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ok girls - im kinda confused.

i thought that i had OV'd on thurs because i had EWCM then sat i had a rise in temp sat. took my temp this morn and ive gone down again :shrug: what?
hi ladies,

I'm totally new to charting and i have hit a bump in the road and wondered if anyone could have a look at my chart and give me there opinion.

Basically, FF said i had ov'd on cd31, however as you will see in my chart i' e had a couple of dips since then. The first one i thought might have been an implantion dip, however when i entered my temp for today in, FF said it could no longer confidently predict ovulation and removed the cross/coverline from my chart. I'm at a complete loss:shrug:I was thnking today would be 10dpo and i would be able to test soon and now i have no idea if i ov'd or not:cry:.

Any advice would be good.

Lisa x
you may find that your temp today is just and 'odd' temp. like FF says, you're not charting individual temps, you're trying to find a pattern so, maybe todays temp was just a one off lower temp?

(which i guess could be the same in my situation i guess)
thanks pichi, your probably right. If tomorrow my temp is back up to normal again i might disregard todays temp so it doesn't throw out the rest of my cyle. thanks again x
Lisa - I would say you haven't ov'd yet hun. No significant / sustained temp rise as yet. Hopefully you see this over the next few days :)

Shazza - welcome and you should be bd'ing as I type this! haha Yes, when you have the green light on the traffic lights FF is indicating that you are most likely in your fertile phase.

To put a link to your chart, go to your home page setup on FF :)

nadira - sorry AF got you hun. Enjoy your break and we'll catch up with you soon x

Shambaby - yey for the cross hairs :) Fingers crossed for you

OH and I had a row last night, so BD went out the window - along with my patience! lol I swear if I didn't require his 'services' he'd have gone out of the window too! Luckily, no temp rise for me today so gonna get him to make it up to me tonight!! haha :haha:

Sorry to everyone I've missed and sorry for the quick post, got to walk the dogs!

Catch you later on xx
Just checking in after a weeks absence (darn work!). Looks like it's going to take me a while to read back through 40 pages of new posts!!!!!

First of all, congrats to minime!!!!! I am so so happy for you!! Sticky glue coming your way! Please try not too worry too much about the temp drops. I admit I am a total newbie when it comes to pregnancy temping and have no idea what ups and downs mean. Listen to Magic, she gives great advice and try to keep a PMA. I know easier said than done, I just don't want to see you worry yourself sick and miss out enjoying early pregnancy!!! :hugs: And also, I think your idea to stop temping is a good one. I believe Fish also did that.

Welcome to all of the newcomers to this thread! This really is a lovely group of gals who are so very helpful and supportive.

Fairygirl, regarding the red raspberry leaf tea, yes there is much controversy out there surrounding what is the best time to take the tea. Some say you should avoid after ovulation and until late pregnancy, others say that it is fine throughout your cycle and pregnancy. So frustrating when there is so much conflicting information. After drinking it routinely throughout one cycle I decided to not drink any after ovulation this cycle. There is so much else going on with my body that I can't isolate the effects of the tea, but I'm just the type who likes to switch it up every so often :) Thank you so much for thinking of me! Also thanks for the nice concise list of all the chart links, that is VERY helpful!!

Mystic, fate does surely have a funny way about her, so while we didn't try super hard this month, we did get in at least 2 days of BD'ing that were around the time of ovulation. So we'll see!!

Moochacha, thank you so much for the information on your hike, I have added that spot to my list of destinations I would like to get to one day.

Shaerichelle, so sorry to hear what you have been through. :hugs: coming your way for sure. And glad that you have found a new natural doctor, I hope that they are able to provide the information and testing that you need.

Teeny Weeny, I'm sorry that the pains you've been having are causing you to worry. I'm sure you are anxiously awaiting your u/s this Thursday. Sending continued sticky glue your way and :hugs:

Foxy, glad you have the house back to yourselves, hope you made the most of your alone time :)

Swanny, I'm so sorry for your loss, :hugs: Please let me know how your acupuncture went. I have my first appointment Thursday with a tcm/acupuncture practitioner who specializes in fertility. I'm very excited (and a bit nervous, but I expect that's normal). My fertility doctor that is performing the uterine septum surgery said that my eggs were small and my lining was thin and suggested a round of clomid after the surgery, but I really would prefer to get my body back in shape the natural way, even if it takes a bit longer.

Fifi, how are you feeling? Did the acupuncture help with your pain at all?

Pichi, the test pic you posted on 1/9 sure looks dark to me!!!

For all those in the 2ww sending positive vibes and sticky glue your way!!!

For those approaching the big O, sending lots of baby dust your way!!! Now stop reading and get BD'ing!!!

For all those AF got, here's to a fresh new cycle of trying!!!

A little update on me. FF says I ovulated cd 21, which means we didn't make best use of BD'ing but have 2 sessions that could have worked. I admit my heart wasn't fully into it this month as I was a bit worried about getting a BFP and having it end in MC due to the uterine septum. Surgery is scheduled in two and a half weeks and I also have my first ever acupuncture/TCM appointment this Thursday. I am VERY excited about that and glad they were able to get me in so quickly. I have no idea what this is going to cost me as it's not covered with insurance but at this point I will try anything. It was suggested I go on a round of clomid after surgery but I really feel I need to explore natural options before going that route. Don't get me wrong, if I have to I will try clomid, but I just really hope something else works. So I'm always very interested to hear of others experience with TCM/acupuncture. I found a clinic that specializes in fertility so hoping they can restore my mojo. I read the Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis and it really has opened my eyes to a whole other world of medicine.

Also, I decided to switch my prenatal, I'm now using Rainbow Light Just Once Prenatal. It received good reviews from women and in online articles. I really don't think my previous prenatals with DHA caused any problems, but I just had this nagging feeling becasue I started taking the DHA ones right before my chemical and my cycles have not been normal since. So we'll see how this one goes.

Sending Baby Dust, Sticky Glue and Positive Vibes to all in our lovely (not so) little group!!!
foxyloxy28: at least you get makey up sex :happydance:

bernina: nice to see you back x
Shaerichelle, so sorry to hear what you have been through. :hugs: coming your way for sure. And glad that you have found a new natural doctor, I hope that they are able to provide the information and testing that you need.

A little update on me. FF says I ovulated cd 21, which means we didn't make best use of BD'ing but have 2 sessions that could have worked. I admit my heart wasn't fully into it this month as I was a bit worried about getting a BFP and having it end in MC due to the uterine septum. Surgery is scheduled in two and a half weeks and I also have my first ever acupuncture/TCM appointment this Thursday. I am VERY excited about that and glad they were able to get me in so quickly. I have no idea what this is going to cost me as it's not covered with insurance but at this point I will try anything. It was suggested I go on a round of clomid after surgery but I really feel I need to explore natural options before going that route. Don't get me wrong, if I have to I will try clomid, but I just really hope something else works. So I'm always very interested to hear of others experience with TCM/acupuncture. I found a clinic that specializes in fertility so hoping they can restore my mojo. I read the Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis and it really has opened my eyes to a whole other world of medicine.

Also, I decided to switch my prenatal, I'm now using Rainbow Light Just Once Prenatal. It received good reviews from women and in online articles. I really don't think my previous prenatals with DHA caused any problems, but I just had this nagging feeling becasue I started taking the DHA ones right before my chemical and my cycles have not been normal since. So we'll see how this one goes.

Sending Baby Dust, Sticky Glue and Positive Vibes to all in our lovely (not so) little group!!!

Thank you. :hugs: I am lucky to have a supportive hubby and a great doctor:)

Have you tried progesterone cream, USP? Sometimes if we have chemicals we could be having a short LP, which sometimes mean there is not enough preogesterone to help the baby grow through the LP. I read that last night and thought hmm maybe I have had some chemicals... It also helps ovulation:) (might be a good alternative to clomid).:flower:
Thank you. :hugs: I am lucky to have a supportive hubby and a great doctor:)

Have you tried progesterone cream, USP? Sometimes if we have chemicals we could be having a short LP, which sometimes mean there is not enough preogesterone to help the baby grow through the LP. I read that last night and thought hmm maybe I have had some chemicals... It also helps ovulation:) (might be a good alternative to clomid).:flower:


I have not tried progesterone but have heard lots about it. I think that if the TCM/acupuncture don't work that I may try the progesterone before trying clomid. The only thing that makes me think I may need more than just additional progesterone is the fact that my eggs and lining looked thin on the u/s which could also be low estrogen or it's not being produced at the proper time. Low progesterone definitely could have been the cause of my chemical and it also may have played a factor in my mmc around 8 wks, although I'm more inclined to think that one had something to do with the uterine septum, perhaps the baby wasn't getting enough blood due to implanting in an unlucky spot.

Thanks for the information, I totally agree it would be a much more acceptable (to me) alternative to clomid.

Have you ever looked into TCM and/or acupuncture?
Great to see you back bernina. Brilliant news that you have managed to get an early appointment with your TCM/acupunture - I hope this helps you :) I can understand not wanting to go on the clomid and I think looking at alternative options is a great idea. Sending you best wished for you upcoming surgery. Hopefully once that is successfully out of the way, your ttc journey will be a lot less bumpy (or atleast bumpy in the form of a baby bumpy!!)

pichi - make up sex is normally a lot better than boring old ttc sex! :haha:
Thanks Foxy!! It's so much easier to get appointments with the non traditional doctors that insurance doesn't cover, they have a much smaller patient base I'm guessing! They actually had an opening on Wednesday but we have our first informational group meeting with an adoption agency in our area. We're still ttc of course but I like to keep our options open in case the surgery/acupuncture/potential clomid don't work! Since they don't have the meetings often and they're required to proceed with an application, I thought we shouldn't put it on hold. Worse thing that happens is we find out we didn't need that meeting after all :)

So do you think you ovulated today? I hope you see a nice spike in temps tomorrow to indicate ovulation today. If that's the case then you timed your BD'ing well!!!

Anything else new with you that I've missed? I did actually read the almost 40 pages of posts since I was last here, but I did have to skim through quite a bit to actually be able to get some work done today :)

Baby Dust if you haven't yet ovulated and sticky glue and PMA if you're in the 2ww!!!!
Thank you. :hugs: I am lucky to have a supportive hubby and a great doctor:)

Have you tried progesterone cream, USP? Sometimes if we have chemicals we could be having a short LP, which sometimes mean there is not enough preogesterone to help the baby grow through the LP. I read that last night and thought hmm maybe I have had some chemicals... It also helps ovulation:) (might be a good alternative to clomid).:flower:


I have not tried progesterone but have heard lots about it. I think that if the TCM/acupuncture don't work that I may try the progesterone before trying clomid. The only thing that makes me think I may need more than just additional progesterone is the fact that my eggs and lining looked thin on the u/s which could also be low estrogen or it's not being produced at the proper time. Low progesterone definitely could have been the cause of my chemical and it also may have played a factor in my mmc around 8 wks, although I'm more inclined to think that one had something to do with the uterine septum, perhaps the baby wasn't getting enough blood due to implanting in an unlucky spot.

Thanks for the information, I totally agree it would be a much more acceptable (to me) alternative to clomid.

Have you ever looked into TCM and/or acupuncture?

I have not but I go to a naturopathic doc. He treats my fibro with the bowen therapy. I had my first treatment Jan 5:) It has helped me a lot. Its kinda like and accupressure thing:) I purchased this I am awaiting to see if I am pregnant before I try it.:). I will try it after this 2ww.
I'm guessing I've ovulated today and so hopefully will see a nice spike in the morning :) Fingers crossed.

Nothing new with me really - just plodding along lol

I think it's great you are keeping your options open and going to the adoption meeting. My auntie and uncle tried for 16 years to conceive and it was only after they started the process of applying to adopt that she finally fell pregnant! Here's hoping it's the same in your case. I do think adoption is an amazing thing though.

Thanks for the baby dust - I think I'm gonna need it this month, not much going on in the bding :( not sure what's up with OH, but he is having problems 'finishing' if I can put it that way (sorry a bit too much info there!). Hopefully it'll be back to normal next cycle. Just so frustrating that this happens right when we need it most!
ooh, fairygirl, that temp rise is looking good. no wonder you can't focus - must be from all the :sex: !!!!!

thanks for the dust nadira. sorry af got you, relax, enjoy your break and come back ready for the next round :hugs:

smileyshazza this is definitely the time for :sex:!!! to put on a link to your chart you can either use the ticker and add it to your sig like any other ticker, or post a link from your homepage. not sure about ff changing from forecasted to actual - it didn't do that for me until after o was confirmed (3 days after temp shift) but i guess it's changed your fertile days because of cm or opk info

pichi - not sure what's going on with the drop in temp, but i had ewcm for quite a few days before o and by the time o day came it was actually reducing in amount (sorry tmi). are your temps accurate? could it have been affected by lack of sleep / cold room / anything? i'd suggest keep on with the bd'ing until you know

lisa - i'm no expert - only on my 1st month - but i'd say since you had positive opk's you should probably test anyway if af doesn't show. those temps are a little confusing, though, perhaps you haven't o'd yet after all. sorry i can't be more help :hugs:

foxy, hope you and oh 'made up' :winkwink:

bernina, hope all goes well with your surgery - unless, of course, you have to postpone for, say, 9 months!!!

nothing new to report with me, other than hubby is relieved to finally get a rest :rofl: he wasn't very impressed when i told him that if we had been succesful he could have a 9 month long rest, probably even longer lol!!!
Foxy, do you think OH issue is cause of the pressure..? I think some guys feel pressured. My hubby told me he felt that way lol. I made a pact not to tell him I even O'ed. Lol of course I told him this past time I think I was oing cause it had been forever! SO I throw some babydust your way!
nothing new to report with me, other than hubby is relieved to finally get a rest :rofl: he wasn't very impressed when i told him that if we had been succesful he could have a 9 month long rest, probably even longer lol!!!

lol lol, some people want more sex during pregnancy.. I did lol:wacko:
Aw Nadira, I'm so sorry to hear af got you :hugs:. I wish you well with your fresh start!

Pichi you may not have ovulated yet keep :sex: until you see the sustained temp rise.

Lisa I tend to agree with foxy, your chart doesn't indicate a clear rise to confirm ovulation even though you have a lot of clues that suggest it may have happened. That's not to say that you didn't ovulate, you may have and your temps are just off for one reason or another, but you should keep BDing until you see the sustained rise.

Bernina I'm so glad to see you back, you have created such a popular thread! Thanks so much for it! I'm glad that you haven't given up TTC but it may be a good thing that you took it easy this month. Adoption is truly admirable, any child that you bring in to your home and family would be extremely fortunate to have you as a mom. It's great that you're looking into it.

Foxy fx'd that you o'd so poor DH can have a break!

Fairy hope this is it for you too

Nice crosshairs shambaby!

Shazza ff tries its best to find your fertile days, but it's impossible to predict since everyone's cycles are different, and even every cycle is different for the same person (check out mine, I'm really confusing ff)! It may adjust on you especially in your first few cycles. You may even find it change your o date after it puts the crosshairs up. Don't worry too much about that, if it's giving you a green light you are likely fertile. Usually if you record EWCM, HSO CP, or +OPK it will turn green. Just keep :sex: until your temp is up for a few days. Good luck!

:dust: to all my girls!! :kiss:
Hey laides,

Wow this thread moves really fast now :D It's great to see.

mysticdeliria Totally have to be positive! After everything a person can encounter in one life time I wouldn't waste a second of it being negative. I'm one of those people that are soooo positive it can make you sick lol but its good for my chosen career path lol. It's thanks to nursing and working 3 years as a palliative nurse that I truly started appreciating LIFE!

bernina - Its good to see you back I was only thinking about you yesterday and wondered how you were going. Its wonderful you went to the adoption meeting what was it like? Your chart is looking good even though you're really trying to get pregnant this month but its good to see that the ovulation line. I love stalking charts.

foxyloxy28 - Cant wait to see your temps over the next few days. xXx Swim swim catch the egg. [-o<

nadira - Sorry AF got you!! Enjoy your break.

Wow heaps are on the 2ww!!

fairygirl - That's a nice raise! :dust:

shaerichelle - I know at first i wanted more :-= when i was pregnant but omg after given birth (both times with Cody and our angel) the desire was more... Though I had to wait 6 weeks as I had a natural birth and needed some recovery... lol TMI..

The only thing to report with me is i'm in Melbourne and its HOT!!! We're having some really hot weather and I'm melting. Sooo glad its not around ovulation time because BD would totally be out of the question. DH and I are off to the movies to escape the heat.

I finish up work in a week and a half so I can spend the year homeschooling our 8 year old, it's exciting but I hope I can do this. I'm getting a little nervous hoping I'm doing the right thing.

Take care ladies!!! :hugs:

P.S the days before ovulation i shall name limbo land lol :coffee::munch::howdy::gun::sleep:
And now my chart is a mystery. Like everything else in my life right now I have to wait and see. I'm such an emotional wreck. Promise to read and reply later. :dust:

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