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Morning girls :) temp is up again :) I woke up early in the morn and realised it was far too early! I usually temp around 8. I woke up at 3am so, the temp I got then isn't what I'm using. Do you think that's fair enough?

temp at 3 in the morning : 36.75'c
temp at 8 in the morning : 37.02'c (this is the normal time that i test)
I think so Pichi, you've had a large block of sleep. Oops I need to focus on work now. So hard!
Very briefly as at work - expecting AF sometime between now and 2pm. She normally arrives around 10-10.30, so we shall see. I'm convince she will arrive. You know when you just feel it?! Nightmare. Not sure what to do re next cycle. :( Oh well. Will update later on and reply to all your posts :)

Fairygirl - I agree with FF that you are not as far along as 11dpo. Could be an ID!
girls im looking for some much needed advise please from you experts as its my first month charting. would someone please have a look at my chart for me. im 11DPO today my my temp tok a huge dp from 36.8 to 36.5. could this possibly be a ID at 11DPO or is it too late and should i expect AF in 6 days. PLease help me.

Very briefly as at work - expecting AF sometime between now and 2pm. She normally arrives around 10-10.30, so we shall see. I'm convince she will arrive. You know when you just feel it?!


I hope she doesn’t arrive Foxy. You’ve had a rise today and you’ve not gone below the coverline surely that’s a good thing?

I’m pretty fed up this morning in all honesty. My temperature went down again, am dangerously close to the coverline now plus when I got up this morning my mood has been terrible, and I mean terrible. Think this is probably my PMA turning into PMT (I get it quite badly) so am assuming that tomorrow my temperature is gonna go under the line and then the :witch: will show her stupid ugly face :cry:

A friend of mine announced that she is pregnant last night as well which I thought I’d dealt quite well with but this morning I burst into tears as soon as I got in the car and drove the whole way to work with tears streaming down my face. Pulled myself together but then started again once I got to my desk – had to spend 10 minutes in the toilets bawling before I regained my composure :cry:

I can’t help but think that should be me, I should be 22 weeks now. I stupidly thought that we would fall the first month after the mmc and now that’s looking like it isn’t going to happen. I don’t know what I’m going to do about next month either :shrug: all I want is a baby :cry:

Sorry girls I don’t mean to be so negative just really need a :hug: right now.
laura6914 anything from 6 - 12 days you can get a dip. if you get a dip later on though you wont be able to test and get a + till a little later on because implantation happened later if that makes sense? we have to see what happens tomorrow ^__^

SmileyShazza the worst thing about TTC is that you have to have patience.

remember though - the witch hasn't shown up so you are still in with a good chance. you're temp may just be a fluke and may rise again ^^ don't think about it like you have failed this month or, its all over because this month you didn't conceive. there is always next month. it takes an average of 6months to a year for 2 healthy partners to produce a babe so, you're still fine :hugs:

foxy - head up girl! you're temp is still rather high
thanks pichi hunny. If it is a ID does the temp shoot right back up or gradually ncrease so i know what im looking for? I have a 17day LP so im not due to test for 6 more days yet really. god this is sending me grey all this stressing and double guessing.
oh shazza hunny i know how you feel. I have my 21 year old sister tell me she thinks she is pregnant with her 3rd.I broke my heart all day yesterday. I feel your pain. :hugs: hunny.

i'm not sure in all honesty, i think it could do either - just as long as the temp is higher than the 'dip' temp if that makes sense? like it looks like i had a dip 7dpo but, i can't know for sure because i need more temps. lol
yours does look like a dip at 7dpo actually. finges crossed fr you hun. Im going through the FF chart gallery but cant find any chart with dips as late as mine. i hate all this waiting. It confused me cause say for arguments sake i have had an ID, then would it have occured yesterday as my temp was taken this morning? Am i being too techichal now. lol. xxx
erm, i think if this dip in your chart is implantation then it is happening around today. tomorrow you may see a rise in temp ^^ i will go and have a look at charts too for you. i found one where a girl had an ID at around 6DPO! i thought 8 was average...
i did find one on 11DPO but when i put ID in the specifics i honestly couldnt tell where some of the dips were on the chart. lol. god i feel like i wish the day away just to see what my temps does the next morning. Its really driving me nuts that its gone so low today. :sad2:

aw don't stress about it hunny. you still have a few days till AF so lets just see what your temp does tomorrow. i felt exactly the same as you yesterday and i got a surprise - you may be in for one too :D
thanks hunny. After 24+ monhs of disappointment i find it hard to look on the bright side. lol. Just praing that i do see a nice hgh rise tomorrow. at least a substantial rise. if its a meesley .1 degree i wont be getting excited. as its my first cycle charting i have no idea what im really looking for.

i don't really know what i am looking for either to be fair because this is just my 2nd month properly charting. i don't want to get all excited by all these weird and wonderful symptoms i seem to be getting but, there will always be a little part of you that does
i have been having some weird things too. Like last night i was on te phone to OH and i was getting weird feeling in my lower belly on the left side. It ws like a poking feeling, hard to exlain and now i have a heavy feeling in my tum. So now im like..... ooohhh it may b implanttion. i just allow myself to get too excited only for it to come crashing down on me.

hope this is our month hun. your chart is looking very good.

fingers crossed anyway. i also had the poking feeling in my left side, my legs also ache and have been getting sore heads - not to mention i'm always hungry! my nipples were quite throbbing after OV but, they've seemed to have died down now... hmm
was in my bed at 8:45pm last night too
god pichi you sound just like me. the top half of my legs ached last night and my nipples, well only my right one, tingled for a few days but thats gone now. i have also been in bed by 8 and sleeping by 8:30-9 for the past few nights which is so out of carachter for me. I hope these are good signs for us both.

oh wow. that's quite cool to hear :D your 3 DPO further than i am though... fingers crossed for us! have you checked your cervix by any chance? i know it changes all the time but i checked last time and it has Hard, and very high up :shrug: i don't usually check though
i did find one on 11DPO but when i put ID in the specifics i honestly couldnt tell where some of the dips were on the chart. lol. god i feel like i wish the day away just to see what my temps does the next morning. Its really driving me nuts that its gone so low today. :sad2:


You know laura taking a look at your chart in my opinion and I'm definitely not an expert but you could have also ovulated later like CD 14. Which would make that lovely temp drop an ID.

I'm not sure but CD 14 looks like an ovulation dip? What do you ladies think? Anyway your chart is looking great!!! So smile chicky you could pregnant yet! :flower:

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