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I caved and took a test, 14dpo and BFN! Suprisingly I'm not too bummed out. I look forward to chart stalking everyone this upcoming cycle!
Thank girls! I've learned (through a very hard life before I met DH) that you cant let things you cant control bring you down and never to regret anything in life becasue it will only bring you down and because most of the time at one time it was just what you wanted..dont live with regret learn from your mistakes.
:hug: for TripleB, Foxy, and Shazza! I'm so sorry the witch found you this month. I'm looking forward to cheering you on through March!

Sorry for your BFNs Posh, xShell, and GingerBaby - those are no fun. Your chart still looks good though GingerBaby!

Welcome Shey!

Pichi and Helly - your charts are rockin'!

How do I get the fun group hug animation? I'm feelin' it today! Absolutely love the ladies and PMA on this thread, always picks me up!
Welcome Snuggs and Shey! Glad to have you along for the ride with us!

Fairygirl, Pichi, Posh, xshell, Pixie, and all the others in the 2ww, thinking of you and sending loads of sticky glue your way. I know the agony of not knowing can drive you bonkers, but here's hoping for BFP's very very soon!!!

Helly, that's a swell looking chart you have there! Those high temps are looking great along with your cervix position!! Sticky dust!!

Foxy, sorry the witch got you, but very very happy to see your positive attitude, it's inspiring! Nicole is sure right, we have a GREAT group of ladies here who excel at PMA even at the darkest of times. I'm so glad we all found each other. We seem to have someone from almost every continent on here, who would have thought support would be crossing oceans!!

Shannon, how was the acupuncture?

For the SoftCup ladies, I have a pack of 14 (well 13 since I tried one out!) sitting under my bathroom sink. I tried one the other day (non fertile day) and while it went in okay, I kind of felt like there was a chance I could put it in wrong and block the little guys instead of helping them get where they need to. Helly, do you have any recommendations on how to use them, do you think it's possible to put them in wrong or was I just being paranoid?

Jamie, are you enjoying LOST?
A little update on me. CD16 and still no sign of approaching ovulation. Well maybe a little sign, my Clear Blue Fertility Monitor test stick shows a bit of rising estrogen, but it's still so faint that the monitor isn't reporting it as a High day, I can just see the change visually with my eyes.

I'm super dry down there still, I noticed maybe a bit of sticky cm, but definitely not watery or egg white yet.

For the past few days I had been feeling pinching pains near my ovary and assumed O was approaching but those seemed to have faded. It's still a few days early for me, but was hoping to see some signs starting up.

Really think the Clomid is going to be the next step for me, just feel like my body needs a jump start to get sorted out.

I also have been supporting my very best friend as she goes through a potential miscarriage. She went in for her 9 wk scan Tuesday and the baby measured only 6 wks with a very very weak heart beat. She's also had a small amount of brown spotting, although I know that can be caused by anything and have nothing to do with a miscarriage. She was supposed to go back for an ultrasound today, still waiting to hear from her on the results. She's resigned that it will most likely be a miscarriage. Watching someone you know and love go through something like this really puts it all in perspective. When you're the one going through it, well you don't worry about yourself, you just feel sad and depressed but you know you'll be okay. So I'd appreciate any prayers or positive vibes you could send her way. I'm still holding out hope that the dates are off, but I know a weak heartbeat is not a good sign.
Hi Bernina! How are you feeling? How do you expect / hope this cycle will go in terms of length, ovulation, etc? I'm just so happy that LOST is back on they could put just about anything in an episode and I'd be stoked. I don't like new mysteries, like the light tower thought. I want old mysteries solved! Like whether or not Jacob likes Penny's Dad. And what happened to Penny?

I'm totally trying softcups next cycle if this one doesn't do the trick. That will be my fourth trick - my first 3 have been online ovulation calculators (6 cycles), charting (2nd cycle of that now), and preseed internally (this cycle). I feel like a magician!

I wish there was a mood for "ovulicious" or "premenstral" or "obessesed". The BnB moods just don't suit me most of the time...
Ginger, sorry I missed you the first time around but your chart looks AMAZING, I am in awe!! If that's not a BFP in the making I don't know what is (assuming you timed your BD'ing accordingly!) Best of luck to you hun, when do you think you'll test?
How do I get the fun group hug animation? I'm feelin' it today! Absolutely love the ladies and PMA on this thread, always picks me up!

Hehehehe I pinched it from another website - I felt that it was justified today :flower:

I know what you mean about the moods on here - hardly any of them seem to be suitable for how I'm feeling.
Hi Jamie!

I think ovulation may come around cd 21, so 5 days from now. It could come sooner, since charting I ovulate anywhere from cd 18 to cd 21. Almost hopiong for a later ovulation as that gives my body more time to build up a good lining and get a nice ripe egg!!

I'm really enjoying LOST but totally agree on the new mysteries. There are enough old ones that need solving. Loved how they came back to the Adam and Eve cave and even found Shannon's old inhaler, glad to see them doing a nod to seasons 1 and 2. Still no clue where they're going, but found that I'm just enjoying the character development and while the mysteries are fun, I feel it's much more like season 1 where we just watched these characters grow and learned a lot about what made them who they are. I really wonder who Jacob said is coming to the island. I'm hoping it's Desmond and Penny, would love to see them again. In the alternate timeline (the one where the plan landed safely) I have no clue where Penny is. I'm hoping maybe they're still married and she just wasn't on the flight, but who knows. I do think we'll see both of them again before the season ends. And I'm still holding out hope for a coffee shop scene between Juliette and Sawyer, gotta get some closure on that.

I agree on the mood choices, I usually just leave mine at Fine or In Love, the others don't really fit me and my ttc moods!
Berina- I tested this morning, BFN! But I just went to the loo and looked at the test and now there is a very faint second line, the kind where if you stare for a few seconds it dissappears, then you blink and its there again. I'm freakin out. EVAPS MAKE ME CRAZY! Hopefully tomorrow it will be a BFP! I had brown spotting yesterday which has been replaced with watery cm so hopefully thats a good sign!

I read you are thinking about cloimid as a next step. I highly reccomend it if you have trouble oing in a timely manner. I took clomid this 100mg cycle, I had done 50 last cycle but no O. Normally I have 60+ days long cycles, with no clear indication that ovulation has occured! This is my first ovulatory cycle since I don't even know when. I love clomid!

I am praying for your friend and her little peanut! When I think about how she must be feeling my heart hurts for her, and all the other wonderful ladies who are/have been experiencing the same thing.
Bernina - sending a bucket of positive thoughts and best wishes for your friend. All you can do is be there for her and let her know you will be there for her no matter what happens.

Hoping that all goes well for them :hugs:
Thank you all so much for the positive thought and prayers for my friend :hugs:

Ginger, I really think the clomid is looking promising for you, and that evap could very easily turn into a BFP in the next few days. I think Mystic or Fish said they didn't get their first BFP until 3 days after AF was due, so there is still plenty of time!! It is also very encouraging to hear from women who are happy with Clomid. I just really think that my body needs something to kick it back into working order and I'm hoping that's the trick. I'm actually quite excited to try it now. I have been chatting with another gal on the TCM thread who started taking it and am eagerly watching her chart and waiting for her cd 10 ultrasound results tomorrow. Did you go in for an ultrasound to track your follicles? Bernina's friend, Nicole, and Moochacha :cry:
Hiya ladies, am having really bad AF like cramps today. But it's far too early for implantation at 4dpo... I guess my body is just spazzing out :wacko: But hopefully my temp takes a dip this weekend then sky rockets ;) haha

Berena, I did not have any tracking on Clomid. I was prescribed it by my gyno, I think RE's are more into blood tests and follicle tracking. My doc just said to chart my temps, do opk's and call him if I had a lot pain in my ovaries, because I could develope a cyst. I would have liked the tracking, i think it would have given me a better idea of when I would o as I have never gotten a positive opk. I have something called interstitial cystitis, its a bladder condition and in my case it causes frequency issues. I can't hold my pee long enough! If you want tracking and they don't mention it at your appointment I would just ask for it. That's what I'm going to do next clomid cycle if this isn't my month.
Bernina...I feel for your friend, she will be in my prayers. i was in a smillar situation recently. My frined also sufferend form a miscarraige after TTC for over a year, and she was devistated. My sister who is 20 weeks pregnant found out early on that the baby could have cystic fibrosis. Thank god he doesn't, everything is fine, but we were all so scared for a few weeks. It totally brought me back to reality and made me realize what is important...which is having a healthy matter HOW long it takes to get preggo. I have a new outlook on the whole situation after these things. lots of love and healthy dust to everyone:)
Sorry about your friend Bernina. I can't imagine the pain she must be in but she's at least got a good friend in you to help her through it. I hope you ov soon hun. I have a good feeling for you this spring. I have everything crossed. xx
Good Luch to you all! :dust:

I couldn't resist POAS this morning...... :bfn: @ 18DPO but :af:..... The worst thing is, i dont even know if she's late because she's soooo irregular.

Hugs hon... I know how you feel! I havent even O'd yet at least by my chart lol. ON the other hand I have symptoms galore...

Have you had any ovary twinges or EWCM?

Evening Shaerichelle,

:hugs: to you too me dear. FX'd for you that your symptoms galore turn into a :bfp: for you.

I had my ovulation pains around 25CD and EWCM and temp rise came a few days later (so i definatly think i did O).
I had nausea and an aching back from O day until around 10DPO and i had cramps and a massive temp dip at 9DPO.... but all that said, here i am at 18DPO and not a :bfp: in sight :dohh:

Strange thing is, just as :witch: is ready to appear i get a certain cramp and i know she will arrive the next day. I had that pain at 12DPO but :af: .... TTC is sooooo confusing!

:dust: to us both and all the other ladies on the thread. Hopefully March is the month for all of us :thumbup:
I have just spent about 2 hours reading through this thread and feel this is where I will be able to get the help I need. I have been TTC for 9 months and this is the first time i have charted. Im a bit worried about going it alone so if i post my chart in a couple of days (as im only on CD1 at mo) would you lovely ladies be able to help me and offer advise on what i should be looking for, it all seems a bit confusing at he moment :wacko:

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