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OK Ruby, I input those temps on to my chart, and visually, yes, I'd say that it looks good for O on CD13.
Thanks heaps mysticdeliria, I really appreciate your help!
I am just building my chart now & will eventually figure out how to post it on here!
Congrats on the HPT+!

Fish, the little one is adorable! Congratulations, I am so so so happy. The scan must make it feel finally real!!!

Shambaby, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I'm so doing the happy dance for you over here :happydance::happydance:!!! I think there really may be something to being a bit ill around ovulation/implantation, those are the conditions I got my first BFP under!!! (Note to self: find someone ill to expose myself to after ovulation next cycle...)

Mystic, I'm sending extra doses of sticky glue your way to keep that little bean snuggled in super deep. Your temps are looking awesome still so I think you just have a shy bean! Best of luck with your tests and hope that yeast infection goes away quickly (are you allowed to take anything to treat it)?

Welcome Jaimie!! Can't wait to see that chart of yours!

SmileyShazza, I will feel the same way as you when I get my next BFP. It won't feel real until I see the little one on the screen with a heartbeat. It will happen for both of us soon!!!

Danielle, your chart is looking absolutely lovely!! Can't wait to see what the next 5 or so days have in store for you!!! Sticky glue!! (we really need an icon for sticky glue!)

Foxy, your chart still amazes me, those temps are looking beautiful! Definitely much too early to trust a hpt, so don't you even worry about that. As long as those temps stay high you are still so in the running!! Hugs to you, I know negative tests are discouraging, but it's just too soon to put any stock in them. My plan (not sure I can actually stick to it, but it's still my plan) is to wait 1 full week after longest LP to test. That's what I did with 2nd BFP so I *think* I have the willpower to hold out.

Welcome Tierney, babyhopes10 and jopascoe!!

Staceiz, I would add it as spotting to your chart.

Shannon, so sorry to hear what you're going through :hugs: I would also agree that temps could remain a bit high after a chemical, just as your body returns to normal.

Hi Ruby, Mystic gave you great information. I would suggest joining Fertility Friend (it's free) and inputting those temperatures to see what they look like on a chart. It really helps when you can see them visually. If you already have a charting site then go ahead and add a link to your chart in your signature so we can all stalk you :) Opps, just read your update so ignore what I typed, sounds like you're working on it now!

To the rest of the lovely ladies on this thread I hope wherever you are at in your cycle that things are going well. Lots of hugs and sticky glue to those in the 2ww and baby dust to those about to ovulate!!!!
Hi ladies, I'm not really new to charting but could use some help with mine though. Could someone look at mine and tell me what you think off the second dip in my temp this morning, is it a good thing or bad? Thanks all.
Hi ladies, I'm not really new to charting but could use some help with mine though. Could someone look at mine and tell me what you think off the second dip in my temp this morning, is it a good thing or bad? Thanks all.

opps I forgot my link
Thanks so much for your answers mystic and fifi.

I cant believe my AF is almost already over. Its definitely shorter than normal.
Hullo again!

I need to get a' postin' so that I can put a link to my chart in my signature! I am now on CD 7 and I've had very consistent temps all week. Being on these threads and using Fertility Friend have definitely given me a lift after 8 cycles of trying. I had a massage this morning to help me relax in preparation of ovulating next weekend.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences and questions- it is helping out quite a bit!

Best wishes,

Thanks Bernina. I hope they gone down soon. Feeling the symptoms a little still is enough.
Another quick thought- I should probably figure out how to convert my fahrenheit temps to celsius- lots of gals from across the pond on here!
Jaimie, if you use fertility friend there is a button folks can use to convert to F or C, so just do in F and they can see in C when they want to analyze.

Shannon, glad AF seems to be on the way out!!

Welcome Becca, the second dip could just a fluke, could be ID, or it could mean AF is on her ugly way. One temp by itself really doesn't mean much until you notice a trend. Looks like you're 8 dpo so that's prime time for ID and too early for AF based on your previous cycle. Can't wait to see what the next few days bring for you.
Morning Ladies,

OMG I've been out of town for a few days and soooo much to catch up...

First up CONGRATS!!!!!! shambaby :wohoo: You must be over the moon, I'm so happy for you.

Foxy!! Your chart is looking amazing!!! I have everything crossed for you.. "expect my legs" is what I remember you said to me when I was testing and you were ovulating. hehe

Fifi - We should sooo be ovulation buddies!!! I hope you're feeling better :hugs: and there's more of those! :hugs:

crossroads - Congratulations to you as well, though we have never exchanged posts lol sending you lots of sticky vibes...

Fish - OMG :wohoo: baby fish looks soooooooooooooo cute!!! Time is flying soon baby fish will be smiling up at you. Lucky thing!!! :hugs: :cloud9:

bernina - I didn't get a chance to catch up on all the posts but I think its this week you go for you operation? I'm sending you lots of PMA, love and well wishes! xox

Fairy - Your char is look good as well, nice high temp fx'ed for you.

Actually everyone in the 2ww looks good lol... Fifi and I will be joining you soon :p
Oh and I forgot, welcome all to all the new girls I look foward to stalking your charts and cheering you on for you :bfp: :hugs:
Hi moochacha! I know what you mean about catching up, I was away from the computer yesterday and came back to like 5 pages of new messages!!

Hope you are doing well, looks like you should be ov'ing any day now!! Keep up that BD'ing!!

Yep, surgery is Wednesday. I just can't wait for it to be over. I was just telling DH that I'm scared, but I suppose that's natural. I just have a fear of being put under (never been under before) but I know it's something that people go through every day and it's being done in a hospital so if something does go wrong help is very close by, that does make me feel better. I'm also happy that I have only 2 more stupid birth control pills to take, yeah!! Thanks for remembering!!
Dear ladies,

I'm new to charting - been doing it for just over a month now.
Came off BCP's, had withdrawl bleed, 28 day cycle, light period.
Now into my second cycle, have invested in OPK's. Got my LH surge on CD 15, but so far there's no ovulation picked up on my chart. I am totally confused and have no idea what's going on with my body.

Would it be OK if I added some of you on FF as a friend? I'd really like to compare my chart to yours and try to figure out just what the f's going on!!

Hmmmmmm massive temperature drop today so this leads to me to believe that maybe I should've used the second temperature yesterday :wacko:

Surely a massive temperature drop like that isn't going to be good news?

*wonders if the stupid :witch: is on her way*
I'm pretty sure I'm out. The high yesterday was a fluke. I'm probably sleeping with my mouth open so temps unreliable. Dull ache in tummy yesterday turning to mild cramps this morning. I won't be wasting a test on Wed :nope: AF will be visiting that morning I'd imagine.
hi - sorry to come in and post without reading ( i will catch up after i am home from work ^__^) but thought i'd say - my temps reached 37.01'c on the weekend!

foxy, have you tested yet?

hi to everyone else xx

have we had any :bfp:'s yet?
No more BFPs yet but I've ov'd! Got solid crosshairs once I put this morning's temps in! Of course it might not be right as my temps have been all over the place.
How are you Pichi?

C'mon foxy let's find your PMA again, your temps are still looking good!
Bernina hope Wednesday goes well I totally understand your nerves my first laparoscopy was my first ever op and I was soo nervous.
Moohacha looks like I've beaten you to ov!
Hello to everyone else x
Hi Ladies

Very quick post as at work - drop for me too today. Looks like a few of us may be in the same boat! Catch up later xx
hi girls, sorry i havent posted in a while, i have been trying to get ont this thread but it kept boting me off for some reason.

How are we all?

Foxy thats not a major drop. Lets hope you get another high tomorrow. Fingers crosses for you.

Shaz sorry that you think :witch: is loming. Finges crossed that she stays away for you.

My chart is looking fairly neat with some nice temps. im hoping they stay high for me to. Not really sure what im actually looking for but high is good right?


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