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fairygirl, you need lots of fluids (water or fruit juice preferably) and plenty of fruit and veg. oranges, i think, are particularly good at, um, loosening things up! not sure the shreddies will be that helpful, although you do need to make sure you get plenty of fibre. hope you feel better soon (unless of course it's a symptom . . . )

good luck for testing next week :dust:
Thanks for your hugs girls, could do with it this month for some reason. The endo is really bad and has really affected my life and theoretically pregnancy should help, certainly whilst pregnant the endo should stop spreading, afterwards there's a chance it may stay dormant. The cysts are definitely a problem but also even the deposits of endo release hormones which impeed conception, then there's the risk of endo on my tubes blocking them. I try to downplay my pain because it's not healthy to focus on that, I try as much as possible to get on with life as normal (bit difficult when I can only walk 500m before I get in agony). But on to brighter note...
Bernina glad acupuncture is working for you, I guess you started it at the right point in your cycle and it has encouraged a nice fresh, juicy lining, once you have your op of the septum you'll be in great shape to conceive!!!
Going to try and get bding today and tomorrow, lost the obsessiveness this month, pah, need to get back to it!!! Due to ov tomorrow so fx.
Will try and get to personals later.
fifi-folle i wish you the best of luck hun.:hugs: i just noticed your from Scotland too - where about are you?

well, temp is back up to 36.70'c yay :happydance: acid reflux has seemed to have gone but has been replaced with a thumping headache and horrible pulling pains downstairs :wacko:

Day off today so i can just sit and do nothing :coffee:
Yay Pichi enjoy your day off! Good that the reflux has gone, hopefully these are v early preg symptoms for you! Although looking at your chart it's a bit too early to tell I would say.
I'm in Edinburgh, how about you?
well the achey legs is a new thing for me. i feel like i said earlier, like ive done a round at the gym haha. it's not as bad today but i can still feel it... never mind. i don't want to get my hopes up or anything. although i have been having a sneaky peek at others pregnant charts online :blush:

i'm further north than edinburgh. im in a wee village north-east of Dundee
Shazza, how strange, they are exactly the crystals on my windowsill!

Lets hope they work :thumbup:

7dpo today and I am feeling really positive today.

This morning having really strong cramps which are a little uncomfortable. I’ve have gone to have my usual daily cup of tea upon getting to work this morning, took a sip and it turned my stomach. I’ve been feeling a little sick all morning too.

My temps have risen steadily since my dip two days ago and seem to be going in the right direction, it’s just whether they start to come down again towards the middle of next week.

Need the loo for about the 4th time this morning! I really hope these are positive signs……must NOT get too excited though!

to all!
SmilingShazza-Temps are looking great today!

PeaceLoveBaby-FX'd for you, you're not out yet!

Callie-You definitely o'd by the looks of your chart so far. I'm still maintaining CD19/20 you can draw in your own crosshairs for the day you think is most likely. Good luck in your 2ww!

Fairy-:hugs: So sorry hun! My first chart was an utter mess as well. It had me down with an 8 day luteal phase and dashed crosshairs, but now that Ive charted a few, I don't think that chart was correct at all! I have my FX'd for this cycle, but if you do start a new one, you'll see that the 2nd one should be better.

Shambaby-One more day, and temps are still sky high!! I'm hoping this is it for you!

Fifi-It's heartbreaking to hear what a rough time endo is for you. I also hope that you will get preggo soon so that you can have some relief from your symptoms. You have a great attitude despite your hardships, get bding and catch that egg this time round.

Foxy-temps are still looking awesome, 3 days til testing! Can't wait!!!
Ooh Pichi I grew up outside Dundee, in Monifieth to be precise. I moved when I was 13 though. But my folks are moving back up there later this year.
doc says all my blood work looks good. he thinks our problem may be either I have scarring from my IUD (I had the copper one in for four years and had it removed due to the amount of pain it was causing me) or its mechanical. My uterus is tipped and leans to the left, also (Im guessing) due to two previous deliveries, my cervix sits a bit low even when its high. there is still half a finger length of canal behind it. He is doing some research but said I probably have two options 1. get my uterus scoped to check for scarring and have a d&c if its there or 2. use clomid and a fertility clinic.

I spoke with a guy at work who has gone through the same with his wife. they are using clomid and the clinic. He provides his specimen and they sort out the "bad" ones and put them directly into his wife's uterus. Our insurance will cover the meds but not the procedure and the procedure is costing him $400 each time. My hubby and I want to rule out the scarring, but we are pretty sure this is the route we will choose.

Thanks for caring :)

on a side note, check out my chart... super weird. my temps are all over the place and I have lots of creamy CM this morning when I usually have eggwhite by now. Im confused! My lower tummy is achey too!
Rawr, I've started the brown spotting :( AF must be on her way!

That's ok though..I was waiting very very impatiently for her to show so I could start all over lol.

GL to the rest of you! Fx'd as always <3
Shannon, sorry AF got you but also glad that cycle is over. Here's hoping this cycle is plain sailing!
Shambaby, I know exactly how you are feeling. Towards the end of my cycles I just dread going to the bathroom in case I see blood. It's the worst feeling and I swear the only time I can actually relax when using the restroom is during AF herself. The other times I'm so afraid to see midcycle spotting or dreaded AF herself. Best of luck to you, I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds. I have everything crossed for you!!! Your chart is sure looking promising!!

Good luck with the BD fifi!!! I really commend you for trying not to dwell on the pain and let it rule your life when it would be so easy to just give in. You are definitely a strong person and I really hope your BFP comes along soon and that it has the added bonus of providing you with relief.

Pichi, temps continue to be nice and high, looking good!!!! Enjoy your day off today!

SmileyShazza, your chart continues to look great and those symptoms could be very promising!!!

PeaceLoveBaby, grrr sorry that it seems the witch is coming, but here's to a fresh cycle of trying for us both!!

Shannon, I never thought I'd say this but I am so relieved that AF finally showed her ugly face for you. At least this way you know where you stand in your cycle and can get ready for a fresh try.

Ablacketer, Glad the blood work is normal but sorry to hear about the possible scarring and pain that the IUD caused you. When I told a good friend that I was having my uterine septum removed and how the surgery was similar to a D&C, she said she heard lots of success stories where women got a D&C and then got pregnant within the next 2 cycles, just something about it seems to clear the way and make room for baby. So perhaps having the uterus scoped and a D&C would possibly jump start things for you. I'm trying to avoid Clomid at all costs by doing TCM and acupuncture, but I'm also impatient and don't know that I can wait around for too long without jumping on the Clomid wagon. I just want results!! If you want I will let you know how my surgery went and if you have any questions maybe I can help to answer them. I know mine isn't exactly a D&C but they will be going in the same way and using a scope as well. That's wonderful that your insurance will cover the cost of the meds to do IUI, that's better than most. And I know $400 is a lot of money, but honestly with what I've heard from other people, that's a pretty good price for IUI. When do you think you'll make a decision about what to do next?

Oh Foxy, where are you? I need to pull up an old post so I can check out your temp today!!! I'm so excited for you!!!
Hope you are ok Shannon. :hugs: I've cleared some of my stomach ache, full of wind and some waves of nausea, I wish I could say this was a symptom but it happened last cycle too especially when I got nervous over ttc. Oh I'm much chirpier today which is good!
Hi Fairy! Glad to hear that you're in a happier mood today and feeling better :) Plus it's Friday and that's always a good thing.
Here's my chart link :) Catch up later girls xx
Awesome Foxy!!! Your chart is the prettiest I have seen!!! I just know good things are coming your way!! Hope all is well!!
Thanks bernina - I have had a nightmare day here at work. In 30 mins, I am going upstairs to work with the mental health team for a few hours on top of my 8 hour day! I am their administrator during the day, but do extra clinical shifts with them on the weekends. Tonight they are short staffed, so I have offered to help out!

Silly old me!

Will catch up with all you lovely ladies later on

Shannon - sorry AF got you, however am pleased that your nightmare cycle is finally over and you are ready to start another one :)
Foxy- start another nightmare, lol.. seems it! This ttc is so difficult.
Af is killing me today. Advil doesnt do anything for me anymore:(

Fairy I am okay:hugs: I cried a little last night. Hubby is so good he held me and he said he was sad too. He never expresses his feelings.

Bernina- I am excited now too. I wasnt yesterday, but to finally have a fresh start!

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