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Hi Spacegirl - do you have a link to your chart so we can have a good look?

Sometimes, without more info to go on, i.e. CM etc, FF can not definitley pinpoint ov. On FF you can amend the way FF works, by changing the method of ovulation detection - this should be below you actual chart. You can try changing that to see if FF then give you your crosshairs.

Well girls, bit of a set back for me....... very light pinkish creamy cm when I wiped (only on 1 wipe). Checked CM and there is still plenty of cremay cm, but it is tinged a very plae pink. Never had this before, so not sure if it's a good thing or if it's just a strange AF.

I'm not due till tomorrow, however initially FF said I ovulated on CD15 (until I got a couple more high temps when it changed to CD16). So, if I did infact ovulate on CD15, then I am due AF today. She normally turns up around this time, so I guess it's just a waiting game for me today :(

I hope the old b stays away from you..
Thanks Nicole :D

TripleB - I have an aversion to POAS! Everytime I do, it's a BFN closely followed by AF! haha

I figure if I don't POAS, she won't turn up!! :dohh:

I'm driving myself nuts today - never a good thing if you work in a psychiatric unit! :haha:
Thanks Nicole :D

TripleB - I have an aversion to POAS! Everytime I do, it's a BFN closely followed by AF! haha

I figure if I don't POAS, she won't turn up!! :dohh:

I'm driving myself nuts today - never a good thing if you work in a psychiatric unit! :haha:

I like your thinking - anything to keep the witch away! I think I'm close to being one of your patient's today - also have the pinky brown cm but combined with a temp dip I'm having to be very creative to imagine a BFP on Friday! x
Grrr thinking my bbt will be all over the place while I'm bleeding. Girls think I should log my bbts or just the bleeding?
Thanks Nicole :D

TripleB - I have an aversion to POAS! Everytime I do, it's a BFN closely followed by AF! haha

I figure if I don't POAS, she won't turn up!! :dohh:

I'm driving myself nuts today - never a good thing if you work in a psychiatric unit! :haha:

Wow Foxy your chart looks great! I really hope that you get your BFP and AF doesn't show her face! I know what you mean about POAS though - that's why I left it late to test. FXd for you

Hope you are all ok ladies - I've just popped in to say hello and take a sneaky peek at your charts! :flower:
Piesey - have I congratulated you on your BFP? Big congrats :D Thanks, I hope it's a BFP too.

TripleB - your temp isn't below the coverline, so there is still hope! Good luck :)

Nicole - I would record them for now. If they are playing havoc with your chart a bit later in your cycle, you can always remove / adjust them if needed
P.S Piesey, my chart is very similar to yours! Hope that a good sign for me! :D
My temp went way down this morning and i have mojor pms! So do you think this means AF will be here soon. Also I was wondering how much being sick can affect temps. I had a bad bad cold for about two weeks a few weeks ago and possible sinus infection. Could this have screwed with my temps and maybe I did OV but my temps were running high so you can't tell???? I know...i know... i'm hopeless!! was the first week of Feb. that I was feeling terrible, if this helps Thanks for any light you can shed on my situation
Sorry impatient - I'm pretty sure you haven't ovulated. There is no clear temp shift on your chart so far. Hang on in there! :D
Just looked at your chart overlay Foxy and when you compare it to other months its even more promising! No big dip on 12dpo and going up again - I think this might be it for you! x
God I hope so TripleB.

I have got my hopes up on previous cycles though, so trying not to this time around!

I am having niggling pulling 'pains' in my abdomen - mainly on the right hand side. Not painful, but definitely know they are there.

Gonna hold off testing till Friday if AF doesn't show tomorrow.
Hi ladies!

I've been feeling so bummed for nicole and moochacha's mixed signals that I haven't posted in a while because it is really hard to sincerely express my feelings. I can't imagine going through the trials of ttc only to get a BFP, and then have stuff like this happen. Your trials have been making me SO sorry that I waited so long to start trying. I thought I needed to have everything lined up- a house, a good job, a good husband. But now that I'm 34 and reading these threads I'm so sad to see all the trials with mc after long boughts of ttc.

Of course this won't stop me, and I'm glad to see it isn't stopping you either Nicole. It makes this supportive community all the more valuable and precious to me. Lots of support ladies, and hugs coming your way!

Shazza- I'm so sorry the witch got you!

Foxy, Pichi, and all the other ladies in the 2ww - I'm hoping your temps stay high and that you get your BFPs!!!

I'm looking forward to Ov this weekend or monday ~

Best wishes,

Oh yes, damn hopes - up and down like a yoyo (bit like my chart!) Are the niggling pains unusual for you? Last time I was pregnant (unfortunately ended in a MC) I wasn't paying attention at all until AF arrived and disappeared again - only then did I test. I wish I could remember if there were any symptoms before! At least with this charting malarky we can look back and compare. Are you officially late today? Well done for having the willpower to wait until Friday! x
Your trials have been making me SO sorry that I waited so long to start trying. I thought I needed to have everything lined up- a house, a good job, a good husband. But now that I'm 34 and reading these threads I'm so sad to see all the trials with mc after long boughts of ttc.

Couldn't agree more, my OH made us wait nearly a year before we started ttc as he was thinking of changing jobs. He's still at the same place but I think he's decided he's not getting any younger and he now realises that having unprotected sex once doesn't mean I'll be up the duff!!

I've just started charting this cycle (CD 7 though only started temping as of this morning) bought OPKs, bought books, taking EPO so i'm nearly going all out this month! Keeping my fingers tightly crossed this is my month, would love a bubba in 2010!

Lots of :dust: to all you lovely ladies xxx
Sorry to hear you have been feeling that way Jaimie :hugs:

Good news that you are expecting ov in the upcoming week. Best of luck catching that eggy :thumbup:

TripleB - No this isn't usual for me at all. AF usually arrives 14DPO at around 10am. You could almost set your watch by her. I normally get mild period pains from about 10am onwards for the day!

I am normally pretty irritable the day or so before and I suffer with my bowels in the 3 - 4 days running up to AF (I think this is probably linked to my ulcerative Colitis).

I have been waiting all week to see the usual 'signs'!

I'm pretty good when it comes to POAS - hate seeing BFN's so much. I'd rather just see AF! Never thought I'd hear myself say that! :haha:
Good luck Bozzy

P.S Lovely horse you have there :D
Hi ladies!

I've been feeling so bummed for nicole and moochacha's mixed signals that I haven't posted in a while because it is really hard to sincerely express my feelings. I can't imagine going through the trials of ttc only to get a BFP, and then have stuff like this happen. Your trials have been making me SO sorry that I waited so long to start trying. I thought I needed to have everything lined up- a house, a good job, a good husband. But now that I'm 34 and reading these threads I'm so sad to see all the trials with mc after long boughts of ttc.

Of course this won't stop me, and I'm glad to see it isn't stopping you either Nicole. It makes this supportive community all the more valuable and precious to me. Lots of support ladies, and hugs coming your way!

Shazza- I'm so sorry the witch got you!

Foxy, Pichi, and all the other ladies in the 2ww - I'm hoping your temps stay high and that you get your BFPs!!!

I'm looking forward to Ov this weekend or monday ~

Best wishes,


OH Honey if you lined everything up before you ttc than good for you..really honey thats are not old..(if you are I am and I'm not haha)
Thank you for feeling bad for feels good to know you are cared about..but I am a firm believer that god does what he does for a reason. And I can only hope I am blessed with a healthy pregnancy this cycle..I hope and pray for a healthy full term pregnancy and a beautiful baby in 10/11ish months..:thumbup:

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