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i hope you get something wither it be a bfp or AF soon :hugs: the wait must be killing you!

as for temps: i had a look around and found this..

35.6 - 36.7 Degrees Celsius is usually the bracket for before Ovulation
36.1 - 37.2 Degrees Celsius after Ovulation...

phew, for a minute there i thought my temps before Ov were far too high..

Yes it is .. Feel like giving up soon!

Thats good they werent
PMA PMA PMA! God you are so right bernina, that was hard to conjour up those PMA's! lol

I hope your surgery goes well - is it this week? x
Surgery is next Wednesday, the 27th of January. It can't come soon enough! As soon as AF rears her ugly head (should be here Thurs this week) then the fun of birth control pills begins. I'm hoping since I'll be on them about a week that they really won't do too much except keep the lining from getting too thick as DR wanted. Thanks for asking!

Have my second acupuncture appointment this Thursday and I'm really looking forward to it. No clue if it's working at all, but a lot of the information she gave to me makes sense after reading it through. Just had a member get a BFP over in the TCM thread so it's very encouraging news. Hopefully between charting, TCM and surgery my body will find it's way back to normal.

Acupuncturist recommended I start back on Fish Oil/EFA after surgery (not before as it can thin blood) which I had taken for years and then stopped after becoming pregnant the first time back in Dec 08 because I wasn't sure if the stuff I was taking was low mercury. Guess I should have kept at it!! Ah well, live and learn (and I'm learning LOTS these days about a body I've been carrying around for almost 33 years!)
Hi bernina - I think I must be running hot these days! Something is going on! I haven't been feeling too great over the last few days or so. Hard to describe, but sort of a lught headed, nauseous, dizzyish sikly feeling! How's that?? haha Even during the recent snow and ice (which we very rarely get here) my temps were still up there! Very odd.

With any luck, you're right and the fact that this cycle is so different from previous ones that it may end differently to the rest! Fingers crossed!

Those are great signs hun!!! I really hope that this is your cycle.
can you ladies take a peek at my charts and see if they look "normal" to you??? or if you can see where I may be doing something wrong?
can you ladies take a peek at my charts and see if they look "normal" to you??? or if you can see where I may be doing something wrong?

I looked through all the cycles you have charted for and they look normal to me. Except for the first cycle it looks like you timed BD'ing appropriately, so you appear to be doing everything right.

Can I ask do you get up and move around and go to the restroom after doing the BD? If you're not already doing this it's a good idea to remain in bed for about 20 min (some even prop up the hips with a pillow or two) and give the little swimmers some time to get where they need to go.

Also, do you have plenty of fertile quality egg white cervical mucus? It looks like with the Nov 18 cycle you had watery cm for several days which is also fertile. The Dec 17 cycle your chart sound like you may not have had a lot of fertile fluid. Also make sure not to confuse semen with watery or egg white cm (I get them confused all the time). In the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book she recommends doing keigels about 1/2 hour after sex (over the toilet) to help squeeze out any leftover fluids (the swimmers will be where they need to be by that time so don't worry about wasting any). If you think you may be lacking fertile cm, then you could try using Preseed (sperm friendly lube) or taking expectorant found in cough syrup (do some searches as there is a specific ingredient you want and you want to avoid any that have other things in them). The expectorant helps to thin out all the mucus in your body (not just to help relieve congestion in chest) and you're supposed to take it several days before you ovulate (again, do some searching as I'm not sure the exact dosage and timing).

Also, you may want to check out the Soft Cups thread. It seems to have helped many women conceive. I say this because since you have 2 other kids and DH's sperm is good, then it may just be a case of making sure it gets the best chance to get where it needs to be.

Good luck!!!
Softcup thread:
One of many posts on expectorants to help create fertile cm:
Softcup thread:
One of many posts on expectorants to help create fertile cm:

I was going to use Robitussin this cycle because I don't think I'm producing enough EWCM but the I rad this and read up on this product and read some reviews on it. It's mix most ladies said it worked wonders but a couple of ladies said it made no difference. They don't stock any in Australia so I had to order it over amazon I doubt I will get it in time for this cycle so I might try Robitussin this cycle.

We can't get softcups in Australia either due to some laws but I'm getting a mooncup sent with some preseed and Fertile CM supplement.
Though some people suggest that you can buy L-Arginine Pills at the chemist with the same effects.
Thanks for the info moochacha. I hope your goodies don't take too long to get there. Very frustrating that some things aren't available in Australia (bet some man made those laws!)
Here is info on L-arginine from the handout my acupuncturist gave me for general fertility nutrition.

L-arginine: This is an amino acid, which has shown to increase ovarian response, endometrial receptivity, and pregnancy rates in women going through IVF. It works by increasing blood flow to the ovaries. A dosage range of 2-4 grams is acceptable.
Wow! So much to catch up on, I can hardly afford to go to work anymore the way this thread moves!

PeaceLoveBaby-I love your chart with the lone little dot :haha: guess it has to start somewhere! How long are your cycles normally? Since we don't know for sure when you o'd, we can at least use that to know when to get excited!

Pichi-Sounds like you will get your crosshairs any day now, hope the 2ww flies!

Ablack-So sorry hun, I thought your last cycle looked promising. :hugs: Try not to let it get you down or stress you out. TTC is a really hard game, don't lose hope and keep your eyes on the prize.

Foxy-Nice dip, and right on 7 dpo, perfect for an ID! So exciting! :thumbup:

Fairy-Come on crosshairs!!

Bernina-I love your PMA post. It is so true! As far as your surgery, what happens if you get a BFP before then?

Shannon-I don't know what's up with your cycle! I think you should go in and get another blood test done if you don't some answers soon.

Shambaby-temps are sky high! I think your chart's looking really promising!

Moochacha-Get the preseed!! We used it for the first time last cycle, and well, look how that turned out! I can't say for sure it was the preseed, but it is enough of a coincidence for me to recommend it! I was going to try softcups next, I hear they have worked wonders from some ladies. Good luck with all the new toys, you guys will really be having fun this cycle!!
Good luck with all the new toys, you guys will really be having fun this cycle!!

You know you're ttc when using sex and toys in the same discussion no longer means what it used to :)

I second the preseed. The first month we used it I got preg! Have two other friends that it worked great for and they both have healthy happy babies!!!
Hey Ladies

First wanted to say a proper congrats to Mystic. :wohoo:Yay!!!!!! Bfp I hope you have a h&h 9 months. Check back often and let us know how your doing.

Wish I could catch up with everyone. Welcome to all the new ladies and lots of :dust::dust: to everyone.

I'm back and refreshed ready for another cycle. This cycle I'm ntnp, I told dh and he wants to try more than I do. He at least wants me to use opk's but I haven't ordered any new ones so I'm just taking it easy focusing on getting in shape. Not timing :sex: but I will still temp.

I will have time tomorrow to catch up on the past week so I'll keep this short until then.
Mystic, thanks for the welcome..yeah the chart looks so funny! lol But my cycles are 28/29 days. So AF is due tomorrow or so. None of my normal pre-AF spotting. Still feeling a lot of twinges, but I'm thinking that's the beginnings of a UTI or bladder infection.

I know I can't tell much from only 2 temps, but they are pretty low...I'm guessing that's a bad sign :(
Hmm Mystic, we have been using Pre-seed but only a little of it at a time. My temps are frustrating, this morning's is probably gonna throw it all out, don't think I'm ever going to get crosshairs and we've had too much going on to bd which has ruined my plan. Now I'll probably get to work a bit later than I like too as hot water is playing up. Not a good start to the day...
Morning Ladies

Will post properly later on, but small temp rise for me today, so please with that :)

Hey mystic - hope you are feeling ok :)

Catch up with you all later xx

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