Yeah Pichi, there was loads to read. Some good looking charts are here! FX we have more February BFPs.
Foxy you made me laugh!
I caved and got the VIP FF this cycle. It was during one of their discount periods. I think the computer took one look at my cycle last month and gave me some VIP features for free coz it knew I'd be back for more this cycle. It's just more bits to play with. In my 2ww I liked seeing how many 'symptoms' I could put it to get more pregnancy points. Thing is the minute I got watery cm and a high cp it gave me a green traffic light, silly computer programme.
I am currently annoyed with FF, I normally temp at 6.15 but with DF back at work and getting lifts home it has been 5.30. I have now changed default time. My chart is covered in open spots due to the time descrepency, doesn't really matter till closer to O but still. At least my temp is now in the range it was pre-O last cycle, hopeit doesn't decide to o up, down, up, down like before!