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bernina - it's good that even if AF appears, you have something positive ready for the next cycle :)
Ok this is off topic but I really need to vent somewhere, just say whats on my mind before I have a massive fight with my DH.

My best friend of 15 years is helping my DH with his resume, I guess she feels like she has to because I have set up her website and my DH has done all her graphic designer stuff for her new business.

Anyway they have been talking everyday about his resume and her graphic designer crap anyway they email heaps as well now though he is keeping it business like she is starting to email him saying "How did it this go today, thinking of you Kate" like hold up....

Now I feel uncomfortable even DH thought that her last few emails have been a little weird.

The last time I spoke to her was when I told her we were TCC and showed her my chart and said its looking really positive and I could be pregnant. She said oh you're such a little doctor... that was a while ago and I haven't heard from her since :cry: she hasn't even asked about me at all to my DH or asked me if I was pregnant.

I'm so sad atm I'm ready to put all this TTC stuff behind me.
I guess on the plus side he got a job yesterday as Studio Director and it was a job he was applying for before her help...

He works at Disney atm doing packaging for them and the jobs that she was trying to get him to apply for were in a different state back in Brisbane where she is and they were way below his experience level.
still feeling pants - in fact seems to be getting worse :(

thanks for the pma mystic and bernina - if it would get me a bfp and a healthy baba i would keep the bronchitis for the whole 9 months!! those sound like pretty convincing early pregnancy symptoms to me, mystic, glad the cramps have gone.

shannon, it looks to my untrained eye like your temps are refusing to drop - hopefully a good sign. sorry to hear you're not feeling good (unless it's a good kind of not good, iykwim) fx'd for you

peacelovebaby, sorry about the bfn, fx'd it's just too early for you

foxy - good is GOOD! and could that be an implantation dip on your chart there?

pichi - fx'd it looks like you may have o'd - yay!

good luck for your midwife appointment and scan, fish&chips. how are you feeling?

that sounds rough, ablacketer - loads of my colleagues are pregnant or just had babies, too, it's so hard to be happy for them sometimes :hugs:

:hugs: moochacha, that does all sound a bit odd. at least if dh has a job now he no longer needs her help :thumbup:

i am trying my best to symptom spot, but all i can come up with is slightly tender boobs. i really want to poas too, but have to wait until saturday - would be madness to do it sooner. i think the 2nd week of the 2ww is the worst, because if you really try you could actually justify testing!

:dust: to everyone
PeaceLoveBaby-Sorry to hear about the BFN, maybe it's too early. FX'd for you!

Foxy-Thanks, I hope it does go quick. I agree TTC can get tiresome, but I really hope this is your month so you can put an end to it for now! Your symptoms sound really promising too, I can't wait til Sunday!

Laura-Foxy's right, "high" is the best result it will give. I got that this cycle past, but we bd'd every possible day around O. I wouldn't put too much stock in what it says because all it takes is 1 sperm in the fertile window. It's only really a good tool to let you know that you didn't completely miss out and that you still have a chance. Also, can I just say that the pregnancy advisor is pure BS, even with 2 positive pregnancy tests, I still only have 9 points! WTF!

Bernina-I'm feeling good now, but had horrible cramps over the weekend. Hopefully it was just the little bean digging in really deep. I'm not sure what to hope for you, BFP would be great, but there are so many risks. On the other hand, BFN would end the cycle but having the surgery would likely make things better in your next go round. I have faith that everything will work out as it should, your chart is still looking great though!

Fish&Chips-Have fun at your appointment tomorrow!!

Moochacha-Your friend sounds like she's a little obsessed with your DH. Shambaby is right though, now that he has a job he's in no need of her and neither are you if she's going to be like this. Just try to forget it and leave it in the past.

Shambaby-Symptom spotting didn't work for me either, all I could come up with were the same old AF symptoms. FX'd for Saturday!
moochacha, feel free to vent anytime, that's what we're here for. And yes, it sounds like your friend may indeed have crossed a line. On a positive note, it sounds like your DH has noticed it as well and even called it out to you, to me that's a very good sign that you have a trustworthy DH. You can't control other women flirting and making moves on your DH, but you can know him enough to trust that he won't take any of them up. And it sounds like so far he's passing that test. I don't know what to say about your friend other than perhaps she's having a rough go of it and seeing how happy you and DH are and knowing that you're trying for a kid, maybe she feels a bit left out. Hard to believe but even 2 or 3 years ago, before we started trying, my sis in law struggled to get preg (now has two gorgeous healthy twins!), and I was oblivious to her pain. I kept saying the stupid lines that I now hate hearing about oh it will happen when it's meant to, just keep trying, etc etc. So just know that your friend may not be being insensitive on purpose, she just may be totally clueless to the struggle that is ttc. And if you think there is no reason behind her possible flirting with DH then I say keep her at arms length, you don't need a friend who would purposely hurt you that way.

Shambaby, hugs to you! Your chart is sure looking great. I just realized our cycles were nearly identical this go around! We ovulated within 2 days of each other and are both on cd 11 today!! How long is your normal luteal phase? Mine is usually 12 days so I should get AF on Thursday. Here's hoping your luteal phase lasts about 9 months :)

Mystic, glad you're feeling better and I hope that little bean has burrowed nice and deep. He/she better make themselves comfy for a nice long stay at hotel mystic! I don't know why I didn't notice this before but I see you're in Ontario!! Do you mind me asking if you're far from Windsor? I live around Ann Arbor so there's a chance we're not too far away from each other! And if you're from northern Ontario then I'm totally jealous!! That is my most favorite outdoor place to be. We were up at Lake Superior Provincial Park for a week long hike along the coastal trail, life doesn't get much better than that (other than when I have a little one to take along with us of course!)

Night all!!

Just had to add that I definitely know it's time for bed because I had to go back and edit this post 3 times for spelling mistakes and to fix sentences that made no sense!! Wonder if I'll be able to get through a chapter of For Whom the Bell Tolls before my brain totally gives out...

Oh yeah, can I complain at how annoying my ovulation ticker is, it wants me to test the day before my period is even due. I think NOT!
My temp shot up today! Could be helped along by my cold though! I think FF is wrong! I'm gonna ask everyone to look at my chart and tell me if I should discard the cd24 temp, or over ride, or leave it be? Note how weekend temps have been a bit off.
Fairygirl: its looking good. You have your crossbar put in now :) my temp also went higher than its been all month :) 1 more day and I think I should also have crossbars :)
Nothing I do makes my chart any better, if I discard day 24 I get an O on 22 which is good but then the coverline is stupidly high. Also I'm convinced today's temp is more down to this virus than anything else. So all I can hope for now is temps above 36.5 or so and wait and see.
I wouldn't disgard any temps- its just a pattern you are looking for remember, not individual temps. I have a few temps that I'd want to get rid because they are higher than 'normal'
I wouldn't worry too much. Just make sure you bd often ;)
thanks mystic, i know it's not necessary to have symptoms so early, but it's reassuring to hear it from someone who knows! i'm doing my best to stay hopeful. i was worried about the pregnancy advisor thing at first - i had about 23 points and thought that meant 23% chance of pregnancy, but then realised it's worked out by the % of pregnancy charts that have features similar to your chart - there are so many variations of normal that really it's pretty meaningless, so i'm ignoring it now. hope hour bean has snuggled itself in really deep and settled in for a good 9 months

bernina, i don't really know how long my luteal phase is as this is my 1st month charting and i never knew when i o'd before - hoping for 9 months for both of us, too! when do you plan to test?

i am still feeling pretty bad - think i'm going to have a pj day today
fairygirl - I also wouldn't adjust the temp - if it was taken correctly, then it should stay. As pichi said, you're looking for a pattern. See what happens with your temps over the next week :)

pichi - I think you're temps are probably fine - I think they would only be affected majorly if you have a fever. Look forward to seeing your crosshairs in the next day or so :)

moochacha - Like the other girls have said, it sounds to me like your friend has got a little bit carried away. She may not have meant anything by those comments, however I would keep a distance for a while. You DH sounds very trustworthy, so I don't think you have anything to worry about in that department. :)

mystic - hopefully your little bean has snuggled in nicely for the next 9 months. Looking forward to following your journey over the coming months.

bernina - I too try to avoid testing before AF is due. I hate seeing BFNs. Would much rather see AF - did I just say that?? :)

Temp up again for me today. Got into the office this morning and it's so hot (underfloor heating is on overdrive!). I'm sat here and my legs (thigh area) feelings like it has one of those muscle creams (the ones that heat up) on them. They are tiggly and a sort of burning sensation! Very odd! Will have to see what it is like when I get up and move around and later on today.
Hi girls sorry I've not been on much, I've been reading but not felt like I've had much to contribute. Had a lot of pain since AF and then a tummy bug so feeling really rubbish, was even too sore to BD last night, due to ov around the weekend so really need to get on with it. Dunno but my PMA has departed and since getting forms through for Fertility Appt I've kind of given up which is nuts, I would MUCH rather get a natural BFP than IVF (but at least we know we are going to see FS). Going for acupuncture tomorrow which will hopefully perk me up.
Got the decorators in this week to get the living room/kitchen done since we got a new kitchen put in Oct/Nov last year. We were meant to get the same guy to do the decorating but he was so unreliable we told him not to bother so have had to live with unfinished walls so it's going to be lovely to get it done. After that only a few other bits and pieces to do then we'll put the flat on the market!!! Woo hoo!! Another step closer to a family home!
bernina - just noticed that our charts are a similar pattern this month :)
Hi fifi

Sorry you haven't been well or felt up to contributing to the thread. We missed you. Exciting stuff getting your flat all ready to go on the market. What kind of family home are you looking for?

I bought a house at the end of June - just a 2 bed, but it's a new build on a nice new development where most of the residents are young couple or young families, so that should be nice for when we eventually start one of our own.

People say that being ill around ov time is a plus! I wasn't too well around ov time this cycle, so we shall see!

Sometimes, it's the times when you 'give up' or start looking at other alternatives, that your body relaxes and bingo.... there's a BFP when you least expect it! I understand totally, that you want to get a natural BFP. But atleast you have an appointment etc as a backup - if you were to need it :)

Welcome back and we look forward to watching your chart develop this cycle.
foxy i don't know how you can be so patient and not test! i'd be driven up the wall by now. only 4 more days to find out though ^___^

fifi-folle: i had acupuncture because it was supposed to help with migraines. my ex also used to go for acupuncture for is really bad back.

shambaby: nothing wrong with a PJ day, they're the best days in my opinion. heh
pichi - I'm pretty good with waiting. If I had symptoms which I thought were pregnancy related, I'd be peeing on sticks constantly haha. :)
well good luck to you anyways. 4 days isn't long to wait really. i have around 10 ¬__¬ god, that's going to feel like forever
thanks ladies. Im glad I have a place to vent.

We arent looking too good this month. :( Hubby will be underway the whole week that Im due to ovulate so I guess this month is going to just be a practice temping month
Bernina-Sorry hun, not Windsor. I'm actually in Toronto, it's about 3-4 hours from Windsor. Funny, I never have ventured in to Northern Ontario, but I do hear it's very beautiful. We are still not too far from each other, I think you're the closest to me. Ann Arbor, Michigan...isn't that the home of Domino's Pizza? LOL! Thanks for the well-wishes, can't wait to see today's temp!

Fairy-I'm so happy about your crosshairs, but I don't know if I agree with them either. It's really hard to tell without having any other charts to reference. I agree with Pichi, I'm not one for discarding temps, but I think you O'd more like CD 21 or 22 due to CP and CM. It's hard to say though; I would wait and see how this week pans out before changing anything around. Don't let this get you down, charting does get easier the more you do it, and hey, my cycle looked like crap and I disagreed with FF but it all worked out, so don't lose hope!!

Shambaby-Good for you, PMA all the way, it will keep you sane over the next few days. Also, I am so jealous of your PJ day!! I wish I was doing that today, hope the day of relaxation takes some stress off; your chart still looks great!

Foxy-Looking good! And I totally agree with you about POAS during the 2ww. I hate a negative pregnancy test, I let my test date come and go last week because I couldn't face it! Now, on the other hand, I can't stop POAS *sigh* I think HPTs are costing me more in pregnancy than they were before!

Fifi-Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, hopefully you will feel better in enough time to catch that egg this weekend! Good luck hun, we are rooting for you!! Hope the accu works wonders!!

Pichi-Stay positive, I hope it flies! CD25 is looking great for O!!!

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