Kaede, your coverline is high because your ovulation temp is high (CD 19) Your CM and OPKs support this day for o, but I'd argue that your temps indicate CD 18. If you could get FF to declare CD 18 ovulation, you CL *should* drop to around 36.25.
How would I get it to do that? It was originally CD18, but then it changed when i put my temp in this morning.
I'm not really bothered, if I really really did OV on CD19 then the chances of me concieving this cycle is high, with OV on CD18 it's only good lol. But whicever way I just thought the coverline was fairly high, but my temps are still above it even though it's only just. I'll give it a couple days and then start obsessing when I don't get an implant dip
Thanks for that ^^