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I'm glad you didn't wander too far Scorpio and Keewee!!

I'm on CD11 right now, waiting to OV. Last cycle it was on CD16. I've been using OPKs the last few days just in case it's earlier this time but so far no second line. DH and I have been trying to stick to our game plan of BD every other day on odd cycle days, but currently DH has come down with some sort of stomach bug so there's no BD tonight. Hopefully we'll be ok for CD13 though. We've got some Pre-Seed to try out for this cycle too which I'm a bit anxious to use since it seems to work so well for so many people!
Hehe sigh Im trying my best not to symptom spot but this dry gagging was hard to ignore.
Im so hungry today. I ate a big dinner & even had ice cream so its out of the norm for me to feel so hungry early in the morning, after a big dinner. Im now eating early lunch.

Had twinges all over & peeing constantly. These could be signs of AF so not reading too much into them. Although Im obviously hoping for BFP.
Finally started to spot a teeny tiny bit. Hopefully this means the beginning of the new cycle. :shrug: CD32

In other related news, I found out that I have an ovarian cyst which was causing weird pains randomly. I have an appointment with my gyn next week. I will let you guys know how that goes. I am still trying to look for an ob, since my doctor doesn't do ob anymore. Anyways, that is my status update for now.
I had ovarian cysts when I was a teenager, nothing like surgery or anything but they weren't fun. really painful sometimes. I'm kind of worried now because my mother and I were discussing some fertility related issues. I guess cervical and ovarian cancers run in both sides of my family, and many, not all women, in my moms side had problems carrying, resulting in many miscarriages. My great aunt for example had 8 mc, supposedly all male losses and the only two she carried with no problem where girls.
Idk. Just has me slightly worried.
Good luck to you wish!
And Scorpio, I really hope those are good signs for your BFP!

Ready, do you know about the time you o'd last cycle?
Hello ladies!
I am currently TTC #2. I am not using any method but the BD. I recently stopped BC. I was on Depo ( the shot ) and my last round was due the last week of February. I have not gotten my AF yet... I was spotting for a bit along with cramping. I am guessing that was just my body trying to adjust to coming off of the BC.
I just purchased some HPT cheapies off-line. It is amazing how much cheaper it is compared to the drug-store. I bought 25 for $20.00 I have tried the OPK, I wasn't expecting much since I have not had a period since BC. I think it was more psychological. :)
I would love to keep in touch and read how everyone's journey is going. I wish you all good luck!
I had ovarian cysts when I was a teenager, nothing like surgery or anything but they weren't fun. really painful sometimes. I'm kind of worried now because my mother and I were discussing some fertility related issues. I guess cervical and ovarian cancers run in both sides of my family, and many, not all women, in my moms side had problems carrying, resulting in many miscarriages. My great aunt for example had 8 mc, supposedly all male losses and the only two she carried with no problem where girls.
Idk. Just has me slightly worried.
Good luck to you wish!
And Scorpio, I really hope those are good signs for your BFP!

Ready, do you know about the time you o'd last cycle?

Keewee: according to FF I OV on CD16 last cycle. I'm on CD12 now, so it should be here soon!! I've been using OPK's the last few days to try and track it that way too instead of just using BBT, but so far just one line. Not even a faint second line... so I dunno!

I've never used OPK's before, so I don't know if that's normal or not.

DH is finally starting to feel better today, so I think we'll be ok for BD tomorrow night. I was getting really paranoid that's we would be out for this cycle. :dohh:
That just means your LH surge isn't occurring yet. Maybe you'll get a positive here in there next few days. Idk. Not much help lol.
I can't chart bbt really accurately, my sleeping schedule is way off! Doesn't it have to be taken about the same time everyday?
I kind of charted the last week or so, but temps were taken very different times of the day depending on what I was able to sleep. Idk if thats legitimate though.
For BBT charting to work the best, ie. the most accurately, you should try to tak your temp at the same time everyday. I know it's not easy to do though! I have my alarm set for 7:30 everyday, I wake up, take my temp, and depending on the day either get up and start my day off, or go back to sleep! :haha:
It's my work schedule though. Depending on that depends on when I get up. I'm never getting up at the same time, and sometimes I only get 1 or 2 hours of sleep because I stay up with my bf and loose track of time lol.
It's my work schedule though. Depending on that depends on when I get up. I'm never getting up at the same time, and sometimes I only get 1 or 2 hours of sleep because I stay up with my bf and loose track of time lol.

I feel like BBT charting isn't going to work so well for you then! I'm also not sure how helpful it is in the long run anyway though really. I feel like it's just one of those things you can add to a whole long list of things to try and make TTC more 'exact,' but really, when it comes down to it, the only way catch the egg is to BD. It doesn't matter if you BBT, or OPK, or whatever other acronymns you can toss in there! :haha:

How do you manage on 1 to 2 hours of sleep?? I'd die. I'm such a sleep lover. I need 8 hours. Having a baby might just be the end of me. lol :blush:
I honestly don't know why I can go like I do lol. I do have my catchup days tho! Maybe once a month I end up sleeping 14 hours haha. I've always done that. My mom told me by the time I was 2 I wasn't taking naps and I would fight to stay up until I passed out averaging midnight to 1 am, then I'll be ready for the day between 7 and 9 haha.
I honestly think having a baby will more or less be beneficial t my sleeping habits, I'll be wore out from doing the mom thing and work I'll want to sleep to keep focus.

Sorry about the stories. I just like to talk and explain things I guess lol
AF showed yesterday, so here we go new cycle!! Plan to talk to DH about a game plan for BD this month. I have a good feeling about May :) My sister says that late Jan/ Feb baby would be great, no hot weather to sweat through :thumbup:
keewee: Apparently I was a terrible sleeper as a child! My mom would put me down for a nap, and I'd kick my foot over and over and again, fighting to stay awake even though I was exhausted. And as soon as my foot stopped I'd be out cold! :haha: Now naps are one of my favourite things. :blush:

Wishn: Glad to hear your new cycle has started! There's nothing worse than waiting around in limbo for AF when you're,u pretty sure it will eventually. I'm on CD 14 today. I had a pretty big temp spike this morning, but all of the OPK's I've done have been negative. So I dunno! :shrug: Last cycle OV was on CD16 according to FF, so maybe I'll have a temp dip tomorrow followed by a big spike again.
Hey ladies how r u going in ur ttc journey so far??

Im waiting for my order of HPTs & OPKs to arrive.
Its CD47 no AF yet. I have AF like pains but only watery CM.
I had a dream of AF so hope she shows soon. Last AF I had was in Nov 2011.

Its hard when ppl ask if Im going to get PG soon & they dont know about MC.
But Im dealing with it better each day.
Good to hear from you again Scorpio!

I'm at 5DPO today, and the last few days I've been super bloated and crampy. Today I feel a little bit queasy too. I actually had to take my belt off at work two nights ago because my pants were so uncomfortably tight! :blush:

I've been sleeping really poorly the last few nights too, so I hope I'm not coming down with something! Usually I fall alseep pretty quickly, but I've been having a really tough time getting to sleep and waking up frequently, including having to get up to pee in the middle of the night. I guess I need to start cutting back my liquid intake at night.

I'm feeling really hopefully about this cycle though, and my temps are nice and high too. So we'll see! :happydance:

How's everyone else feeling?
Hey Ladies,

I'm on 8DPO so far, and having fairly similar PMS symptoms. I'm still really hopefully that this is our cycle... but I'm starting to doubt it. I'm planning on testing on Wednesday, which would put me at 10DPO. AF is due to arrive on Friday... so we'll see!

How is everyone else feeling? Hope you ladies are well.
10DPO today... I tried testing with a First Response 5-Days Sooner test this morning and it's a BFN. :( I know it's not over till AF shows, but I can't help but feel like we're out this month. I had a big temp drop this morning and AF is due on I guess I just have to wait and see. I'm still praying that tomorrow my temps will shoot back up, and that today's dip was just implantation.

If my temps keep dropping I won't bother testing again and I'll just wait for AF to arrive, but if they go back up tomorrow and Friday, I'll try testing again Friday morning. I had such high hopes for this cycle with the Pre-Seed and Softcups. Sigh.
AF got me. I'm out for this round. :(

Onto cycle #3. This will be our last try before we have to take a 2 month break to make sure our due-date isn't too close to my sister's wedding in March. (I'm her MOH) I'll be away at a conference for a week and a half or so this month, as well as taking a week long intensive course when I return, so I've decided this cycle will just be a let-it-happen cycle. No temping, no OPK's etc. Based on my last two cycles I know my fertile week will be the week I get back from the conference... so DH and I will just BD that week as much as we can using Pre-Seed, and then wait to see what happens. No DPO counting, or any of that.

It will be a stressful enough month on it's own, I don't want to make it worse by obsessing over TTC. That being said I'm not very likely to be around too much this month (or at all the following two!). So good luck to you ladies still trying... and who knows?! Maybe the take it easy and let nature take its course route will be the winner! :hugs:
Sorry abt AF. They say it takes 3 months for new sperm to develop so maybe cycle 3. I got pregnant on the 3rd cycle that I tried properly & 8 months coming off BCP. I had an overseas trip & had to take vaccinations so couldnt be pregnant, in between.

The month I stopped trying, & took the relax approach, I got pregnant. Good luck to u.

As for me: blood work was all fine xcept Vit D is low. And hcg is reading at 2 so no wonder I havent got AF yet. Going to see an acupuncturist/herbalist next Wed. Hope she can help me bring on my AF.
I will start trying after that. BBT & OPK.

DH knowns its on lol! He will be away for work alot over the next few months so we need to be good with timing.

I will check back in when I have any news.

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