had to have concieved last month... :(

Still pebbles in my microscope so not even looking like starting OPKs yet
Kat, same here!!! I really, really wanted a fall baby in October or November. DH thought I was crazy. haha
Now I'm hoping for a Christmas baby since it's the last month to have a 2010 baby. I'm wishing for too much, probably.. It's only my first round of Clomid. A girl can dream..
I think I got hustled at Vitamin World yesterday. I went in there when I was out of town and asked for natural progesterone cream. The manager gave me a wild yam root cream. I asked her it had progesterone in it and she told me that wild yam root contained the same enzyme that progesterone did, so I bought it. Well, I looked it up online today and some places say that wild yam helps boost progesterone, and some say that it is a total myth and I cant get a strait answer on whether this cream contains any actual progesterone or not. I can't just take it back, because I bought from a store that is 80 miles from where I live. :growlmad:
I think I got hustled at Vitamin World yesterday. I went in there when I was out of town and asked for natural progesterone cream. The manager gave me a wild yam root cream. I asked her it had progesterone in it and she told me that wild yam root contained the same enzyme that progesterone did, so I bought it. Well, I looked it up online today and some places say that wild yam helps boost progesterone, and some say that it is a total myth and I cant get a strait answer on whether this cream contains any actual progesterone or not. I can't just take it back, because I bought from a store that is 80 miles from where I live. :growlmad:

Hmm I had a look and you can actually buy creams with progesterone in them (ionised) so I'm not sure?

The Wild Yam I think has a chemical that is "like" progesterone.. give it at try anyways can't hurt I'm sure
Yeah, I am mostly upset about spending $15 on a cream and getting lied to...I read a few places that yam root was not safe to take when you are pg. Most of the pro stuff was anecdotal. I realized that I have a drs appt on the 16th which is the day I am supposed to ovulate. Since you are not supposed to start using the cream until after you ovulate, then I am think that I am going to ask my drs opinion. I am so scared of doing anything that might jeopardize a pregnancy. During my 2ww I do not take any medication except Tylenol and that is only if it is really needed. I have also stopped drinking alcohol and caffeine. I think that I am starting to get a little obsessive about protecting my body, but I guess that it what 2 years of this will do to a girl :wacko:
Yeah, I am mostly upset about spending $15 on a cream and getting lied to...I read a few places that yam root was not safe to take when you are pg. Most of the pro stuff was anecdotal. I realized that I have a drs appt on the 16th which is the day I am supposed to ovulate. Since you are not supposed to start using the cream until after you ovulate, then I am think that I am going to ask my drs opinion. I am so scared of doing anything that might jeopardize a pregnancy. During my 2ww I do not take any medication except Tylenol and that is only if it is really needed. I have also stopped drinking alcohol and caffeine. I think that I am starting to get a little obsessive about protecting my body, but I guess that it what 2 years of this will do to a girl :wacko:

Well you just keep doing what you are doing :thumbup:

Giving yourself the best chance for a bean is the best way to go. I try not to do medication/alcohol etc in the 2ww either.

This month I have a stupid cold sore I hope it goes away before next week because by next Friday it will be looming :happydance:
I am glad that I don't sound crazy :)

And yes... O's will be approaching soon!! I warned DH that I am starting opks on Wednesday :haha:
Its pretty exciting that we all go through this month together hey... all from CD1 right through to BFP heh heh... and there will be BFPs :)
Hello ladies!

Jolene, I am so sad you had a negative blood test :( It is very annoying your AF is late when you TTC and can hardly wait for the new ovulation to catch!

I am very busy, loads of work....grrr
I started to read Vampire Academy I. this weekend. :D
Hey Juniper, I asked my sis-in-law because she's a health freak and Kat's right..It's just something similar to progesterone, but definitely not the real deal. If you don't want something that's only similar, I would return it.

So! 8am and I already got the call about DH's :spermy: testing! Honestly, I had a big smile on my face when I got off the phone because I am so happy that there are no issues with him. I'll post the results just in case anyone cares. :)

Below are his results and then what the nurse told me are the "normal ranges" they look for:

His Volume: 5.1 ml. (She said anywhere from 2-6 ml is normal)
His Sperm: 83 mil per ml (Anything over 20 mil per ml is normal)
His Motility: 56% (Anything over 50% is normal)
Morphology: 47% (Anything over 30% is normal)

So she said our dr thinks these are great results as far as he is concerned. The rest of my bloodwork isn't back yet, today is my last day of Clomid and tomorrow is the HSG. Ack! Just glad he's not a worry - it's just me!
That is excellent, Chicklen little! :flower: See, you have everything to become a happy pregnant girl soon!

I don't know, girls, if you plan to test in March or in April, I have signed up to an April testing thread, don't you want to join me? Link: https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-to-conceive/289919-official-april-2010-testing-thread.html
Hey Juniper, I asked my sis-in-law because she's a health freak and Kat's right..It's just something similar to progesterone, but definitely not the real deal. If you don't want something that's only similar, I would return it.

So! 8am and I already got the call about DH's :spermy: testing! Honestly, I had a big smile on my face when I got off the phone because I am so happy that there are no issues with him. I'll post the results just in case anyone cares. :)

Below are his results and then what the nurse told me are the "normal ranges" they look for:

His Volume: 5.1 ml. (She said anywhere from 2-6 ml is normal)
His Sperm: 83 mil per ml (Anything over 20 mil per ml is normal)
His Motility: 56% (Anything over 50% is normal)
Morphology: 47% (Anything over 30% is normal)

So she said our dr thinks these are great results as far as he is concerned. The rest of my bloodwork isn't back yet, today is my last day of Clomid and tomorrow is the HSG. Ack! Just glad he's not a worry - it's just me!

Great news Stace!! now onto the next thing :) all these things you are doing must be surely be good for making a beanie.


I am getting very impatient!

Pelle= I don't think I'll be able to test in March so I thought I'd wait until I oved before adding my test date to the April thread and ov is still 10 days away... feels like forever... and then its the 2ww... they tell us to relax when we are ttc but honestly with all this date counting how can we?
on cycle day 10 and boyfriends just been told hes got to work away for 2 weeks! im devestated! had high hopes for this month aswell as my periods have just became more regular than ever!
this is my 24th month ttc. good luck with ur journey...and dont stress too hard like me! dosnt work in ur favour :(
Thanks Stace and great news about DH. Wishing you the best of luck for your HSG tomorrow.

Sharmaine - Welcome and I am sorry to hear about your OH having to leave. If I were you I would make the best of what time you have and hope for the best :winkwink:. You are on CD 10, so if he doesn't leave for a couple days, then you might still have a chance that a little :spermy: will get you :)
on cycle day 10 and boyfriends just been told hes got to work away for 2 weeks! im devestated! had high hopes for this month aswell as my periods have just became more regular than ever!
this is my 24th month ttc. good luck with ur journey...and dont stress too hard like me! dosnt work in ur favour :(

Welcome sharmaine - I'm on CD9 - unlucky about the boyfriend having to go away...

Have you seen the Dr? Its a good thing your AF is coming at regular times. Lets you get to know your body :)
Ok so today I am really doubting myself. Although I've only been physically ttc for 2 months (this is the third) I've been off the pill since July and I keep hearing stories from people who surround me about problems they have had ttc and have had to have operations etc and do IVF. Now I'm thinking I should go and get checked out because of my age (I'm 31).

Someone tell me it will be ok... I'm seriously getting worried for no real reason because I haven't really given myself a chance just yet but I'm thinking would it hurt to go get checked out and make sure everything is ok with me?

I was feeling so good until I hear all these horror stories.. :(
Kat. Calm down sweetie. Some people have problems, that does not mean that you are going to have problems. Bad news and horror stories are what gets passed around. This does not mean that everyone has these problems, it just means that people tell those stories more than the happy ones. I think that your time line looks great. It was smart of you to give your body a few months to get back to normal after the pills. You are probably just waiting for that perfect timing. If you are worried, then I would encourage you to go to the dr. You have enough stress and frustration to deal with with normal ttc, you do not need to be worrying that there is a problem. Hugs

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