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Oh and my breasts leaked on monday. Anyone ever heard of this it was clear.
shannon, sorry about the temp dip. any signs of af? you know it's not over til she arrives, don't you. it could be a random blip. see what happens tomorrow. also, can you get a better brand of test? sorry i can't help on the leaking breasts, but hormones are usually responsible for that kind of stuff. hope it's a good sign. :dust:
shambaby did frer and clearblue frer negative (but didnt work for my son either) clearblue looked like in was filling in at top.

Edit : no sign of Af again! 2 cycles now.
Oh and my breasts leaked on monday. Anyone ever heard of this it was clear.

Normally clear leakage from the breast is called Colostrum which I'm sure you know all about. Some women experience it from as early as 8-12 weeks of pregnancy while others experience leaking Colostrum during late stages of pregnancy to after the delivery of their baby.

However if you have breastfed its normal to have small amounts milk/Colostrum for well over 4 months to 4 years after you finished breastfeeding.

My son is 9 this year and I have never stopped producing Colostrum. Weird. Though normal and I only leak tiny tiny amounts maybe once or twice a month.
Oh and my breasts leaked on monday. Anyone ever heard of this it was clear.

Normally clear leakage from the breast is called Colostrum which I'm sure you know all about. Some women experience it from as early as 8-12 weeks of pregnancy while others experience leaking Colostrum during late stages of pregnancy to after the delivery of their baby.

However if you have breastfed its normal to have small amounts milk/Colostrum for well over 4 months to 4 years after you finished breastfeeding.

My son is 9 this year and I have never stopped producing Colostrum. Weird. Though normal and I only leak tiny tiny amounts maybe once or twice a month.

I find that very interesting. I breastfed. My son is over 7 and I have never leaked in my life since they dried up with him. So now I need to go to the doctors.
Btw thanks ladies for all the support before, actually on the 19th of Jan was the day my mother died and my friend called me and said some real stupid things. She mentioned that she read my status on facebook and commented on my mothers passing and she asked me if I could change the date to be more positive about it, I told her that I don't get sad about it because my mother died in a car crash when I was 6 (I was in the car).

She then went to say that I shouldn't think about her on the day and I said to her that I can't change the day my mother died its an event that happened and I like to remember her on this day and her reply was "yes you need time to feel sorry for yourself"... Eh hold up... Not once have I ever felt sorry for myself that my mother had died the only things I have felt is deep sorrow and soulful questions about what happened to my mother after she died and at what moments were her last breaths and of course what death is like...

I told her that and said that DH got me some flowers and she said "now you're making me miss having a partner" to which I just hung up the phone. It seems like she is testing my limits, her tone was really short as well.

Anyway DH has put distance between them I just need to do the same because she seems to be calling my phone asking questions about him because he hasn't replied to a few emails.

Everyone's chart is looking so great!! Seems like most of you are on the 2ww!!!

I'm not due to ovulate for a few more days.

bernina - sorry AF came :hugs: but as the other ladies had said before that its wonderful that you have a plan and that its all in the works. Thanks for all the support you really deserve your little angel.

shaerichelle - I wouldn't worry too much about going to the doctors unless it keeps recurring, its painful, itchy or discolored. But if its something that you're worried about then by all means you should see your GP. It could be a good sign though!! Fx for you.
Oh Foxy, I love all of those names!! How cute that we both like Jack. My papa's name was John but everyone called him Jack (he was Papa Jack to the grandkids). He passed away 2 years ago and I really would love to use that name. Funny thing is that his wife my Nana was named Elizabeth (we called her Nana Betty though) and that's also a name I love, so if I get lucky enough to have a boy and girl someday they could both be named after my grandparents. Your chart continues to look amazing, I am having such a good feeling for you this go around!!!

Hi Ablacketer, hope your dr appointment goes well today, please keep us posted on the outcome. My doctor also through the Clomid word out to me but I'm really hoping the surgery, acupuncture and TCM will help it not to be needed. I really don't know much about it but have heard it does increase your odds of multiples a bit. My sis in law was on something like that (not sure the exact drug) and she did have twins. It was originally triplets but one ended very early on. She had actually stopped taking the medicine a bit before getting preg, but obviously it was still in her systems because triplets are not common naturally. This is definitely something you should discuss with your doctor if you decide Clomid is for you. I heard it can also dry up your fertile cervical mucus so many take expectorants to help fix that (with good results).

Mystic, yep I plan to keep temping this cycle, if only to see what effect the bcp's have. It's been a very odd cycle so far. Yesterday my temp dropped dramatically (same as at the end of last cycle) but I only had spotting with a few (tmi coming next) small pieces of red tissue. No heavy bleeding, nothing bright red, so I'm not sure what to make of it. I told the acupuncturist that my period seemed to be fighting to come out so she did some treatment to help bring it on. I took my first bcp yesterday as instructed, thinking it was the first day of my period, but now I'm wondering if I messed up. This is going to sound so wrong, but I'm going to jump DH tonight and make him do the BD with me to see if we can knock things loose :) Oh look what ttc has turned me into!!! :) Hope things are continuing to go well with you and your little bean!!!

Shambaby, like you've already noticed, the temp drop was not much at all and could be caused my normal day to day fluctuations. Day 13 and temps still nice and high, I'd say you've got a great shot this month, especially with your BD schedule!!!

Welcome Stacie! I'm also seeing an acupuncturist and loving it so far. Have you taken a look at the TCM post also in the TTC section of this board? Lots of good info on there. I had the most wonderfully relaxing session yesterday, it came just when I needed it most. I always love to hear what others think of acupuncture and what their experiences are like, so it would be great if you could post some info here or on the TCM post. Best of luck with charting, I think you'll get addicted to it quickly!!

Hi mini!!! I hope things continue to go well for you, how are you doing??

Shannon, oh honey, I just wish you could get some answers one way or another soon. Of course while I hope for a BFP for you that is just being shy about showing up on a test, I also just wish that AF would come so you could get on with your cycle and start fresh. Have you been to the dr for a blood test, do you have any plans of going? Since you said the test sticks didn't work for your soon, perhaps a blood test is the only thing that will work for you in the early stages. I hope you find some answers very soon, you so deserve to at least know what is going on with your body. :hugs: to you!!!

Aww Moochcha, I'm so sorry to hear that your mother passed away when you were so young and in such a tragic way. And I'm also sorry that your so called friend first gets a bit too attached to your DH and now is being completely insensitive and selfish over your loss. Just from those two instances alone I would say she is not a true friend and needs to work on whatever it is that is causing her to act this way. I would continue to distance yourself from her until she gets herself in a better place. You need positive people in your life right now and she seems to only cause stress and anger.
Anyone care to vote on my chart?

I've had a dip yesterday though am not sure if it would be too early for implantation?

I voted "Possibly Promising". It looks like mine did at that stage :flower:
moochacha, i'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. i can't believe those things your 'friend' said - she clearly has some issues of her own she needs to sort out before interacting with other poeple. of course you will - and should - grieve for your mother, and the anniversary of her passing is a natural time to do that. it sounds like a good idea to put some distance between you, particularly after she was so weird with your dh. who sounds absolutely lovely by the way. :hugs:

bernina, thanks for the pma. actually, i'm trying desperately to not get my hopes up, but i just can't help it. i feel lousy, my tummy feels odd and my boobs are getting more and more tender. i'm starting to convince myself we've done it this month, but at the same time i'm sure all my hopes will be dashed when af arrives at the weekend. i want to know NOW *stomps feet in a childish, stroppy kind of way* hope your af gets her act together so you can get on with preparing yourself for your surgery.

Hi Crossroads, congratulations on your BFP and continued health and happiness for the remaining months of your pregnancy!!
moochacha. some people dont understand until they have lost a parent. My ex husband used to be mean to me when I would cry about my dad. Im not worried about it. Just never had it until now which is weird. :hugs:

Bernina thank you. I hope I get some answers soon. I hope AF comes or a BFP by Monday. If not then we will see where I will go from there. :hugs:

I am having low back pain, uterus pain and just had some pinkish cm. none of these occur before af. Matter of fact I am dry days before af so bad it hurts. the last time I had a temp dip like this. CD 50. I had bowen therapy the day before. So I had bowen therapy yesterday and might have cause the temp dip. Im guessing.
I voted "Possibly Promising". It looks like mine did at that stage :flower:

Thank you for voting :)

I know that it is probably still quite early at the moment to really tell but am really enjoying doing the charting and getting to know more about my body.

Hopefully in a few days when I have more information more people will be able to give their opinion.

I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy :hugs:
Hi Ladies

How frustrating, I haven't been able to get on here at work today! It's just not on!

bernina - how lovely that you can use your grandparents name. I am going to use my grandad's name (George) as a middle name :)

moochacha - sorry to hear of your tragic loss. If I were you I would ditch the bitch! Sorry, but that is no way for a friend to be acting. You seem like far too nice a person to be dealing with all of that.

Shazza - I voted possibly promising :)

Shannon - hope your body starts to play ball soon, either way, so you can stop living in limbo.

As for me, not much to report. I felt kinda like I do on the day AF is due, first thing this morning, but that seems to have subsided. Not really much going on, other than the continued light headedness / headachey type symptoms. Pretty hungry! Still getting the odd sensation in my hip bone area.

I noticed that although my temps are a lot higher this cycle, they are following a similar pattern to my other ones :dohh:Tomorrow, I think will be the telling point temp wise. Gonna wrap myself up in a ski suit and sit by the radiator all night! :haha:

Mystic - how is everything with you?

Welcome newbies and hello to anyone I have missed :)
hey foxy how are you doing today?

kinda gutted my temp went down a bit today :( hope it goes up again tomorrow morning
Hey pichi

I'm doing ok thanks.

Don't worry about that temp dip, it's still above your coverline and I'm sure it'll be back up tomorrow morning :)
Hello I am being useless at keeping up with the posts.
Moochacha I guess you and I will be ovving around the same time, I'm only a day ahead of you! Sorry to hear what your "friend" is being like, how awful. Also sorry for your loss x
Shannon sorry your body is still messing you around. How did the doctors go? Are they checking your prolactin levels? That can cause lactation but it can also mess with your cycle.
Shazza I voted too early to tell, but that could be an implantation dip.
Stace- Welcome! My acupuncturist also got me to chart, it's funny how quickly it becomes part of your normal routine
Bernina you made me laugh with the comment "I'm going to jump DH tonight and make him do the BD with me to see if we can knock things loose" It's always a good way to get AF to arrive, or put beautiful new undies on, why not do both?! I'm sure AF will be battering your door down in minutes!
Foxy - still got my fingers crossed for you!

As for me, ov is due in the next few days, had acupuncture today which chilled me out a lot and reduced my pain a lot, she said something though that she would rather I focused on reducing my pain rather than putting so much emphasis on conceiving, not sure what I think about that. I suppose if my endo improves then conception will be easier. She said to think that I will get pregnant by the end of this year!!! Hmmm, we'll see how that goes, I guess putting less pressure on myself is good.
ah fifi-folle i forgot you had acupuncture. its quite relaxing isnt it?

thanks foxy, i hope it is. i have been getting acid reflux again today - not fun. ontop of that my nipples are getting more and more sensitive (tmi) not sure if i am just going to be prone to getting that during and around OV -shrug-
Fifi, glad the acupuncture is relaxing you, that's a perfect state to be in for the upcoming BD race and implantation!! Is your endo very severe? What are your main symptoms (if any) besides the bad pain? Are you taking any TCM herbs?

Pichi, hope the acid reflux goes away. That's interesting about your nips being sensitive around ovulation, but I guess all those systems are related. I used to get swollen and tender boobs a few days before AF and since the chemical I don't get any signs. That's what kind of scares me to think my body is not doing what it should from a hormone perspective.

On a positive note went to the loo and there was a lot more red coming out, still not exactly like my usual first day of AF, but at least it's something!
yeah, i never got sore nips when i was on the pill but after coming off the pill i seem to get very sensitive around OV. did last month too up till a few days before AF. Woke up this morning and felt like i had done a round at the gym too - was very strange

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