Does anyone know what white dots mean on your chart.?
Does anyone know what white dots mean on your chart.?
Bernina and Shambaby Halfway through the 2ww!
Pichi I hope you O soon, can't see it on your chart at the minute.
Foxy Nice rise, yay for O!
Shannon 11dpo how exciting. Everything crossed for you. Also I read back and saw I had ignored your question on an underlying cause for my fibro, nope they've not looked since I had a heart murmur checked, rhemutologist counted out arthritis and tested negative for lupus and whatever else. I have read about adrenal failure, wouldn't know where to start with it.
Mystic Your chart looks good!
Hope everyone is ok
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum and pretty new to the whole "active" TTC thing. I've been doing the temp thing this month (on CD 16 now) and it has started to rise a bit in the last few days, but I've done three OPKs all neg. Hoping I will still O in the next few days b/c my cycles have been 30-32 days.
I have lots of reading to do to catch up on this thread but wanted to say HI everyone and I hope to get to know you all!
Hi girls
I am still fairly new to charting, this is my 2nd cycle doing it on FF, it would be great to get some people to stalk my chart and let me know if its looking normal! My Dec one was a bit erratic!
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