I hope everyone had a very nice Christmas and Boxing Day!!!
Swanny, I just read, congratulations on your BFP!!!! Are you going to test again to watch that line get stronger and stronger?!!!
Welcome Broody Broo, Debbie, Shaerichelle and CutCub, you've found a great group of gals to go through charting with, it's so much better with all the support they provide!
Foxy, I'm sorry that AF got you (and on Christmas day to boot
) but the good news is that you have 2 nice full charting cycles that show a clear ovulation day and that your body is doing everything it should. And I am definitely not the queen of PMA, but I've had to comfort myself with those same words so I have lots of experience. I see you're going to take soy this cycle, I know I read about that somewhere but clearly it didn't sink in, so what is that supposed to help with? And glad that your cd 21 bloods were normal. I find out Weds the results of our genetic testing and my cd 2-3 bloods (estrogen and FSH).
I noticed a lot of folks had small temp spikes around 23 - 25, I wonder if the stress and general hustle and bustle (and alcohol) of the holidays had anything to do with those.
Fifi, this is totally off topic but just saw you are from Edinburgh. DH and I visited Scotland for about 2 weeks this summer and Edinburgh was one of our most favorite places. You are very lucky to live in such a beautiful and historic city. I have great memories of walking along the narrow lanes in the evening fog. Oh and looking at your chart you hit that egg plenty hard, so fingers crossed for you and hope those temps stay up (preferably for 9 mos!) Hope you're continuing to feel better from the fall.
Fish, thanks for checking in with me, I'm doing well thanks. Haven't been home much over the past few days so wasn't able to get online. Had lots of reading and catching up to do today! How are you feeling, any other signs besides the twinges? With my first preg what I called the jumping stomach was really my only sign for several weeks. I remember laying in bed and could just feel a circus going on in there. Later I got terrible food aversions although never sickness.
Hello to all of the rest, can't wait to see what our charts and 2010 bring us. I'm hoping for sticky BFP's for all!!!