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Well, just started cooking xmas lunch and suprise suprise......... looks like I'm out! :(

Not sure whether I can take another cycle of this, so think I'll consider taking some time out (I'll continue to chart & stalk of course!!).
Morning ladies, I have been ttc for 3 months now. Currently on CD 37. No AF and had a BFN. So my question is should I start charting now or wait for AF. I have a feeling AF is going to be a while. There is a possibilty I may O without having a period.
I would suggest starting now, it won't hurt to get used to taking your temp everyday and will give you some idea of what your body is doing. :)
Well, just started cooking xmas lunch and suprise suprise......... looks like I'm out! :(

Not sure whether I can take another cycle of this, so think I'll consider taking some time out (I'll continue to chart & stalk of course!!).

Aw, Foxy, I'm so sorry to hear that she got you...on Christmas Day no less!! :hugs: :hugs: That :witch: can be horrible, can't she? I agree that TTC can really make you want to rip your hair out, especially when AF shows up late. She did the same thing to me last cycle. But just think, in the end, it will all be worth it when you are holding your perfect baby...we just need to get our BFPs first! At least AF has finally come and you have a definitive answer, and can look ahead to the next cycle. I hope taking a little break calms things down for you, it might be just what you need to bring on your BFP. And I'm glad to hear that you'll still be charting and hanging out here with us. Enjoy your Christmas!

P.S. You were right, my temps dropped again today, thank goodness!
Hi mystic

Hope you're having a lovely xmas day.

Part of me is relieved that she turned up (hated the BFN's and not knowing). I have to say that I didn't have any symptoms, but I was really sure this was my month! Oh well, on to the next.

I am definitely going be on here checking in with everyone - it's the only thing that keeps me sane. OH and I decided over lunch that we want to keep on trying, just gonna try not to put too much pressure on ourselves.

I've had CD21 bloods done which were ok and I appear to be ovulating (from my charts), so hopefully it's just a matter of time! :dohh:

i've decided to give the soy a go again this month - although now I have them, I can start taking them asap. They didn't arrive until CD5 last time, so think that is why I ov'd later than I expected to!

I'm glad your temp has settled back down again. I'm looking forward to following your chart over the next few weeks.

With any luck, January will be all of our month and we can join Fish&Chips over in 1st tri :)
Make sure you get a BBt thermometer which has 2 decimal points i.e. 97.10 - much more accurate. :)
Good Morning ladies,

Ah its boxing day here in Australia but first up i want to :hugs: foxy sorry that horrid :witch: got you, don't give up darl though i know its hard but the best things in life can sometimes be the hardest. You will get your bfp soon :baby::dance:

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas girls and I'm going to kick that :witch: for you Foxy you just wait till i get my hands on her jk xX
foxy - sorry she got you hun :grr:

shaerichelle - I agree with the others - start now!

moochacha - if you have ovd I think you bd'd at the right time, so FX! Don't always trust FF's decision though - last month FF said I ovd on CD9 then on CD14, but I think it's more likely it was cd17-19. Sometimes the picture doesn't become clear till after the 3 consecutive high temps, even when FF gives you bold lines. Personally I don't know, looking at your chart! You got LOADS of ewcm! Are you sure it was just left over :spermy:? FX and :dust: for you anyway! xxx
I'm so gutted for you Foxy. I hope that Jan brings you your BFP xx
foxy - sorry she got you hun :grr:

shaerichelle - I agree with the others - start now!

moochacha - if you have ovd I think you bd'd at the right time, so FX! Don't always trust FF's decision though - last month FF said I ovd on CD9 then on CD14, but I think it's more likely it was cd17-19. Sometimes the picture doesn't become clear till after the 3 consecutive high temps, even when FF gives you bold lines. Personally I don't know, looking at your chart! You got LOADS of ewcm! Are you sure it was just left over :spermy:? FX and :dust: for you anyway! xxx

Yeah the whole ewcm its been a real weird month for me!! I doubt it was from DH though lol because it's actually been there non stop since my period, small amounts but still there.

I'm still trying to understand how FF works, I think i have the most half of it figured. I still don't know which setting allows me to display only the
signs I've ticked right now it shows every sign on FF.

Thanks for the :dust: hun and good luck for this cycle sending you lots of sticky :dust:
Hope everyone had a lovely Xmas day, we were through at my folks and cooked Xmas dinner for everyone which went really well. Even made fresh croissants for breakfast today and took my parents breakfast in bed, think I might have got some good daughter points for that!
FF decided this morning that I ov'd on CD 18, really hope it's right because we haven't bd'ed since then, falling down stairs has left me rather sore and then been rushing around and have been tired by the time we got to bed. Temp went really high this morning, either because I had a glass of wine and a port last night or because it's going triphasic, but I think it's more likely the booze! Or because my parents had their heating on 24hrs a day as it was so cold and snowy. Got back to Edinburgh to rain and no snow left :-(

Foxy sorry AF got you, so cruel to arrive on Xmas day

Hopefully by Xmas next year we will all be holding our little bundles of joy, or at least pregnant! DH and I were talking on our way home and are hoping this time next year we will have a new house and new baby!!!
Hi Ladies

Thanks for all your support - bit of a miserable day yesterday. I think taking the soy on the days I did made me ov late, so I'm hoping that this month I'll ov around CD17 (like in October).

I adjusted my chart to CD21 for OV as this ties in with my luteal phase being 12/13 days. Also, if I take out the + OPK then FF automatically changes to CD21. I have decided that I am not going to use OPK's this month - I didn't find them particularly helpful last cycle.

Plan is to try to bd every other day from around CD12 - easier said than done :haha:

I hope you all had a nice day yesterday.

Magic - I notice you are going away - hope you have a lovely time.

Moochacha - thanks for your kind words and give AF an extra kick from me hehe. I wouldn't be suprised if your temps over the next few days suggest you ovulate later than what FF currently says :) I'll definitely be keeping an eye on your chart.

fifi - just out of interest, have you tried removing your + opk just to see if FF alters your ov day? It made a 2 day difference on mine!

Fish&Chips - How's everything with you? Any symptoms / sickness etc?
Hi Foxy. No not really, just heartburn and twinges in my tummy. I'm still trying to get my head round it all and am trying to relax and not worry so much xx
fifi - just out of interest, have you tried removing your + opk just to see if FF alters your ov day? It made a 2 day difference on mine!

I've tried that and it changes it to dotted line on CD17, which is where it was before this morning's temp. No idea really. Last cycle FF said CD19 but my acupuncturist looked at my chart and said CD14. I might ignore OPKs next month, but when it comes down to it I probably won't be able to resist!!! Yet another POAS addict here! Although I am going to try not to do HPT until the 6th of Jan - after I started bleeding last month, give embryo a chance to get comfy if we have been successful this month.
yeah..I'm new to this site and to charting so I'd really like to join you all. We've been TTC for about 4 months now. We have had some unexpected situations get in our way which could have something to do with the lack of success so far, but the bulk of that stress is behind us now.I think you'll find that charting and temping really helps to pass the time.
Welcome cutebu00

Are you currently charting? If so, do you have a link for your signature?

Hope your ttc journey is a short one :)
I took my first temp this morning. Now I have to record it. I did oral temp. I need to get a new thermometer.
So how's everyone doing? I realised my temp yesterday and today are similar to same point in cycle last month so not too excited about it jumping up, guess my progesterone levels just took another leap, which would tie in with the hot flushes and moodiness I have been having the past couple of days. Only 5dpo or possibly 6dpo if you just go by my temps. I am actually charting with another website but not putting in OPK or CM and it thinks CD17. Any thoughts?

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