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13 dpo is still early hun - keep your spirits up :) You're still definitely in with a chance.

mystic - glad the cramps have eased and that you are feeling a bit better. I'm sure 1st tri will fly by for you. Can't believe how quickly Fish&chips' time has gone. I'd love to join you and be bump buddies - I'm so bored of ttc now haha I'm an impatient person as it is, so 6 months is pretty good going for me! :)

I'm not sure if the sickly feeling is just from being sat in a stuffy office looking at a pc all day. I feel ill early afternoon and it seems better early evening! So who knows. No other symptoms really. Never get sore boobs, but nipples are constantly hard and fairly sensitive! Slight headache / dry mouth and lightheaded at times. Lower back ache has eased today. Felt some twinges around my pubic bone last night, but only briefly and not painful, just enough to notice!

I'm not really expecting much this cycle - I think I just resigned myself that this cycle wouldn't work as I had visitors etc and wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to bd. We didn't really bd much and so my FF monitor only says good for bd.

Roll on Sunday - AF due around then.
Wow foxy your chart does look great. Could that have been an ID yesterday do you think?

Got my fingers crossed for you hun.

You mention that FF says 'good' for bed, mine says that to. What is the best result it will give?

Thanks Girls :)

High I believe is the best result to have Laura :)
Mystic, how are you feeling? If I do get a BFP prior to the surgery then I assume it would be off (hopefully indefinitely!). A pregnancy with the septum could lead to bed rest, breech birth and a host of other side effects, and then again it could be a totally normal pregnancy. So that's why I didn't really try this month, just because I think surgery is the best option and rules out at least one thing that has been working against us. AF should be here Thursday, and I'm spotting as usual, so I'm pretty sure she's about to visit.

Welcome back Nadira, I hope NTNP works wonders for you. So many have got their BFPs when they very least expected it.

Fairygirl, since charting isn't showing you a clear ovulation at this time (most likely due to coming off BCPs within the last 6 mos) then your plan of BD'ing every few days is the best you can do. Continue temping as it will give you a basis for future cycles, and when you see the ewcm make sure you concentrate BD around that time (if possible). That is your bodies way of telling you you're fertile. Best of luck and hang in there!!

Foxy, those temps are looking lovely!!!!

Welcome Yomo!

Shambaby, hope you're feeling better soon!!! And I second what Mystic said about it possibly being a good thing to be run down around implantation. When I got my first BFP I had the most awful cold, and well, bam I ended up preg!

PeaceLoveBaby, hang in there, some don't get a BFP until well past 13 DPO, you're not out until AF shows her head!!!

Shannon, your temps sure would indicate that you're in your luteal phase as they are all well above your coverline. Without a complete set of pre o temps, it's not as accurate, but still post o are quite a bit higher. I've heard that most women do not have a luteal phase longer than 18 days, which is why they tell you that 18 days of elevated temps is a good sign of pregnancy. I would wait until 18 days of high temps, only 3 more days to go, and then test again. If still BFN, and still no AF, then I think you should get a blood test at the DR and also possibly a vaginal ultrasound to see what your ovaries and uterus are doing. Just to make sure everything is okay. Good luck!!
Ok so I am totally confused!!! I just got a + on my opk! (obviously I am going to pounce on my H2B when he gets home from work in about 45mins!) last month I ov on cd16 and I'm only cd13 (to be fair last month was the first month I used opks) but I wasn't expecting it with how my temp has been going... please could someone look at my chart? I should get a rise tomorrow if its right shouldnt I?

Do you think I should do another opk tomorrow to check? I use clearblue digital. If ov comes bit earlier can this make my cycle any shorter? This has thrown me completely - I wasn't expecting ov so early :rofl: I need to practice putting softcup in! only used it once and don't know if it was in right! ha ha!

Some advice would be appreciated!
Thanks everyone for your kind replies. FF is obviously as confused as I am! We will keep to bding when we can. I feel rubbish today, not sure if my class have been sharing germs or too many late nights and alcohol or hormones. I keep getting a horrid taste like I have been licking envelopes. I know it is too early for symptooms so I guess it could be a cold, or an implantation cold :p Probably going for a 31st/1st testing/AF just like I said before I knew I was having another hideous cycle.

Shannon, looks like FF gave you a fall back rise at 2dpo, I still think it is possible O happened that day as there were not many temps before it to give you a confirmed coverline, FF has given you dashed crosshairs saying the date it gave you is it's best bet. Hang in there you may be a couple of dpo short of a BFP!

Foxy, a very good chart happening.
Bernina, yay for today's rise.
Angel, I think you're definately in your fertile days.
Yomo welcome.

:hugs: and :dust: to all those in the 2ww with me!
Thanks everyone for your kind replies. FF is obviously as confused as I am! We will keep to bding when we can. I feel rubbish today, not sure if my class have been sharing germs or too many late nights and alcohol or hormones. I keep getting a horrid taste like I have been licking envelopes. I know it is too early for symptooms so I guess it could be a cold, or an implantation cold :p Probably going for a 31st/1st testing/AF just like I said before I knew I was having another hideous cycle.

Shannon, looks like FF gave you a fall back rise at 2dpo, I still think it is possible O happened that day as there were not many temps before it to give you a confirmed coverline, FF has given you dashed crosshairs saying the date it gave you is it's best bet. Hang in there you may be a couple of dpo short of a BFP!

Foxy, a very good chart happening.
Bernina, yay for today's rise.
Angel, I think you're definately in your fertile days.
Yomo welcome.

:hugs: and :dust: to all those in the 2ww with me!

:dust: to you!

FF is a good thing when you arent confused or its not confused.
fairygirl - im in the same boat as you. woo, we could actually be due to test the same time ^__^
Oo yes Pichi, you have a heart monitor chart too :p FF might give you CD23 if you get a rise in the morning. That's my guess. Have you played with it? Seen what it gives you tomorrow if you put in a high temp? x
I have and it puts me as OVing yesterday which I thought :) it matches my temps and my OPKs as well as my CM so yay
I have and it puts me as OVing yesterday which I thought :) it matches my temps and my OPKs as well as my CM so yay

Ooo I can see that now. FX we both get crosshairs in the morning!
I've got a good feeling you will be joining me soon Foxy! If it's any help my bbs didn't hurt until about 1-2 weeks after my BFP. Before it my nipples were slightly sensitive but more itchy and just looked more bobbly if you know what I mean!
Hey Fish, how are you doing??? 7 weeks 5 days already, time has flown by!!!! Can't wait to hear how your MW and private appoints go!! Please keep us posted!!

Continued sticky glue to you!!
I dont get up after. Hubby sweetly hands me a towel to place between my legs so none of the "wigglies" escape. I sleep that way all night. I dunno what to do now. I think Im getting plenty of fertile cm.

I had the absolute worst day today. After AF came I walk in the office this morning and my girls greet me. "hey SK1(thats my job title), welcome back. by the way here is my ultrasound!! Im four months pregnant!" All I could do to not burst into tears. I already deal with several of the guys wives being preggers and my other girl has a under 1 year old. Plus had a girl work for me temporarily that just had her baby. time for a complete meltdown.
Hi Girls

Sorry you've had a pants day ablacketer. Before I started ttc I never noticed pregnant women or took any notice of, I see them everywhere! Where are they all coming from?? Hold on to the thought that in time (hopefully a very short time) that will be you proudly showing off your scan :)

Fish&chips - I hope so! Although, not convinced this is it. Just not feeling 'it' as such! I wish my body could give me some signs! Reasuring that your boobs weren't sore until after you got your BFP. good luck at your scan tomorrow :)

bernina - I'm liking your chart hun! Could be a nice ID on CD8! You so deserve your BFP. I have everything crossed for you :)

Looking forward to seeing how everyone's charts progress over the next few days. :dust:to all
it just eats me up, she is active duty as well. She is 23, not in a relationship. The baby's father was cheating on his girlfriend with her. Now we (supervisors) are scrambling to accomodate her, changing her list of choices to put her closer to home. Im pulling out my hair.
ablacketer, I'm so sorry you've had a rough day. Pregnent women have a way of coming out of the woodwork ever since our first mc. I totally never noticed them before like Foxy said, but now they are everywhere, seriously everywhere. I had a rough go of it for a while, found it even hard to be around my sis in law and her adorable twins, and was so jealous for a friend who announced her pregnancy around the same time I had my chemical. Just know that you're not alone in your feelings, and don't ever feel guilty about feeling that way. It's not the right way for us to feel, but sometimes there's not much we can do to stop it, and guilt certainly doesn't make it any better.

I just try to do as Foxy said and remember that one day it will be me announcing my BFP (or my adoption if this doesn't work out!) and showing off my scans to all who will look. I will have bottled it up for so long that I'd be likely to drag around my pee soaked BFP everywhere I go, haha!!

Thanks for the well wishes Foxy!! I don't think we have much of a chance this cycle but I admit a part of me wants the luck of "not trying" to rub off on me!! This will be the first cycle though where when AF gets me it will actually be a good thing because I can get the surgery, get fixed up and then hit that egg hard!!

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