It looks good so far! I'd tell you to wait to test for a few more days to see what your temp does first but I can't tell you to wait because I love to pee on sticks!
It's hard, I'm an instant gratification kind of girl. He puts up with me and the amount of money I spend on HPTs and OPKs. His theory is, if your period doesn't come then you're pregnant right? So just wait a month, no period, you're pregnant. ***sigh*** I wish it were that easy!
Hi all
Nicole - thanks for getting back to me about my o, as you predicted my temp went up this morning.
Here's hoping that it keeps going up
Hi and welcome!! No it doesnt look like you've Od yet. not sure why ff has given you cross hairs..the fact that they are dotted say FF isnt sure either..
Ladies I don't know what to think...I been having major "feelings" in lower belly and either I'm preggo or AF is comming. The feeling have been more sharp rather than dull like AF. I also had some really weird pain way down low like almost towards bum...strange I know! I HATE not knowing which!! I have had tons of creamy loition like CM today...I thought AF had come it was so wet!!(TMI) any experienced BFPers who have had similar feelings before?? Thanks for any help
I'm expecting to ov on friday. Used my first softcup today - only remembered I had it in on the way home from work! So far, so good! Are you using them?