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Hi Ladies - just back in from an extra shift! Knackered, have to go back to my boring 9-5 job tomorrow too, how pants.

Laura - no problems, I am forever putting in temps days in advance to have a sneek peek at what FF might do! May just be the different brand of OPK's. Don't worry about it this cycle.

mystic - thanks, I was wondering if yesterday was just a fluke! We'll see what tomorrow brings!

Shannon - thanks, it's about time I had a pretty chart :) hehe

Fairygirl - I tend to agree with mystic re possible ov days. Hopefully things will become clearer over the next few days.
Foxy, your chart is looking DIVINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Bernina - I'm not really feeling much - although, over the last few days have been slightly sicky if that makes sense. A little nauseous, but nothing major. Nothing else though, so not really sure about this cycle.

Just logged onto my facebook and seen a girl I used to go to school with has given birth to an absolutely gorgeous little boy (arthur - not so keen on the name). Makes me want one even more! :

How are you?

I like that dip on 8dpo - I hope that's a good sign for you :)
I'm doing good thanks!!

So many of my former classmates are all giving birth or announcing their pregnancies. I used to feel so jealous and just could barely stand to see them, but now I just am so happy that they were blessed with a healthy child or pregnancy. I don't know if I'm just getting better at dealing with not being pregnant or if now I realize what a very special gift children are and so don't take a single one of them for granted. I'm still not perfect and definitely do feel jealous twinges sometimes, especially for this poor girl who got pregnant right around when I had my chemical. The poor thing doesn't know how green with envy I was (at least I hope she doesn't!)

Well it's probably still too early to be feeling much if there's an active little bean implanting, but nausea is always a good sign and even the headaches!!

I'm not sure what's going on this cycle, my pre o temps were all over the place and didn't stabilize right before ovulation like they did last cycle and I also ovulated several days later (going backwards here!!). I'm also gushing watery pink cm so have no idea what is causing that. I always spot pre and post ovulation, but these were gushes thatI actually felt and had to go put a panty liner on for! And I had loose stools this morning (sorry for tmi!) which usually indicates AF is on her way. So I have no idea what tomorrow holds :) Next Wednesday can not get here soon enough for my surgery (although I am looking forward to my next acupuncture appt this coming Thursday!)

FX'd for you Foxy, sticky glue in abundance coming your way and a little extra shot for Mystic just to be safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Foxy, I just went to someones house to look at furniture! She was very pregnant. sigh My hubby knew right what I was thinking he looked right at me...when we walked in.
It's so hard when you're going about your everyday business and boom pregnancy smacks you right in the face.

DH and I went to an adoption meeting last week and the lady running the meeting was like 6 mos pregnant! Talk about smacking you in the face when you're already in an emotional place!

Ah well, what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger (or more insane!)
It's horrible feeling jealous over someone else's pregnancy isn't it. But then I guess it's just human nature.

bernina - not sure what to make of the watery pink cm! I too have loose stools the week AF is due. My problem is that I have Imflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohns disease / ulcerative colitis) so, I am sooo used to having loose stools etc that it is just part of my life. It does tend to be worse in the run up to AF. Thankfully nothing as yet, although I am still 7 days off AF! Will have to wait and see! I like to refer to it as being on pooh watch! :haha:

Couldn't resist picking up a copy of Mother & Baby magazine on my way home from work! I prefer Pregnancy ones, but they didn't have any! I felt like a bit of a fraud buying it.....I even caught myself breathing out to make my stomach look firmer, like a little baby bump (as opposed to the rather obvious stock pile of cheesecake and chocolate cookies which I keep in there!!) :dohh:
Hi girls,

Sorry for butting in. Just wanted to say thanks again foxy for your help yesterday, i know i can be a total pain in the bum asking all these what should be obvious questions. FF is telling me im 3DPO and im hoping it stays that way. YTemp took a little dip this morning and im hoping it doesnt go any lower and alters things. From looking at everone elses chart, and your to, Mine looks a little odd as your temp as gradually increased after ov. Mine seems to be doing its own thing.

To also butt in on the convo about everone else being pregnant. I became an aunty again yesterday, my fertile mertyle sister informed me that she thinks she may be pregnant again and my OH cousin went into labour to so all in all yesterday sucked!!!!

Hope your all well. And i hope you dont mind me popping on from time to time withmore idiotic questions. lol. After 2 years TTC you think i would know the answers. Just never charted before.


You're very welcome and no question is a silly one, so don't worry about asking. I too am still learning and it's good to know that we can post on here and get not only answers, but support :)

Everyone's chart has a different pattern - look at all of mine, this one is completely different to any of my others! Bodies are such strange things :)

Temp drop for me too today - hopefully it'll go back up tomorrow!

bernina - that is a little in your face! It would make me feel like she was saying 'and this is what you could've had' kinda thing!

How did you find the meeting overall?
your chart is looking fantastic foxy, hopefully the fact its different to other months could be a good thing. Fingers crossed for you.
I've just just just started temping. Although it's the end of this cycle, and I know I can't tell anything with temps right now, I just wanted to kinda "get the hang" of it before CD1.. But hey, maybe I'll get lucky and she wont show lol!

GL to all you ladies xo
Hey peacelovebaby :)

Feel free to put a link to your chart so we can have a good old nosey :)

Very good idea to get into the hang of taking your temp first thing etc. It took me a little while to get into it - I'd keep waking in the middle of the night worrying about it etc, but soon settled into it.

Hopefully, you won't need to temp for very long!!
Thanks, Foxy!

I've added a link. This first chart is a bit broken, I know that..but have just started it and put some things in it from the beginning of the cycle from my notes.
well, i charted this morning - temp still down, hoping that i get my rise tomorrow and i am sure i am in with a chance ^___^ done an OPK and after sat and sundays +OPKs i got a - today so, bring on the temp rise! hehe

hope everyone is well xx

foxy: i have my fingers crossed for you ^__^ that chart looks real good :)
any of you ladies ever start feeling like you are a failure? I mean we do everything we are supposed to and seems like month after month we get bfns or AF shows her ugly face. Im starting to beat myself up and I know I shouldnt but Its been a year, we should be preggers. :(
hang on in there ablacketer. It'll happen when you least expect it. that always does :)
pichi - I agree that you should be due to see that temp rise in the next day or so, so make the most of it :) hehe

ablacketer - absolutely feel like that - particularly over the last few cycles. Not feeling so bad this cycle, I think I have resigned myself to the fact that at the moment, there isn't really much else I can do to make it happen. I think the thing that makes it hard for me is that i have never experienced a BFP (not even a little faint one).

Hang on in there! My auntie tried for 16 years to conceive my cousin (who is now 26) and it was only when they went down the route of adoption (started the process) that she fell! She says it must be down to the fact that she had stopped trying so hard and focused on the idea of adoption!
any of you ladies ever start feeling like you are a failure? I mean we do everything we are supposed to and seems like month after month we get bfns or AF shows her ugly face. Im starting to beat myself up and I know I shouldnt but Its been a year, we should be preggers. :(
Yes I am feeling that way very much so. I got a BFN this morning. I just dont understand. It was so easy the first time. One try and that was it. I know how you feel .. Still no AF its been 60 days. No BFP. :cry:

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