Jamie, I definitely think you ov'd on cd 15, hopefully tomorrow's temp will be nice and high and you'll get your official crosshairs! LOST is awesome this season, I am loving every minute and last nights Sayid episode was great! I'm really beginning to believe that the alt timeline they are showing us (where the plane landed safely in LA) is a reality in which the losties were granted the one thing they always wanted either by Jacob or the man in black. I think Sayid wished for Nadia to be alive, and he got that, but then in a clear case of be careful what you wish for, he can't have her. So looking forward to next week! Thanks for the well wishes!!
Impatient, you're definitely at the point where you could start to feel some symptoms, I know it's so hard not to symptom spot. Fingers crossed for you!
Tierney, you're right, we're just one day off. I should be 2 dpo today, hopefully my chart will reflect that tomorrow. Happy to go through the 2ww with you!
Sweetmama, congratulations on your new home. Sounds like you are at a very exciting point in your life right now, full of changes. I hope that new house has room for a nursery
Snuggs, sorry to hear that you're in limbo land but remember it's not over until AF rears her ugly head. Fingers crossed for you, you're definitely still in the running!!
Babyhopes, if you BD'd on cd 27 then you are well covered!
Fairy, how are you doing? Any symptoms yet?
Pixxie, so glad you were able to get a doctor appointment so soon! I know easier said than done, but try not to be scared, everything will be fine. Not positive what they do in the UK but here they will give you a pelvic exam and then depending on your problems they will probably do a vaginal ultrasound. It sounds worse than it is, it's really pretty painless and it shows the doctor what your uterus and ovaries look like, a good way to spot potential problems or determine if further tests are needed. Best of luck and keep us posted!