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Ladies, can I have your professional advice pls :)

I'm having sleeping problems. Most of the time, I'm able to wake up at my normal timing But sometimes I wake up too early and couldn't get back to sleep, which is like 3x a week. So what I'll usually do is to take my temp twice in case I can't get back to sleep. I doesn't bother me much anyway because my overall graphs has pretty big jumps so a temp diff betwn the 2 takings of just +/- 0.1 or 0.2 are not that large to me. But Hubby insists im cheating..haha

Now problem is, this morning I woke up at 5am and quickly temp which gave a 36.3. Went to the bathroom, went back to bed and immediately fell asleep till 7.30am, which is my usual wake up time. Tested and my temp was 37.0 ! I temp again and again It gave a 37.0 (I know Im not supposed to do it 2x as well!) I'm confused which one to chart now. Btw, my temp yesterday was 36.7. And I usually record the latest temp between the 2 takings coz I think the timings more accurate that way.
Hello to all you lovely ladies, and Happy New Year!!! I can feel a ton of BFPs will be coming on this year, :dust: to us all!

I have been MIA for a little while, but rest assured I have still been stalking many charts. I am so glad that there are so many of us in different parts of our cycles, so there is constant excitement as I move through the more boring parts of mine.

To the ladies ending the 2ww:

Moochacha and minime, I LOVE the recent temp spikes! Your charts are looking quite promising as you come to the end of the 2ww.

Fifi-13 DPO with a beautiful dip at 6DPO, how are you not testing?! You have some will power woman!! Temps are looking better than last month, hope this is it for you!

Shaeri-Your cycle is crazy long! 47 days and still no AF, are you recently off BCP (I'm not sure if someone asked this already)? Have you got any idea when you may have ovulated?

F super X'd for you all!

To the ladies starting the 2ww:

Nadira-I have to say that I'm jealous of your chart! You ovulate at just the right time and your rises are so well-defined.

LoKita-Glad to see that you ovulated as well, good timing on starting to chart.

Hope the wait flies by for you girls!

To the ladies about to O:

Bernina-Glad to hear that you have got some info you can work with from the FS. Sorry to hear that the surgery may put the brakes on things, but I'm hoping you will get your BFP so you won't even have to start that horrid BCP! I understand your trepidation as far as BDing right now, but I say, just do what feels right and let the chips fall where they may. You never know, and fate has a funny way about her.

Magic-Hope the trip was lovely! Glad to see you back, with some new temps!

Shambaby-Glad your cycle is getting sorted, keep BDing and catch that egg!

Martha-Welcome and thanks for posting your chart. I will keep watching it, hope you are BDing like crazy!

To the ladies saying their good byes to AF

Foxy-Hope the soy does some amazing things for you! Let us know how it turns out.

Kitty-Wishing you luck as you start your new cycle!

To all the new ladies

Welcome and thanks for joining us. You will get a lot of charting info and support here, you'd be surprised what us novices can share!
Hi Marrissa! Temping can be so finicky, it's actually a lot harder in practice than it seems. The truth is, that since you are quite far past ovulation, it doesn't really matter what you record. At this point, you are either pregnant or not, and your temperature won't make a lick of difference. If the 5 am temp was measured after a good block of sleep, I would personally use that one, especially since you got up and only slept a couple of hours before getting the 2nd. You could also just wait til tomorrow and see what makes the most sense with that. Of course, if you want your chart to look pretty and since it doesn't matter which temp you enter at this point in your cycle, you could always go with the higher temp!

Also, just a question, why did you override your ovulation day rather than let FF figure it out for you. Honestly, looking at your chart, I am tempted to call CD 20 your O day, since it comes after the +OPK and you still have EWCM. What does FF say?

Hope you get your BFP in the next few days, FX'd for you!!
Mysticdeliria, thanks for replying! haha.. ok, I shall take the higher temp since it doesn't matter anyway now

I override it coz I did an opk and it was darkest on CD18, and then it got lighter on CD19 & CD20.

I started using fertility friend somewhere near ovulation, all the while charting only temps on doctor's paper. So I didn't note down all the signs. BUt I remebered having abundance of EWCM everyday since probably 5 days before Ovu, could be due to the accupuncture and we also BD'ed a couple times more than what I recorded, can't remember when exactly! Hmm, gotta be more diligent in recording nx round.
Mystic, I am getting frustrated! Nope I am not. No idea when I ovulated. frustrated. The only thing is I got my iud out in sept. right before it I had a normal cycle. I had to take plan b (due to rape) on Nov 1. I got my period Nov 18. I dont know if it messed me up or what. But heck I have been having regular pregnancy symptoms. I have a 7 yr old I know what they feel like. I feel crazy!
Morning Ladies,

bernia - I've totally fallen in love with Australia now after not thinking much of my home country. I've backpacked through India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Europe but never thought about how wonderful Australia is.

This particular spot is The bay of Island along the The Great Ocean Road. My hubby is a graphic designer/ nature photographer so he has really opened my eyes to how amazing Australia is.

I'm going to try not and test till 18 DPO :p TRY would be the key word I'm already temped to test.
Mysticdeliria, thanks for replying! haha.. ok, I shall take the higher temp since it doesn't matter anyway now

I override it coz I did an opk and it was darkest on CD18, and then it got lighter on CD19 & CD20.

I started using fertility friend somewhere near ovulation, all the while charting only temps on doctor's paper. So I didn't note down all the signs. BUt I remebered having abundance of EWCM everyday since probably 5 days before Ovu, could be due to the accupuncture and we also BD'ed a couple times more than what I recorded, can't remember when exactly! Hmm, gotta be more diligent in recording nx round.

Oh, I see. But OPKs pick up the LH surge, and this generally happens BEFORE ovulation (though it can happen the same day as ovulation). In general, ovulation happens 12-48 hours after you first get a +OPK, but they are not at all accurate in telling you exactly when you will O. Your BBT is better at pinpointing when you ovulate a few days after it happens, so I really suggest that you go with what the FF software calculates for you as this is likely going to give you a better idea of when to test, or in the case of a BFN will tell you how long your LP is. Of course, you know your body best, so do what you think you should. Hope I am at least being helpful by sharing some info. Good luck :thumbup: when do you think you will test?
Mystic, I am getting frustrated! Nope I am not. No idea when I ovulated. frustrated. The only thing is I got my iud out in sept. right before it I had a normal cycle. I had to take plan b (due to rape) on Nov 1. I got my period Nov 18. I dont know if it messed me up or what. But heck I have been having regular pregnancy symptoms. I have a 7 yr old I know what they feel like. I feel crazy!

OMG Shannon!! What a horrible experience, I'm so sorry to hear such a thing happenned to you :hugs:!! Since plan B is a superconcentrated BCP it can indeed have affected your cycle, though don't know too much about it so I can't say whether its effects would last this long. But you also had a very stressful experience, when I was 19 and I first went away to university, I didn't get a period for 2 months. I took about a million HPTs and all were neg.! I went to the Dr., and she said it was likely just stress (huge relief at that point in my life), Af eventually showed. Since my experience was nowhere near as stressful as what you've been through, I could see the same thing happenning. You should really see your Dr. to find out why you are getting neither AF or a BFP. Make sure to mention that you took Plan B as well. Take care and stay strong! :hugs:
OMG Shannon!! What a horrible experience, I'm so sorry to hear such a thing happenned to you :hugs:!! Since plan B is a superconcentrated BCP it can indeed have affected your cycle, though don't know too much about it so I can't say whether its effects would last this long. But you also had a very stressful experience, when I was 19 and I first went away to university, I didn't get a period for 2 months. I took about a million HPTs and all were neg.! I went to the Dr., and she said it was likely just stress (huge relief at that point in my life), Af eventually showed. Since my experience was nowhere near as stressful as what you've been through, I could see the same thing happenning. You should really see your Dr. to find out why you are getting neither AF or a BFP. Make sure to mention that you took Plan B as well. Take care and stay strong! :hugs:

I am going to the doc tomorrow. I think the plan b totally messed me up.:growlmad: I think I have had a lot of stress and that is the possibility. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow. Hopefully he can give me the answers I need. Thinking is adrenal fatigue. I will find out tomorrow. thank you.:hugs:
Mysticdeliria, thanks for replying! haha.. ok, I shall take the higher temp since it doesn't matter anyway now

I override it coz I did an opk and it was darkest on CD18, and then it got lighter on CD19 & CD20.

I started using fertility friend somewhere near ovulation, all the while charting only temps on doctor's paper. So I didn't note down all the signs. BUt I remebered having abundance of EWCM everyday since probably 5 days before Ovu, could be due to the accupuncture and we also BD'ed a couple times more than what I recorded, can't remember when exactly! Hmm, gotta be more diligent in recording nx round.

Oh, I see. But OPKs pick up the LH surge, and this generally happens BEFORE ovulation (though it can happen the same day as ovulation). In general, ovulation happens 12-48 hours after you first get a +OPK, but they are not at all accurate in telling you exactly when you will O. Your BBT is better at pinpointing when you ovulate a few days after it happens, so I really suggest that you go with what the FF software calculates for you as this is likely going to give you a better idea of when to test, or in the case of a BFN will tell you how long your LP is. Of course, you know your body best, so do what you think you should. Hope I am at least being helpful by sharing some info. Good luck :thumbup: when do you think you will test?

Hi mysticdeliria! Thanks so much for the info!! all the while I thought having +ve opk means im ovulating. Didn't know ovulation only happens 12-48 hours after that. Then u should be right, ovulation could have happened on CD20.

Oh no! Then I think my chances of getting a bfp are slimmer now.Coz we bdéd on the day we get +ve opk. I tested in e morning, we bd'ed that night. The next few days were didn't even see each other because we both work different shifts :cry:
Mysticdeliria, thanks for replying! haha.. ok, I shall take the higher temp since it doesn't matter anyway now

I override it coz I did an opk and it was darkest on CD18, and then it got lighter on CD19 & CD20.

I started using fertility friend somewhere near ovulation, all the while charting only temps on doctor's paper. So I didn't note down all the signs. BUt I remebered having abundance of EWCM everyday since probably 5 days before Ovu, could be due to the accupuncture and we also BD'ed a couple times more than what I recorded, can't remember when exactly! Hmm, gotta be more diligent in recording nx round.

Oh, I see. But OPKs pick up the LH surge, and this generally happens BEFORE ovulation (though it can happen the same day as ovulation). In general, ovulation happens 12-48 hours after you first get a +OPK, but they are not at all accurate in telling you exactly when you will O. Your BBT is better at pinpointing when you ovulate a few days after it happens, so I really suggest that you go with what the FF software calculates for you as this is likely going to give you a better idea of when to test, or in the case of a BFN will tell you how long your LP is. Of course, you know your body best, so do what you think you should. Hope I am at least being helpful by sharing some info. Good luck :thumbup: when do you think you will test?

Hi mysticdeliria! Thanks so much for the info!! all the while I thought having +ve opk means im ovulating. Didn't know ovulation only happens 12-48 hours after that. Then u should be right, ovulation could have happened on CD20.

Oh no! Then I think my chances of getting a bfp are slimmer now.Coz we bdéd on the day we get +ve opk. I tested in e morning, we bd'ed that night. The next few days were didn't even see each other because we both work different shifts :cry:

Hey the best time to BD is the few days before Ov when there is EWCM of course because hopefully there well be :spermy: to meet the egg right away. Some believe that BD on your actual OV day is a little late because it can take some time for the swimmers to get to the egg and by that time its too late. So it looks like you did well and BD at the right time!!! :dust:
Hey girls! Gosh this thread is moving fast these days!!
:dust: to everyone!

I am cd15 - no idea about ov or not so far! :shrug: Everyone else is doing so well with their charting and mine is shocking lol!!
Hi everyone and Happy New Year!!! DH and I took an impromtu trip up to Northern Michigan this past weekend so I'm very behind on this thread. We had a great time snowshoeing and just enjoying the scenery. Michigan is surrounded by lakes that are the size of small seas so the views were amazing although the temps were quite chilly dropping to below 0 F! I hope everyone had a very happy and safe New Year.

Thank you all for the kind words and well wishes about our fertility visit and our plan, so nice to have so much support!!

Teeny Weeny, thank you so much for sharing your story, that gives me so much hope. It looks like I'm getting ready to ovulate this cycle but I'm having mixed feelings about doing the BD in case I do get a BFP and it ends due to the septum. I guess I'll just let what happens happen, and chances are with all the spotting I've had I'm not really putting out a good egg and my lining is probably too thin to let anything implant. So I guess a little practice can't hurt :) Continued sticky glue to you!!!! How have you been feeling? When do you get your first ultrasound?

If the truth be told I am worried sick...I often have a pain in my right side and seem to get lots of tummy pain (nothing serious..just continuous). I can't relax and enjoy it and for every day that passes I am convinced something is going to go wrong...I sound neurotic don't I??!!! Sorry.

I have an u/s next Thursday when I will be 7+2 by LMP. Just trying to hang in there until then, when perhaps if everything is okay it may ease my mind.
Does anyone else have these same worries??? xx

Instead of my moaning...Practise BDing sounds like a great plan and I wish you all the best with your impending surgery. xx
Mysticdeliria, thanks for replying! haha.. ok, I shall take the higher temp since it doesn't matter anyway now

I override it coz I did an opk and it was darkest on CD18, and then it got lighter on CD19 & CD20.

I started using fertility friend somewhere near ovulation, all the while charting only temps on doctor's paper. So I didn't note down all the signs. BUt I remebered having abundance of EWCM everyday since probably 5 days before Ovu, could be due to the accupuncture and we also BD'ed a couple times more than what I recorded, can't remember when exactly! Hmm, gotta be more diligent in recording nx round.

Oh, I see. But OPKs pick up the LH surge, and this generally happens BEFORE ovulation (though it can happen the same day as ovulation). In general, ovulation happens 12-48 hours after you first get a +OPK, but they are not at all accurate in telling you exactly when you will O. Your BBT is better at pinpointing when you ovulate a few days after it happens, so I really suggest that you go with what the FF software calculates for you as this is likely going to give you a better idea of when to test, or in the case of a BFN will tell you how long your LP is. Of course, you know your body best, so do what you think you should. Hope I am at least being helpful by sharing some info. Good luck :thumbup: when do you think you will test?

Hi mysticdeliria! Thanks so much for the info!! all the while I thought having +ve opk means im ovulating. Didn't know ovulation only happens 12-48 hours after that. Then u should be right, ovulation could have happened on CD20.

Oh no! Then I think my chances of getting a bfp are slimmer now.Coz we bdéd on the day we get +ve opk. I tested in e morning, we bd'ed that night. The next few days were didn't even see each other because we both work different shifts :cry:

Hey the best time to BD is the few days before Ov when there is EWCM of course because hopefully there well be :spermy: to meet the egg right away. Some believe that BD on your actual OV day is a little late because it can take some time for the swimmers to get to the egg and by that time its too late. So it looks like you did well and BD at the right time!!! :dust:

Phew.. That's good to know! Thks moochacha!

I think my chart looks pretty good too despite pinpointing wrong ovu date. Oh, im really hoping for a miracle this cycle!
My cycle last month was 29 days so based on that, AF due today. Another BFN this morning mind you so that's not so good :-(

My temperature has gone up loads today - I'm excited is that good?
Yes minime that is good! Fx for you!
Shannon, sorry to hear BFN on bloods, I would say you have been through such an incredibly stressful time it wouldn't be surprising if your cycle has been messed up by stress and Plan B.
Mystic: I don't have will power just haven't added test results. I updated my chart to show all the BFNs don't know why I hadn't recorded these (not wanting to accept it I guess) Another one this morning, I really am not convinced One Step ICs actually work!!!! Must go buy some proper HPTs!
Teenyweeny: try not to worry, I imagine this is easier said than done, your body is designed to carry a baby and from what I have read a bit of pain is normal as uterus stretches. Thinking of you x
My cycle last month was 29 days so based on that, AF due today. Another BFN this morning mind you so that's not so good :-(

My temperature has gone up loads today - I'm excited is that good?

Oh I love the way your chart is looking:)

I believe there is a such thing as implantation dip, but I could be wrong.:shrug:

How are you feeling?
Mystic- thanks, I think my chart looks much better this month than it did last month. If all goes well I think it will have had something to do with the b6, fx'd. Also welcome to the tww, your chart looks good so far.

Shannon- so sorry to hear about what happend. I'm sure the stress of that and the Plan B has got your cycle a little wonky. I'm sure it will get back to normal soon.

Teeny Weeny- it's normal to be nervious. I'm sure everything is fine, just sit back and try to enjoy being pg, stress free. I know probably easier said than done. = )

Marissa - your temps look grate, fx'd for you!

Minime - as long as the witch hasn't shown her face, your still in the game. Fx'd for you as well.

Fifi- internet cheapies are the worst, try FRER. They seem to pick up the HCG sooner. Your chart looks like mine last month with all the test. Totally addicted. Your temps look good so hopefully you will get your bfp!

Magic- welcome back!

I think I may have had an implantation dip on my chart. What do you ladies think? Trying to hold off for testing untill at least tomorrow, I know it's still early but fx'd.
Fifi & Nadira -Thank you. Its awful that it had to happen, but when ttc its worse. I am hoping they get back to normal soon. But with being sick it makes it harder. Hopefully I will get good news at the docs today and not bad.:thumbup:

Nadira, If I knew how to read charts better I would help you, lol

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