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bernina - how lovely that you can use your grandparents name. I am going to use my grandad's name (George) as a middle name :)

We have decided if we have a boy we are going to use OHs mums maiden name (Andrews) as his middle name as she passed away a few years ago so we thought it would be nice to use it.

Thank you all for voting :flower:

I've been having some major cramps this afternoon, they've been pretty much constant and mild for the last couple of days but this afternoon I had a couple of real stabbing pains in the lower left hand side of my abdomen. Also had a weird taste in my mouth - not metallic but definitely not normal :wacko:

The worst thing is I've had a major breakout of spots also on my lower jawline on the left hand side. I know that they are relating to hormonal changes as I was told that when I had a skincare consultation with a dermatologist a while ago.

Am keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed that these are good signs :thumbup:
Fifi, glad the acupuncture is relaxing you, that's a perfect state to be in for the upcoming BD race and implantation!! Is your endo very severe? What are your main symptoms (if any) besides the bad pain? Are you taking any TCM herbs?

Pichi, hope the acid reflux goes away. That's interesting about your nips being sensitive around ovulation, but I guess all those systems are related. I used to get swollen and tender boobs a few days before AF and since the chemical I don't get any signs. That's what kind of scares me to think my body is not doing what it should from a hormone perspective.

On a positive note went to the loo and there was a lot more red coming out, still not exactly like my usual first day of AF, but at least it's something!
My endo is pretty severe I have it on both ovaries, pelvic wall, pouch of douglas(between uterus and rectum), bladder, pretty much everywhere. My right ovary is tethered to my pelvis with adhesions from endo and burst cysts. The endo has been lasered off twice but keeps coming back. I also suffer from cysts on my ovaries (right one mainly but last month the left one decided to join in). I had symptoms for years but the past 18 months it has been unbearable (not able to work, on painkillers on a daily basis - that sort of thing). We have been told to have a child while we still can, but will probably need IVF to do so. Hence the acupuncture and chinese herbs (don't know which ones though one of the acupuncturists I see is also qualified in herbs so she blends them for me) I am classified as damp with blood stagnation, sounds so appealing doesn't it! My main symptoms are constant pain (due in part to adhesions), stabbing pain from cysts, pain walking (500m is my max), tiredness, disturbed sleep, painful intercourse, back pain, sciatic pain, hormonal hell, mittelschmerz, spotting before period (also used to have spotting after sex but op has sorted that at least!), urine tests often show blood as I think I have endo in my bladder. It's rubbish. Hopefully getting pregnant will give me a break from the symptoms and hopefully the endo won't be as bad after baby is born.

congrats on your period starting more. It is possible the acupuncture has altered your cycle slightly. I have found my periods a bit better since starting herbs and acu (fresher, lighter and less clotty)

Pichi sorry your nips are driving you mad!
Glad your acu went well Bernina!!

Foxy!! I'm not going to say it again but you know what I'm thinking!!! lol

Hi ladies.

I'm 2 days late for AF now, but had a neg 2 days ago...Stillllll waiting!

For those of you that temp, or know about temp'ing..I have a quick question.

I sometimes wake up about an hour before the alarm goes off..I just wake up, I don't get up and walk around or anything.just turn around and go back to sleep..then in an hr-ish, the alarm rings and I take my temp then. Is that the wrong thing to do? Will it affect the reading at all? I only ask because my temp has been exactly the same for 3 days in a thought that was odd.

Ooo that's a good question PeaceLove, I do that alot! Edit, do you have a bbt thermometer?

Also I have another question, who has paid for VIP FF and why? What do you think of it compared to the complimentary one?

:hugs: for Bernina and Fifi.
Sorry things aren't becoming clearer for you Shannon.

:dust: To my 2ww friends. :dust:

Me, my chart is still a monitor display, (which is why I'm considering a short FF upgrade so I can have a play). I have all the same 'symptoms' as around this time last cycle so obviously my body reacts to progesterone in this way. They are bowel issues with wind, nausea, constipation and a tender tummy, a sinus headache, spots, feel greasy, sensitive nipples and icreased bb size. My mood swings are definately worse though, and my bbs are itchy.
Sorry in advance if this post is choppy. I had a reply all typed up and then for some reason my browser changed pages and I lost it all!

Oh fifi, I had no idea just how much pain you were in, what a rough ride you have had! So is it mainly because of the ovarian cysts that they recommend IVF for you? It's good that you're getting TCM and acupuncture, I have heard of so many sucess stories when combined with IVF. WHEN you get pregnant, is the pregnancy expected to help lessen the pain of the endo and then after delivery does it reduce the chances of the endo growing back? I thought I had heard about that somewhere. :hugs:

Fish, I can't wait to hear how that scan goes!!!! I want pictures please!!

SmileyShazza, those are some great symptoms you are having, can't wait to see what the next few days look like on your chart!!!

PeaceLoveBaby, awesome news on being late. Don't let the previous BFN get you down, sometimes it just take a bit to show up. Fingers crossed for you!!!

Oh about your temping question, I do the same thing and have often wondered if I'm doing it wrong. I have my alarm set at 7am each morning but sometimes will wake at 5 or 6 and roll over a few times and then eventually fall into a mild sleep. Usually if I wake up earlier than 6:30 I go back to sleep but if it's 6:30 or later I just take my temp then. Curious to hear what others have to say on the subject.
I actually don't have a bbt thermometer. *blush* I know I SHOULD..but just haven't bought one yet. Just have a regular digital from the chemist here. I need to order a bbt from online, cuz can't seem to find them in stores here.

I'm also thinking of upgrading. Good question!
haha fish&chips, I know exactly what you are thinking..... and I so hope you are right! :)

peace - I can't give you a definite right answer, but if you are literally just rolling over and not doing anythign else, then I would say that this is fine. What I tend to do if I wake up slightly early, is take my temp quickly, go back to sleep and then temp again at normal time just to double check. Mine are almost always exactly the same :)

fairy - chart is looking nice :) some good symptoms there too. Looking forward to watching things progress over the next week.
I actually don't have a bbt thermometer. *blush* I know I SHOULD..but just haven't bought one yet. Just have a regular digital from the chemist here. I need to order a bbt from online, cuz can't seem to find them in stores here.

Does it have a decimal point?
I like the upgraded FF as it gives you so many things to play around with and gives you are really good idea of what your body does at each stage of your cycle :)
I actually don't have a bbt thermometer. *blush* I know I SHOULD..but just haven't bought one yet. Just have a regular digital from the chemist here. I need to order a bbt from online, cuz can't seem to find them in stores here.

Does it have a decimal point?

Yes it does. Only to the tenths instead of the hundredths though. And it's in C instead of F like I'm used to!

So it's 36.3, or 36.4, for example.
Thanks fairygirl. Not getting my hopes up though, as AF has a habit of jumping up and biting me on the arse!
Does it have a decimal point?

Yes it does. Only to the tenths instead of the hundredths though. And it's in C instead of F like I'm used to!

So it's 36.3, or 36.4, for example.[/QUOTE]

Right, so I guess your temps could be fluctuating a little within the hundredths. I have seen some charts with straight line temps.
fish&chips - good luck at your scan tomorrow. Bet you can't wait :)
Foxy your chart really IS beautiful!!! (from the tiny bit I've studied about it so far) :D GL hun
I decided to pay for the VIP option for 3 months as I wanted to really use the FF charting to see what my cycle was going to do this month as it is the first full one since our loss. I am actually really glad that I did as it does have some really useful extra features that have been a great help.

I quite often wake up before my alarm as I wake up at least a couple of times in the night. I tend to take my temp when I wake up and then take it again at the correct time. My thermometer saves the last two readings so it is quite handy. As Foxy says they are usually pretty similar.

Am really looking forward to seeing what my temperatures do over the next few days :)
Think I'll see if I can hold out on the upgrade for another couple of days, I want to get a better picture of my cycle. Really wanna use the compare charts tool.
Thanks for all the input! You all are amazing.

Smiley, good luck this cycle! I'll be watching and hoping for ya :D

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